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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. The Mk IV appears the most common for Navy service tho. My favorite OV-10 picture : CL
  2. Affirmitive that's my favorite download. Its the best picture of the AN-M64A1 and AN-57A1 cone tails I have access to. V/R CL
  3. Does any body know why the Max diameter was decreased from .44 to .36 ? CL
  4. Nice. From this I'm thinking no GP on in board sponsons. CL
  5. Good find Yak ! And interesting too, Did you get that from the NATOPS ? I never realized CBUs with folding fins where ever mounted with some or all fins extended. Any more loading diagrams ? Thanks. CL
  6. Hmmm.. Can we deck run launch SPADS and Broncos off it ? CL
  7. Again ? OK. Did it fix that weird fuselage seem. I've been enjoying your PBJ with the 75MM too much lately Wrench. Thanks. CL
  8. Affirmative. I believe they use a Hydra which I don't have in my magazine. I'll follow that up thanks. CL
  9. Did any body else loose their outboard pylons on the last patch also ? I did. Did they change the name of the model nodes ? I also got this wicked fuselage seem that messes with the NAVY and MARINES decal there. CL
  10. "If I remember the Zuni's were HE Frag with a point detonating fuse and the 2.75's were HE, HE Incindery and Flechete. They wanted to cause the most damage and casualties to Mr Charles on the ground. Flechete was not used as much as the HE and HE Frag because the VC would usually be dug in when they srang a bushwahck along the waterways. HE stood the best chance to take out those positions while flechete works good mostly on troops in the open. I also forgot that Napalm was used by them also, I remember hearing stories by one of my mentors that had been in VAL-4 telling the younger Ordies how nasty that stuff was to mix up." I see no reason to exclude the Nape. Back in the 80s and early 90s we'd make "blivets" with this powder (Peptizer ? ) that came in a green 55 gallon drum and mixed it with gasoline and any flammable fluid we wanted to dispose of. We mixed it in wash tubs with wood canoe battles. After they set we would use them to burn dozer piles. I'm having no joy with the LAU-68s. I tried LAU-68A_Mk40_M51, M156, and M229 and I just get a black cylinder with 7 holes in it with no woosh bang. below is my AD-5N painted for transfer to the USAF doing evaluator chores with CBU-24s, CBU-55s and LAU-68s. CL
  11. Loadout[07].WeaponType=Mk4 works for the MK-4 gun pod on the load out. CBU-55 FAE's sound delightfully evil. I'll chase down the LAU-68s later.The AI for the rest of the flight seems to prefer LAU-3s. Thanks for the good info group. I should probably ask what the warhead on the rockets were? HE, Frag or Willie Pete ? CL
  12. Useless ? Recon Mission bird. CL
  13. Good question and nice fix. Now I too am happy with my outer wing hard points. What about the centerline station? [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=15 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0,0.81,-1.14 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1621.62 LengthLimit=5.0 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,FT,TER,NUC,ECM AttachmentType=NATO,USN,USAF ModelNodeName=Center_Pylon PylonMass=63.50 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=Tank300_A1H //FuelTankNodeName=droptank_C It has a fuel tank node name also. On the subject of decent looking A-1Hs there is a few bitchin skins for TK SPADS not done yet. CL
  14. I put together an AD-5 Skyraider using the splendid Razbam A-1E and Pappychksix skins. Of course I have no intention of selling it. I'm still trying to hash out loading and hanger screens. I'm also still trying to figure out what to do with it because I think it was only used by USN and USMC from 1953 to 1960. Of course I used a service life up to 1970 so I can fly it in WOV. Perhaps all the Marine Corps squadrons and MAWs at Da Nang could use a couple each for gedunk runs and putting some ordinance on charlie in some tight terrain. V/R all.CL
  15. By that do you mean this ?: [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=15 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0009,0.3361,-0.9373 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1587.6 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=NATO,USN,USAF ModelNodeName=Centre_pylon PylonMass=150 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=TANK300_A4_fuselage It might be less painfull to paint A-4 tanks midnight blue then fine tuning the AD tanks. CL
  16. Just so. TANK300_A4_fuselage. Its white tho. I also tried TANK300_AD_Blue, has 3 fins and AD-TANK doesn't center on the pylon. CL
  17. Having difficulty with decals? Any suggestions or solutions for fuel tanks? Thanks Grouppe. CL
  18. Ouch! WW-2: The US Navy and perhaps the Marine Corps had what I believe where "composite" squadrons. They would be VC-##. A different way to have a Det of VF,VS,VB,VT and what else commanded by what again. Korea: Similar but updated for the airframe/ weapons platform South East Asia: I think USAF groups flying COIN missions had different planes in the same squadron. A-1E, A-1J, A-1H, A-1J, A-1H, A-1G, T-28D, A-26, AC-47, and maybe a C-123 Attack platform. In my life there where a few VC squdrons that had a mix of like A-4s and H-3s, and I bet the aggresor squadrons had a mix too. An early cold war mix for A-1s was the Navy AD-5s would deploy in dets and either be atached or hosted by a SPAD squadron (Thats what I want) until the AD-5s where retired or sent to the USAF. V/R Group, CL
  19. Bring It Iran

    My short term memory is faulty but I believe that was 2 different centuries and this is a new one again. Your Sig Statement rocks. V/R,CL

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