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Everything posted by starfighter2

  1. Pasko have excellent J-22, I need to "dust off" this mod
  2. Personally - I saw war up close and too personal(several times). Anything that don't kill you - make you a better men.
  3. MiG-29's was in very good shape back in 1999, trouble is (was) 9-12 MiG was proven as bad in A2A combat - very unreliable avionics systems in it, but as dogfighter - it was (and still is) dream plane. They could not stand a chance with enemy with 50:1 ratio in numbers - it was suicidal to take off and very brave at the same time. BTW - we had only 4 MiG-21MF - retired in 1994, rest of them was BiS planes.
  4. There was 16 migs 29 (14 + 2 seater) now - 5 EDIT > they were all in flyable conditions back in 90's
  5. Brain, Starfighter knows more for sure........ BTW I have some airplanes in works already
  6. Better pit (more detailed), or some free stuff will be AI only Better 3d modell (that does not mean low quality of free releases)
  7. I didn't hijacked your thread, just answered to "Thog10" member, and after that we all - hmmm - carryed away - a bit. I do like your work, and please continue to bring quality stuff. Thank you
  8. I think that new website will be simmilar as old one - MiGs Mostly
  9. Modells will work in all patched games - maybe not in FE only - it's a bit different, flaps are not implemented for example.
  10. Tu-95M(basic variant), Tu-126 (AEW&C) derivative of Tu-95, Tu-95KD.
  11. We will open new website. Second, we will continue to work on both - freeware and payware mods. WIP list...at moment: 1. MiG-21BiS (2 versions + SMT a bit later) - payware 2. Yak-38 - payware (all others listed bellow will be both - 2 versions - payware and freeware) 3. MiG-15 (Vanilla) 4. Tu-128 5. MiG-17PFM 6. MiG-19PM 8. Tu-95 (3 versions) 9. F-102A 10. MiG-21-93(2000/Lancer/Bison) 11. Mirage IV We have more then 30 modells in pipeline Cheers
  12. We will improve all that when Pasko get back from Europe, I need new lod and set of animations, I will ask him for simplyfied pit, and yes, after patch - some things are changed for prop planes, they are no longer "low speed jets" for game engine anymore - I suppose that TK entered(changed) some variables regarding props to use with new WOI addon - Suez
  13. Future payware Pasko's Bear have nothing to do with freeware release. It will have different modell-(superiour to existing one), FM (much better - hey I'm FM guy you know...etc). We released Bear in order to make one more "target" for people, and to be enough fun to shoot it down. Do you really think that Pasko and me (we are here very long time) will do such a thing - use people to improve our modells and then sell them to same people? No no, you don't know me that good my friend. When payware (BiS e.g.) will come out - it will be different story. We have too many modells in pipeline, and not enough time to finish them all, so you can expect more freeware releases like this in future. I can understand your potential "frustration" that we "beat you" in releasing Bear, but that was not intentional, this Tu-95 release was "last call" - it couldve been Tu-128, and have (again) nothing to do with "competition" at all. I suppose to be good guy - and always act like one. If you imagine me different - you are quite wrong. Cheers. BTW.......I don't care about money(have that enough already) and all payware stuff - that was Pasko's decision and he is my best friend - so I follow him, and if people will act in future like this, both of us can easy quit modding for good - in split second. We are all here one big community, and more modells we have - better.
  14. Well X-Ray - it's meant to be AI only - for now. Future releases will have much better FM, better (or improved existing) 3d modell, and of course pit. I'm considering to ask Pasko to make one "low level" pit for freeware release
  15. I will re-done FM these days, also - I'm working to adopt (with friends help) new LOD for plane to fix some issues
  16. not yet - we have plenty of time
  17. Yea, I'm looking forward to Veltro's kite too. :yes: and yea - M Bear have quite strong ECM - regarding AIM-7. Veltro have different modell - without probe and some other differences - so, we will have 2 different targets then.
  18. Yep, not finshed yet. Thx for your comments :yes: Right now - it's meant to be "target" and danger - 24 "carpet" of FAB250
  19. Yes we planned 2 versions and 2 type of releases - free and payware. This freeware version will be constant updated also, as time permits - do not worry about that. :yes: EDIT > We have several things "in pipeline" and not enough time to make complete all of them, so you can expect more "shareware" releases like Bear
  20. F-16 IRIAF

    Combat use of Venezuela kites > On 27 November 1992, two Venezuelan F-16s took part in the November Venezuelan Coup Attempt on the side of the government. In particular, the two F-16As strafed targets on the ground and shot down two OV-10 Broncos with AIM-9Ps and one AT-27 Tucano with cannon fire as these rebel-flown aircraft attacked loyalist army positions. Starting in 1997, a series of programs were implemented, aimed at fielding the LITENING laser designator and infrared navigation pod produced by Rafael in Israel; to replace the Litton AN/ALR-69 radar warning receiver with an enhanced Elisra SPS-2000 RWR also from Israel as well as installing the Litton LN-93 ring laser gyro. The Litening pod provided the FAV with a capability to use precision-guided munitions, such as the 500-pound GBU-12 and 1,000-pound GBU-10 laser-guided bombs and other PGM of Israeli manufacture that are now part of FAV's inventory. In a similar manner, Grupo 16 also acquired night vision capability for its F-16s, which encompassed installing cockpit and external lighting that is fully compatible with night vision goggles. FAV F-16`s were also updated to receive the Lima version of the Sidewinder missile to be used along the AIM-9P already in service. Another major program was the refurbishment of the F100-PW-200 engines to bring them up to PW-220E standard. The Litening pod and the NVG capability of the FAV F-16s account for the F-16s being called into night action to counter illegal border incursions and illegal incursions into Venezuelan air space. In the latter missions, the infrared capabilities of the Litening pod, designed primarily for air-to-ground use, provided the FAV with a useful instrument in the air-to-air regime as well because the system aids nighttime intercepts. Nevertheless, if Venezuela is "able" to sell the planes to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's regime in Iran, they will sold 21 planes which will rapidly become a world-class maintenance and logistical headache for their new owners. For instance, none of Iran's planes currently in service use the Pratt and Whitney F100 engine that the Venezuelan planes use. Nor does Iran have any aircraft that use the APG-66 radar on the F-16A. Iran could use rear-aspect Sidewinders from its F-5 force, along with 20mm cannon ammo from its force of F-4s, but when something on the airplane breaks, Iran will have to ground some planes for parts, and that means that 21 F-16s will quickly drop to a much lower figure – as past experience with Iran's force of F-5s, F-4s, and F-14s has shown. Venezuela could send over what spare parts and missiles (including older all-aspect AIM-9L Sidewinders), but the missiles will have a finite shelf life. Expired missiles are generally unhealthy for people who try to use them.
  21. F-16 IRIAF

    IIAF purchases 160 F-16A on October 27th 1976 with follow up order of additional 140, A total of 300 aircraft. Parts and maintenance equipment has arrived in Iran as early as 1978 and ground personnel had been given training, (Ground support equipment was later sold to Pakistan). However, new Government cancelled the order in 1979 before the schedule arrival of the first two F-16, later this cancellation effected the unit cost of each aircraft to a much higher price tag. But General Dynamics found a new buyer for Iranian F-16's, which was Israel's air force. An artist's rendition of Imperial Iranian Air Force (IIAF) F-16 fighter plane which in fact did not join the air force fleet because of the 1979 revolution. The plane is shown flying over a Zoroastrian landmark.

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