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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. I liked the Monty CZ SPAD alot but the incomplete cockpit was annoying. I only bought the Razbam bird for the Pit and the USN Birds. I thought the decaling of the Razbam birds was unsatisfactory but our skinners here made skins and decal fix paks before any of us whined about it. I think I found my must have for a French Skyraider Snivel from The Jacques Borne collection @: http://skyraider.org/skyassn/otherpics/borne/5d.jpg Check out that drop tank skin! :ph34r: CL Just saw your 3 skin packages on the new files group. Downloading now. Way to fill a way to much neglected subject.
  2. Good thing Our Ad-4ns went to the French then. All the other usual suspects would of had goats and chickens in there as well. Could you imagine the havoc that would of been in the greenhouse of an AD-5 / A-1E? Going thru a link I saw a pic of a French AD with 3 drop tanks. Perhaps one or to of the tanks could of been an onion pod or served to haul other groceries. Hey Roy I notice your plane has a square window. Your' not using the Razbam bird? It's worth the price. You get French AD-4Ns, US Navy and Marine AD-4s and AD-4Ns, US Navy Spads, US Airforce Sandys / Zorros, and Republic of Vietnam A-1s. And you get a way workable cockpit with radar screen. I hate the compass tho. And the best part of all is the sarcastic, cynical, irreverent responses from functional mental patients who also bought a jet flight simulator to drive a piston engine prop plane. Could you ask for better web buddies? :ph34r: CL
  3. I just loaded the Razbam A-1D and took a gaggle of them for a hop. The skins are French, Gabon, and Chad. Decals are single plane only. Someone whiley with decals could really fill a gap here. The planes I believe are right on. AD-4Ns. 2 little doors on the sides instead of spoilers for the GIB, Flying AT, or what. I guess if the pilot wants more air brakes he can have the radar operator push the doors open. I kinda dig the one in the back with the bluish trim. :ph34r: CL
  4. Very nice. I always liked the small two tone SEAC roundels on WW2 SEATO birds but never thought of taking it out of the forties. Whats next? COIN grey, other planes, Korean war birds? How about Dave's OV-10? :ph34r: CL
  5. Old school goose or Turbo Goose? Flying a plane is grand but I like to fly somewhere and break the bad guys' stuff. How about a 40mm Bofars gun mounted offset in the nose? Probably loose a pilot seat as PBJ / B-25Hs did. :ph34r: CL
  6. Hey Nicki. I think the Razbam SPAD package has the Gabon Merc AD-4 in it. An A-1D? Decal work is probably the same as the other Razbam birds. Most likely like most folks, I just loaded up with what I needed. AD-6 and AD-7s. Some day I'll ping on WhiteKnight for a desert camo Dhimari A-1 / AD skin. I think he only does fast movers tho. I haven't seen him post on a SPAD thread. :ph34r: CL
  7. Bitchin! No Skyraider left behind. Do you have suitable pilots too? :ph34r: CL
  8. Cool project! are you also going to skin the AD-4Ns of Gabon and Cambodia? No snivel or request from me but I believe they were French airframes that were sold or transfered to them. Are you skinning up for an Algerian campaign? I'm chomping on the bit for a fennec / T-28 Myself. I wish you good success on your project but I prefer My multi seat ADs blue, grey or or SEA camo. :ph34r: CL
  9. Are there any runners here...?

    When you run or hike power off with your toes and calf muscles a bit. Also if you can't avoid hard surfaces try wearing wieght lifter or cross trainer shoes. They have more padding. I've been running in my Blackhawk warriors lately cause my cross trainers are a bit worn. I use to get some wicked shin splints, but these have all worked for me. I use to swim alot but no lap pool here within 1 and a half hour. Just as well. My temperment is in no mode to see a perfectly good lane being wasted by some alternative aquatics non swimmer type. :ph34r: CL
  10. Whats the latest news? :ph34r: CL
  11. It would be difficult to ignore LTA platforms inthe 20s and 30s. Interesting site / thread. Army Blimps? I do like the parasite scooter. :ph34r: CL
  12. California wildfires

    The Martin Mars is on contract this year again. No recent pictures tho. No gripe with P-3s or SEATs but i like the recips on the Mars, P2Vs, DC-4, 6, 7s. :ph34r:
  13. Load out B really flips my burger. :ph34r: CL
  14. The C with 60lb or HVAR rockets would be the hot ticket. My gripe with the 40mm on the MK IV is you don't have many shots. If you get bounced by a bad guy or find a target of oppurtunity you only have 2 X 303s to shoot if you're not lucky enough to have a burst or 2 left in the 40mm. If the IV had 4 X 50 cal stuffed in the wings different story. Yah. Blasting away on a destroyer, small merchant, or surfaced sub in a hurricane with the 2 X 40mm is a beutifull thing. If one must have 2 X 40mm on thier prop ride all I can think of would be either put it in a big pod for an F-82 or put them in the nose of a PBJ/B-25, F7F, P-38, A-20, A-26, Ventura, Hudson, Harpoon, Neptune, Mosquito, or C-47. 1 or 2 in the nose of a Grumman goose would be a gas. Lots of room for ammo. Any plane with a bomb bay could also have the 2 guns mounted in a tray also. I think the ME-110s hauled thier big cannon that way. Either in a tray or the nose the weapon could be accesible to the crew and could be hand loaded. I bet somebody else has said this or something similar in a dark smoke filled room 40, 50, 60, and 70 years ago. Hmm. an A-26 or P2V with a 2 X 40mm tray in the bombay? :ph34r: CL
  15. Favorite song

    You got a link EZ? I've been trying to hunt that down for a while. Depends what day. Marty Robbins, El Paso Strolling Drones, Paint it Black Steppenwolf, Born To Be Wild Dead Kennedys , Moon Over Marin Johny Cash, Pick one :ph34r: CL
  16. Oh yah! A flight simmers delight. The Nationalist Chinese did fly gladiators. I think they were total green. I have a request to the skinners who will be involved with this. The logic escapes me but there was this neutrality act marking BS where the roundel was placed on the upper forward surface of the fuselauge. That seems like fru fru to me. Visualize a large or chunky plane like a PBY, F4F, TBD, SBD, or F3F with a yellow wing and large national symbols on both wings. I think thats sufficient enough for the aircrews from another flight to determine if they are friendly, hostile, or neutral. So no neutrality act markings please. Hmm? The charlie lima hostility act? I don't think anybody on this site is neutral. We are all hostile and friendly. :ph34r: CL
  17. This is killing me! :ph34r: CL
  18. 20 mike mike, and 60lb rockets? I wish I could take my SEAC skins from PF here with me. :ph34r: CL
  19. Stick with the "C" model. Those 4 hispano suiza 20 mike mikes usually do the job. If you need something heavier you should of probably brought some bombs. :ph34r: CL
  20. It's a LIttle Boat

    Wow! Roger ball. :ph34r: CL
  21. And the F3F. With retractable gear and canopy this might be off topic. It's a 30s biplane tho. Like many gruman products back then, the landing gear was raised up by a hand crank. Some details @ http://www.clubhyper.com/reference/f3fsb_1.htm :ph34r: CL
  22. Don't forget the Gloster Gladiator. I've flown it in other sims. It's a blast to drive. The P shooter was also flown by the Republic of the Phillipines. There is a skin or 2 out there for WOV / SF. :ph34r: CL
  23. Nope. Thinking about it tho. Mrs CL might be a bit irritated if I had an RC PT boat and an RC FORD. I just got off the http://www.jethangar.com/ site. I'm kind of stoked. Thier Fords are electric ducted fan powered and reportedly quite stable. The batteries only power the bird for 6 minutes. That 6 minutes might be quite a workout tho judging from the video. I guess if I want more flight time I should be thinking more about a Skyraider and hang more batteries on the hard points. The video on the sight is kind of cool. When The Julhelm Skyray is released, he will truly be a mod god because of the plane and pit. :ph34r: CL
  24. It apears the Skyray is no stranger to other modeling groups too. Looks like fun. :ph34r: CL
  25. Happy b-day America :)

    Hey. Thanks CA Brothers! I'm still a bit confused why we go ape sierra for a day in history where we declared our independence from the country that has been our greatest ally In my lifes memory and the last century. Currently, I'm probably taxed on tea more then our founding fathers were. The comments here on this site and seeing the folks in the economy dressed in all sorts of red white and blue, or something American (We have a big rodeo in town here for the 4th) Really turns my screws and even flips my burger. The Marine Corps even sends a colar guard, Some sort of tracked snow vehicle, and a pack string (mules) from the mountain warfare training center for our parade. Oooh Wee and Well Doggies! I was oversees twice for 4th of July in the Navy. On the Coral Sea parked off of a French port on the Med and next one flying off the beech at NAF Atsugi in Japan. The French and Japanese celebrated the day just as well or if not better then USAnians would. I'm amazed and proud of how many friends we have on this day. :ph34r: CL

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