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Everything posted by starfighter2

  1. МиГ-15 вот вам топик

    Krizis..... ОТЛИЧНО !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Xороший МиГ-15 :yes: Южная Осетия ест Россия :yes:
  2. At last - two seater :yes: Thank you very much
  3. Where is Wrench when you need him? Some Hangar and Loading screens will be nice :yes:
  4. "But i thought of sharing it, before it lasts forever alone on my HD! " Please do share some more stuff :yes: Nice job
  5. SLI in Blackshark

    Rgr that - my "advice" is related to all software that can use SLI
  6. SLI in Blackshark

    1. Low fps in Blackshark is more cpu related. 2. If you are running XP/Vista 32bit - in that case I wouldn't bother with that SLI setup - all that video ram(2x640Mb) will handicap your system ram if you'r running 32bit windows. I personaly tryed game on much faster proc with 64bit Vista and dual 9800 cards - there is a big difference in SLI mode. (my neighbour have a killer rig) :yes: EDIT > BTW that Q9550 is nice piece of hardware too.... use 64bit OS if you can, add another 2 Gb of system Ram (4Gb is more/less optimum in that case), rest stuff will be just fine
  7. File Name: Tu-95M (Alpha - AI only) File Submitter: starfighter2 File Submitted: 22 Nov 2008 File Updated: 23 Nov 2008 File Category: Soviet Aircraft and Variants This is ALPHA of Pasko's Bear. Please feel free to improve mod as much as possible. AI only - for now. Thx goes to Pasko, Pappy and yours truly. Special thx goes to MoonJumper /he knows why/ Cheers and good hunting. P.S> Please note (again) that this is ALPHA mod - still much work to do. When goes to payware - 3d will be changed a lot and virtual pit will be nice one :yes: Edit > ALPHA Version 0.95/1 some stuff are changed, added chaff/flares - in later years they had them, Jug lights, and Capun suggested me some changes. Thx guys, and thx goes to Gepard too - for his effort. This is still alpha release, so more changes needed to beta status. Pasko is in Europe, when back, he will make proper bomb-bay. Cheers - and thank you for your interest for this "target" :yes: Click here to download this file
  8. JH-7A BETA

    Hey Erwin, what's up with J-7G/B mod? BTW nice stuff :yes:
  9. Happy Birthday Kukulino!

    Happy Birthday my friend, best wishes, most important is health, for rest you will manage BTW I send to you ICQ greeting card last night See ya
  10. WOW - what a nice food for SuperBug Lookin' forward
  11. Terror In Mumbai!

    BTW I noticed a lot of outdated weapons (even bolt action old WWI/WWII British rifles) in Indian police hands, strange. Spec Ops have better guns - naturally
  12. Terror In Mumbai!

    If so, sadly they didn't know that will be attacks in the first place.
  13. Grey one !!! Now we talkin' - Thx for this one :yes:
  14. TU-95 Bear M

    "Tu-95M" - keeping the same folder name as earlyer kite is something that indicates - I was right regarding many things. Not suprised at all. Modell is not bad.
  15. We (Serbia) don't have much brains(proven in history many times) - so no valid plan (my fellow citizens will agree I think). No, MiG-21 can be used until end 2010 - after that - some WWI planes will be cool too. No money - no fighters. BTW - to buy new fighters in present political, economic etc. situation will be real waste of money. Who needs Army anyway here (Serbia again)? Police can take down terrorist they are well trained to do so.
  16. They say that J-22 model looks quite good, and I was saying that Ex-Yu mod overall sounds very depressive for me - still considering about participation. Happy now? :yes:
  17. Ma....bez veze....ali ipak> poznata silueta?
  18. Dosadni su sa ovim "nasim" modom, hmmm, mozda i ne budem ucestvovao u svemu ovome - isuvise depresivno,,,,bez veze

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