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Posts posted by MechaStalin

  1. Wow thats great! Is that a model of your own creation starfighter?

    I took a look at the thrust values in the data ini and doing a bit of math it seems there are in newtons? So i applied the thrust for the upgraded rd9 and the plane is even more fun and can accelerate and climb very well.

    However I was wondering how exactly is fuel use calculated? I didnt see anything obvious in the ini relating to fiel use other than the minimum fuel flow. Is it calculated automatically based off of thrust and other values? I wanted to make sure the fuel use was in line with the uprated rd9 engines but forgive me i dont know much about turbine engines and how they use fuel and what the values mean.


    Thank you for your help guys, this plane is turning out to be very fun to fly against technologically superior opponents.

  2. 3 hours ago, Gepard said:

    MiG-19R and MiG-19SF used IIRC the RD-9BF-811 engine.

    This engine had a military thrust of 29 kN and with afterburner 37 kN. The fuel consumption was 104 kg/kN*h dry and 169 kg/kN*h with afterburner. The engine weights 725 kg.


    Thank you so much for your help!

    If everything is ok with crediting the original authors I may upload the addon in a few days once I decide if im going to make a second version.

  3. Oh wow that is really cool! Im surprised ive never heard of this plane. My 3d modelling skills are very poor and I havent used them in a long time so I dont think I am going to make any model edits. Maybe I can use that engine though! I havent edited an engine in sf2 yet though.


    Btw when reading about the mig19 I noticed that the mig19r had an uprated engine. Does anyone have specs on how much more power that engine made? I was just thinking about ideas for the radar equipped version of this plane focused as more of a fighter/interceptor.

  4. Hi guys I havent done any modding for Strike Fighters 2 before but I was working on a little something here for personal use and thought id post about it. If there is demand id be happy to release it as long as paulopanz and the people credited in his readme are ok assuming I credit them too?

    On my facebook I have been running lets plays with some friends in strike fignters 2 where I modify the campaigns (also my first time doing that) and among adding new things use the knownace command to add them as max stat ai pilots in the squadron. We fly a mercenary squadron and everyone picks a plane and I take screenshots and do a write up of everyones exploits for that mission Its been a lot of fun.

    Ive started working on the campaign for the next one and after discovering all the area 88 skins here I decided to lean into the area 88 inspiration in the mercenary campaigns that and do an area 88 inspired campaign based in early 1980 for the lets play. (the ova shows shins contract dated april 79 iirc) its going to focus mainly on just dhimar and paran duking it out with largely older and outdated planes but with newer missiles available and only a very few modern fighters around like f14, mig23ml, f16a etc. Mostly stuff like mig 17 19 and some 21s, older mirages, f100s and f104s, f8s etc.

    I got the idea for Paran having a mig19 upgraded in the 70s and thought it could be a fun idea and came up with an upgraded MiG-19S called M-74. It is really just some basic ini edits and compiling stuff into one place but it ended up being a very fun plane to fly.

    Its essentially a MiG19S with a greatly enhanced fuel capacity, i imagine a long dorsal hump like on the mig21s witn the extra tank up tbere. It has the extra hard points of the Soviet 1960 field mod.

    It has been updated to be compatible with newer weapons. It can carry R60s and is compatible with the double r60 racks on the outermost pylons.

    inspired by the what if Dhimari Lightnings I came up with a bit of a story being Paran is looking to upgrade their stocks of outdated MiG19s. At some point someone from Parani air force sees a demonstration of the R60 missile and a deal is hatched where the planes were sent back to the Soviet Union, refurbished, installed with the new fuel tank which also helped with the fuel leak issues for more range and compatbility with new R60 missile as well as the double rack from the MiG23 when it was available.

    The planes usually carried 2 Atolls and later on in service improved atolls on the innermost pylons for larger targets or longer range but R60 can be carried there as well. The middle pylons were used for the fuel tanks and the outer pylons carried either 1x or 2xR60 missiles. Usually only 1 missile was mounted unless intense air combat was expected.

    I am thinking about doing a version of this plane for the MiG19P with an improved radar off say a mig21 and compatbility with some of the large SARH missiles like tbe SU15 or MiG25 carries on the outer pylons but im not sure of I can do a major avionics change with my skills and id also have to look if such missiles will even fit haha.







    • Like 3

  5. My version of the game I had at first had a bug where my keybinds in the menu were different in the ini file. I had to manually edit the ini file.

    Even after that my guns dont fire with the fire selected weapon key I have to use the fire guns keybind so I would double check your control ini file and see what the control binds are set to, for me the binds were all the wrong option by 4 or 5 slots down.

  6. 25 minutes ago, EricJ said:

    It would definitely be nice to have multiplayer. I do it in another game and enjoy it. Not SF2 where you fly alone with suspect wingman (don't know what you'll get) and generally fly single-player. A lot of stuff would open up if there was multiplayer though. Virtual squadrons, etc.

    The multiplayer in sf1/woX was pretty barebones but worked fairly well from what I remember, I cant recall if we did it by ip or through a virtual lan.

    There was a dogfight mode, I cant remember if it had teams, you could pick nornally not flyable ai planes that would have generic similar cockpits and avionics. You couldnt pick a spawn and loadouts were picked from a general overview based on the planes loadout.ini, not sure if you could change it or if it would have errors based on variances. I also cant remember what would happen if you picked an addon plane the other players didnt have.

    Then there was a co op mode, I remember we had the full nato fighters mod and some other stuff installed so modded content worked fine. At first it didnt run very well on the germany map but when we tried addon terrains like israel it ran great.

    You would choose your planes, im guessing the host chose a year too but I cant totally remember. Sadly you didnt start on the ground you spawned over your airbase however you could land at the end without issue. Again when you chose a loadout you didnt get to choose each pylon just a general idea I think it was like guns only, guns and missiles, and guns and missiles long range or something like that? Maybe more detailed, again maybe you could fine tune the loadouts.ini. It was essentially the single mission random mission generator with the ability to play with up to 8 people. I remember having a lot of fun with it actually and if you could stand going back to sfp1 theres no reason you couldnt play it today I dont think.  If you look up the video "wings over 88" on youtube I think some of the shots were done in mp with my friend and I.


    It was pretty barebones so im not sure why it got removed, the same goes for the Snoopy FAC planes on CAS missions, it was a really nice bit of immersion to have cessnas and i think even Broncos with addons out there calling targets for you even if it didnt make a huge difference in gameplay, again it would be nice if tk let us know what the issues were as to why it was removed.


    All we can do is hope someday tk releases all the source codes and we end up with a community dedicated enough to build up off of it at that point unless tk has some sort of slow burn project.

  7. Ah that really sucks, thanks for your help.

    Is there a way to change the text colour so that a warning focused on me is a different colour from yellow and the rest of the squad is yellow? Even that would make a big difference.


    And yeah I encountered something similar this morning when I got a 2 is bingo fuel after 2 was shot down unless 3 had moved up to take their place but idt it works that way

  8. 6 hours ago, Menrva said:

    This is what you're looking for, it's in the SF1 downloads section: https://combatace.com/files/file/7157-comms-mod/

    The mod may look cool at first, but soon you realize that AI calls about SAM missiles, callsigns, etc. are completely wrong and do not reflect the reality in-game. It may seem more detailed, but it's totally random and inaccurate.

    That may have been it, there is also another one that says it adds the planes number before they make missile or sam calls. I am at work right now so I cant test these to see if they work on sf2.

    Im thinking about trying to mess with it myself, I guess I would modify the speechsystem.ini ? Is it possible to just make it so that when the ai gives a break command it shows who the command is "targeted" at? And that the ai always call their number before for example bingo fuel or taking damage? Because right now you sort of just have to assume everyone is talking about you haha.

  9. Hi guys, my memory may be bad but I swear back in the WoE days I had a mod that gave more detail to the radio calls in your squadron. It did something like said what unit was making the call or gave you a clock position or something.

    Sorry for being so vague but I remember having something like this and cant find anything similar in the sf2 section unless im looking in the wrong place. It would be very nice that if someone calls a missile launch or break to at least have an idea who is calling it.

  10. Thank you so much! I created a 32bit image in gimp and pasted my tga into it and exported and it works great.


    I know its not realistic at all and kinda silly but im a big Dragon Quest fan so I wanted to use my favorite monster and demon as a logo for my mercenary squadron. The campaign editor is very cool being able to name your squadron and set their preferred aircraft and skin. Really cool to see the tarmac populated with all these Drakens.

    I based it off a skin I downloaded but dont have any intent to release it as its just to test the decal.


    • Like 1

  11. Hey guys ive been flying my first serious campaign upon returning to the game as in the past I mostly just did single missions or used the mission editor. Ive been flying the mercenary campaigns and I wanted to make some decals on my plane for my own little squadron logo just for personal use.

    So I took the custom skin I downloaded and began messing with it a little bit and finding out how the decals and ini work. This plane I wanted to replace its squadron logo and some of its custom fictional country logos to show the mercenary logo and my custom decal.

    Getting a few changed to insignia was easy but when I swapped my decal in it wasnt transparent and the black background covered large chunks of the plane. I was having trouble getting the transparancy to work or finding an alpha channel setting on the ligntweight image editor I have installed at the morning so I sent it to a friend, he sent me a tga with a transparant background I needed but it doesnt appear ingame that location is just not shown. I tried resaving the image as a tga again which flattened it which made it appear but with all the black.

    I tried keeping the image as a png that it started as with transparency and just changed the canvas size to match the decal I was using as an example but it didnt appear either im guessing png isnt supported.

    Now before I start downloading new programs and stuff I thought id find out exactly what the game wants, its been years since I messed with textures but im guessing its an alpha channel thing that I remember games back when I was a kid using for transparency? I checked the knowledge base on my break at work here and didnt find anything specific so sorry if this is a double post just wondering how to make my decals background transparent.


    Thank you!

  12. Actually the game auto detected my gamepad and stuff and back in the sf1 days it even worked ok but yeah its for sure not the ideal way to play. My og gamepad though was weird and had a proper throttle so because of that It worked pretty well for flignt games I want to get a decent stick in the near future though and am excited to try the game that way finally. :3 I think for now ill just get a stick with a built in throttle though not a seperate one as my desk setup currently isnt the best.


    I actually bit the bullet and did a full reinstall and backed up my mod folder this morning while I was getting ready for work gonna get everything fully patched up before doing anything and that will hopefully fix whatever weird bug is causing crashes with my wingmen and aim7s but I am also very excited to have access to the campaign editor this time as I havent tried it out yet.

  13. Oh i am going to get one I actually played on a gamepad with a throttle for years when I was a broke teen and it worked alright. But now I want to get something better.

    Right now I have it set up on a ps3 pad so left stick is my control surfaces, right stick looks around, the d pad is my radar controls for ranging modes and targets select toggles it start locks the target x triangle circle etc are my weapons controls first shoulder buttons are rudder and the second triggers are my thrust so if I dont press anything I have 50 percent and can hold it to raise or lower but I want to see if theres a way in the inis to make it function like a normal throttle that way and see if its awful or not also having the right stick snap back to center when released would be cool but idk if the game is setup to work that way.

    Its far from perfect but it is very playable but I want to get a real setup

  14. Hey guys.


    So the other day I decided to try lowering my graphics settings a bit thinking maybe it was some sort of issue with memory on the much busier campaign maps. The game ran perfectly for several hours flying a Draken in the 66 campaign and I figured I had it licked but the next morning it started happening again. I kept reflying the same mission and noticed I could get it to crash at the same point when I ordered my wingmen to start engaging. The crash was always around aircraftobject.dll

    I poked around on google and found someone who had a similar bug in SF1 I believe with crashes most often on the desert campaign and narrowed it down to their wingmen trying to enhage with aim 7cs Iirc (whatever the earliest aim7 variant in that campaign is)

    I reflew the mission not loading any sparrows and the problem went away. Even using aim7e I havent had any problem flying addon planes in the campaign. Im not sure what causes this bug but the other post said they did a full reinstall and that fixed it. Im going to have to try that soon and will make sure I dont install anything until ive done a full update of everything which I need to do anyways because I messed up the install order and dont have the campaign editor which I wanna try out.

    I thought I would update this post with more details so someone with similar issues can hopefully find it and maybe we can find the cause of this issue and post a knowledge base article.


    Also another question here semi related. Ive also been flying a 1977 mercenary campaign in one of the excellent addon MiG23s and ive noticed  weird issue where when I select the plane my drop tanks are greyed out even though they get added to the stock and I have to go back and forth to another different plane once or twice and click one of the pylons and then I will get the choice if anyone knows what causes that 


    Also I remember in SF1 there was a way to make the radar display on the hud go away while still keeping the displays on the bottom that show alt, speed, callsign etc. Playing on a gamepad using the second stick to look around its not the easiest to go off of my instruments entirely but I still would like to have to use my radar in the cockpit.

  15. Hey guys, sorry to have two new posts close together but I felt like this deserved its own thread. last night I started up a mercenary campaign as I really like messing around with the idea of different planes and having to manage money and supplies. I was doing the default 1966 campaign on my SF2 install with lots of addon planes and weapon packs installed. Soviet planes are generally my favorite but most of the ones I like are more interceptor like and not the best for the mercenary campaigns in 66 it seems and the IRM armed MiG-19 doesnt have a whole lot of range.  It ran fine for my first few missions in the F-4 but whenever I use any of the Draken variants I get random crashes, usually when loading the loadout screen, bringing up the map, sending a command to my AI something like that the game locks up. I havent had this problem in an F4 or an addon MiG-19. I even switched to an install with no mods and installed just the Draken and a skin I converted from SF1 that has decals enabled so my mercenary plane didnt have Swedish markings on it haha. I even started a completely new campaign and played up to being able to afford a Draken again and same problem.

    The event viewer listed crashes in aircraftobject.dll the directx10 dll and I think one or two more so it seems kind of random. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? I dont fly the Draken a ton in single missions but havent had these issues with it there or engaging it on the Sweden map, I really want to fly this plane for this campaign so im kind of bummed out. Anyone have any ideas? I even tried just flying as a Draken with no wingmen incase it was somehow an issue with having mixed planes in the same flight and im pretty sure I had the same issue.


     I just tried it again and got it to where I was dogfighting a few minutes into the mission, it crashed and this is the full text of the event viewer if this helps in any way but I doubt it.

    Faulting application name: StrikeFighters2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x51d22110
    Faulting module name: AircraftObject.DLL, version:, time stamp: 0x51d220bd
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x00043a21
    Faulting process id: 0xc0c
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d7871fdc20e2d8
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\StrikeFighters2.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects\AircraftObject.DLL
    Report Id: 79c52201-f316-11eb-9f02-5ec1d79771b3

  16. .Hi guys I actually found out my issue!


    It seems the ingame control screen was binding my inputs to the wrong command. I messed around in the ini and managed to get everything working properly. It seems like sometimes the controls bind to one or two under the entry sometimes more, maybe im behind on patches with these old install files.

  17. Hi guys! Ive been playing on and off since the SF1 days and I played SF2 a few years ago. Recently ive got the urge to fly cool old coldwar planes again and do some what if scenarios. I installed the games from the installer files backed up on an old hd and downloaded a few addons, I was excited to see my fav plane the mig23 has a new pack with a working radar on the hud and I also used to like flying the yak25 flying intercepts with the old beam riding missiles.

    I started the game and setup my keybinds and difficulty settings but am having a few weird issues. Ive noticed I still have the radar display in the corner despite putting radar to hard.


    I am using a ps3 controller with drivers to make it function as an xbox 360 pad as I dont have a joystick at the moment. I bound a button to fire selected weapon but it never seemed to work. Ive got missiles to fire with the fire secondary guns key but I cant fire the guns on the mig 23.

    Toggle radar goes through my radar modes but is there a way to turn the radar back off?


    When flying the 23 it seemed like my buttons to control the radar distance and mode were like changed? It was very odd I was able to run the radar and cycle targets but couldnt lock anything in search mode at any range although this might have been ecm from the b52s? Is anyone able to help me figure out these issues with my button maps? Am i having issues with the radar for some reason? I dont think i installed something wrong.


    As for the yak25 is there a guide to the cockpit somewhere and ideal use of its missiles? Its been a long time since I used them. Ive noticed two lights next to the panel that shows which pylon is selected, is the green launch authoritized and red a suggestion to not fire? Also one for the excellent new 23 pit would be great too. Also does anyone know exactly what bombers the yak would be dispatched to deal with in its planned use in the 50s?  Mainly only the biggest im assuming.

    Thanks guys excited to try out all the new planes and terrains!

  18. Hi, I'm wondering what addon aircraft as well as addon inis for defualt and addon aircraft are considered the most realistic, I just downloaded the MiG-15 for SF2 today and was happy to find out it was very difficult to fly and felt very legitimate, it has a do not exceed speed, can go into flat spins etc if you're not careful, feels like an old jet fighter should. I know theres also a very well done MiG-17 flight model out there somewhere but thats all I know about.


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