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Everything posted by Tecumseh

  1. AI rudder settings incorrect?

    OK, extracted AircraftObject.ini & deleted all the f; remarks for ace,novice etc. Do I leave this file in the Objects folder? Or do i need to place it somewhere else?
  2. .INI Tweaks and Changes

    Widening field of view: Each aircraft should have xxx_cockpit.ini file (you might have to extract these) that has left and right view limits listed as MaxYaw= and MinYaw=. You need to copy it to its individual aircraft folder (so Objects\Aircraft\SE5a folder for SE5a_cockpit.ini). Thanks to TK for explaining this to me!
  3. Favorite Kites....

    I like the Pfalz DIII, and the SE5a. The SE is just such a nice airplane and its long time of service is impressive. Plus it has the speed even late in the war to run away. The combo of a vickers and a lewis gun is fun for some reason. Not an overly glamorous ride and not a beauty like I think the Albatross and both triplanes are, but a good solid friend for a pilot. The Pfalz also is just a nice plane to fly and I've done pretty well in it. Kind of has an identity to go with it being largely a Bavarian machine. The Nieuports are also fun. They are just so great for when you want to dance around the sky and really mix it up! The triplanes are exciting as well. Using they;re phenomenal climb i seem to get a lot of shots diving directly down on my opponents where I have a perfect top down profile view and shot- that's a lot of target to shoot at. I haven't even go into flying a lot of the planes I've downloaded yet, so I'm not sure my preferences will remain the same. But I'm really enjoying these WW1 kites. I'm looking forward to giving some of the pushers a go too. Just so many fascinating aeroplanes and so little time!
  4. Tryingt to get my hat switch to allow a front up view as opposed to the up view which is just straight up. Can anyone help me with this? I have gotton the front up view to work but want it to release to the regular cockpit view when i let off of the hat switch. Any pointers appreciated. T
  5. Tried it from in game - there is a front up view but it doesn't snap back to normal cockpit view. I also tried using one button on my stick for the number pad 5 up view it works for front left up for ex but couldnt get it for frontup. Will try some more when i get a chance. had it programmed before but cant remember how i did it. Doncha just hate that..

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