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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Hey guys

    Well Doggies. Glad to see you back Zag. Stay at the pointy end of the spear and come back again. And again. And Again. AND AGAIN! :ph34r: CL
  2. RAF defeats USAF ...

    I'm Startled! I thought the only member of or assigned to the United States Air Force that was able to grow a mustache was Robin Olds. :ph34r: CL
  3. Bitchin Cockpits For Our Rides that have Barrowed Pits First. And Then AD-5N AP-2H. VAH-21 had 3 or 4 for the SEA conflict WOV needs some TRIM. :ph34r: CL
  4. "Just for fun" my south end while facing north! Low vis J model. Guns not cameras? Historical photo documentation. I'm all about what If. This is bitchin'. History links please. CAGS, DETS, years too. Oooh Yah! :ph34r: CL
  5. Whose Rain Forest Is This, Anyway?

    That would be Jessie Ventura, x governer of minnesota. Splendid! I didn't poach this avatar from you did I? I have A T-shirt somewhere with a sniper team and text that says 7.62 (308?) holes leave invisible souls. Gloppita Gloppita! :ph34r: CL
  6. Whose Rain Forest Is This, Anyway?

    Nice gun. My preference is a Colt Combat Commander in 45 ACP. Cop types keep telling me it's a pilot / aircrewman gun. Dah! I can put twice the lead wieght with half the shots in half the target space. I will go bugsh#t for an open top, frame safety, 4.25 inch barrel, 45 ACP made by taurus tho. Getting back on topic. Kill a tree for me and fire something up powered by an internal combustion engine. Glopita glopita Y'all. CL
  7. Air Force shakeup

    I'm not sure when Curtis Lemay wasn't turning over in his grave. :ph34r: CL
  8. Air Force shakeup

    I sincerely hope this is good news for our USAF brothers. I have learned too well there is no such thing as new and improved but I'm scared as hell of McCaine or Wacko Bama's "change". Heineuos! I Don't personally know anybody in a unit that failed an ORI / ORE. I can't imagine what it would be like. :ph34r: CL
  9. Whose Rain Forest Is This, Anyway?

    BRAVO SIERRA! If the good people of Brazil can't readily purchase or equip themselves with Tauras handguns and Chainsaws of any make to defend themselves from social and flammable vegetation threats, and even the encroaching killer rain forest, I will lobby hard for the boycot of super tucanos or any thing built by embrear, tauras and such. Damnit I haven't bought all the Brazilian pine and parawood furniture I have on my list yet. Bichin. Now what? AAHH! :ph34r: CL
  10. Whose Rain Forest Is This, Anyway?

    You need a permit from the goverment to buy a chainsaw? Its personnel for me. from one side I get "why are you closing the forest?" or better yet "Your telling us all we can do is pick mushrooms on the forest now?". The other side thru the ignorance of our Lame Stream media has redifined our national forest lands that were set up as a managed timber reserve and I get this" The forest service is clear cutting the wilderness" and neo bolshivaks are saying no private citizen should own a forest because somebody has a small piece of land with some native trees on it. Didn't we use to call rain forest jungle? Got Nape? :ph34r: CL
  11. Whose Rain Forest Is This, Anyway?

    Wow! I'm buying another chainsaw. Aren't huskevarna saws made in sweden? :ph34r: CL
  12. Whose Rain Forest Is This, Anyway?

    Being an employee of a government agency commissioned to manage timber reserves under the sustainable forestry concept, ala Gifford Pinchot, but doesn't anymore. I say the trees belong to the public and responsible land users of your country. That may, correction should include logging companys. A day does not go by were I think my forest service is just in the business of growing trees to feed bugs and provide heavier fuel for wild fires then to properly manage natural resources. Use the trees for rubber and lumber. Replace any tree harvested with the appropriate amount of seedlings for that species. Amazingly this concept is too complex for some unless its part of thier plan to bring down western civilization by denying us raw materials and even recreation in our open areas. I guess I'm now a polluter or some other politicly incorrect villain because I prefer lumber, wood, furniture and houses over bugs. :ph34r: CL Well Doggies! A chainsaw video with boats @ http://www.nwtimberfallers.com/video4a.html
  13. Sub and Surface Action Sims

    Some fun vids @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bIgYeH-idQ :ph34r: CL
  14. Sub and Surface Action Sims

    Me too! downloading the parts now. I'm surprised at the beating the Hurricanes got. I thought those 4 Hispano Suiza 20 mike mikes would of put some serious hurt on one of those boats. Another one from Mr. Fleck: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUkKWxN8Sq4...feature=related :ph34r: CL
  15. That's a nice mix. Well thought out and executed. :ph34r: CL
  16. I'm not suggesting outsourcing, but these little brutes have a usefull load of 8790lbs / 3987kgs. Check them out at: http://airtractor.com/Default.aspx?p=8723 They come one seat or two and floats even. I could see chasing the gomers thru the bush driving one of these in green lizard or desert warpaint gunned, up and some of our favorite ordinance on hardpoints. Well Doggies! :ph34r: CL
  17. I'm thinking we should start over. From scratch. Back to square 1. I'm spoiled by the works of Zure, Usafmtl, Razbam, and the Mirage factory. Capun has produced some great stuff. He builds planes that nobody else will touch. I don't want to criticize his work and I won't. A new ALX with a cockpit is where I think this should go. :ph34r: CL
  18. Just returned home to my desk top. I have Capuns' EMB 314 Super Tucano loaded on my WOV. 5 hardpoints, 2 x 50 cals in wings. 2 skins by Gramps. The usual gripe. No pit. It uses an A-4 cockpit. I keep getting splashed by triple a. I guess because I fly it like a skyraider. :ph34r: CL
  19. The ALX / A-29 is a single seater? Video of A2A action @ http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=063_1182300981 Correction for thread title: Our Current Coin Fighter. :ph34r: CL
  20. Thanks again Cedric and Mike. I think I'm squared away on the grey paints, planes and history. I can't wait for your next stuff. I'm going to beat it before my evil mind comes up with a pop quiz for the greys in the Corktip_14 avatar. :ph34r: CL
  21. Factual? In production? Flown in combat? One Flown by Blackwater sighted? I'm on board Silverbolt. :ph34r: CL
  22. I'm not sure there is a forum for this thread but since Alot of us started out as modelers watching our scale static weapons systems that we spent so much time researching, assembling, kitbashing, decaling and painting do nothing, but gather dust in a place of honor on a horizontal surface or hanging by fishing line from the the ceiling I thought some folks here might have some interest or more knowledge then I here. I can't find a Computer Sim for US Civil War iron clads. I did find a bunch of online rules, and commercial rule books for 1 / 600th pewter waterline models. I remember doing something similar in aircombat with hex boards. colored cardboard markers, dice, and Gobs of data charts. Any way all this requires is models, dice, flat surface, ruler, protracter, and data charts way simpler then an F-4, F-105, A-6, or MIG-21. I could see this tho. 2 people or groups grab a plate of ships and boats. A hard wood floor with our walls, funiture and household obstacles are the beach and navigational hazards and its on. :ph34r: CL
  23. I just ordered 6 pewter ironclads. Currently looking for rule book to mix ironclads and mechs. :ph34r: CL
  24. Wow! A ferrari with a gun. I was pondering how to have or put an internal GAU gun on a single engine prop. Nice cruise speed too. :ph34r: CL
  25. Ah. Hmm. But. Does this mean that the Republic of Vietnam got thier A-1Es before the US Air Force did? That doesn't sound wrong because I think we were making ground attack T-28s for the French for service in Algeria and French Indochina before we made T-28Ds for ourselves. :ph34r: CL Okay Gruppe. pop quiz. Is this: A. Gull Grey B. ADC Grey C. Sandy Grey D. COIN Grey E. SEA Grey

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