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Everything posted by Biggus

  1. SoW:BOB screens

    This looks fantastic. Every update I see or hear about makes me really itch to get my hands on it when it's complete and shipped.
  2. Australians - Get Screwed Again on L4D2

    This crap always happens to us. I don't think it'll ever change, either.
  3. Still haven't bitten the bullet on SF2I. SF2E is great, though!
  4. Does the Kfir feel much different to the Mirage III?
  5. AP-2H Neptune. Yes, only a few of them, but the missions they flew would be unreal to relive...
  6. EF-4C issue - in front of the cockpit there is a funny dot in midair.
  7. Thanks, Eric. I noticed the new skins. I'll have another play tonight. Can't believe that three or so days ago I couldn't fly an F-4 without bumping into three dozen J-6s, and lately I haven't spotted a single one.
  8. Wouldn't you know it? I haven't spotted a single J-6 in about three campaigns after pasting the Mig19S VPAF texture folder to the J-6 folder. So I still don't know if it is fixed yet.
  9. Yeah, all that I've found so far are skinned. Mind you, I did have to do a reinstallation. The first time, no VPAF a/c had skins at all. I'm about to test with the cut and paste mig19s vpaf silver folder to J-6 folder and see what happens.
  10. Well now I'm getting frustrated. Renamed mod folder, let game generate new mod folder, still no J-6 subfolders appearing. Will move the other folders now to the pilots folder. Have done the 'rename folder, regenerate mod folder' twice with the same effect. Is it possible to copy the Mig 19S and just rename the files just so I have a texture on the J-6s? Thanks for the help. :)
  11. Just reread the previous page. Yeah, three of those folders are where they should be - the LORAN, LORAN_dtis, and DRHAW folders. Not sure about the others. Still concerned that my install doesn't have any folders under the J-6 directory.
  12. The J-6 directory has only 3 files in it, the J-6.ini, J-6_data.ini and J-6_userlist.ini. Nothing else. No folders or anything. I hadn't noticed before, but there are some other weird things in my mod folder. I've got aCanberraSeat2, a DRHAW, an EG_Pilot1, a LORAN, a LORAN_dtis, a NorthropSeat, a PilotGear1, a RacksB, a Seat_f-104, a tiger01, a tiger02, a usafpilot01, a usafpilot02 and a Weber_Seat folder under my objects\aircraft folder. I'm guessing these aren't meant to be there, and I'm also guessing there should be more under the J-6 folder too, right? Any ideas, Eric? Thanks.
  13. Just did a fresh install of SF2V merged with SF2E. No textures on the J-6 Farmer C. Absolutely unbelievable work with this package. Have spent the afternoon flying F-4Js with VF-96 in Linebacker I. Good work.
  14. F-14 VS F-15

    These sorts of comparison need qualifications. I'd be more interested in a match up between those fighters and their supporting assets, which would probably be more indicative of effectiveness. F-14/E-2C/CBG vs F-15/E-3C? One on one, the F-14's better sensor range would probably mean that it would dictate the circumstances of the engagement, but that's pretty meaningless these days. When was the last US kill without AWACS?
  15. The US involvement might have something to do with the J79s.... If the French govt were involved, SNECMA engines wouldn't provide much in the way of deniability, being state-owned and all. I don't have an explanation for the Swiss engineer. Maybe he was arrested for something else and was offered a bargain in sentencing to be the fall guy for the whole deal?

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