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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Flight Jacket Nametags

    Yah the 2"x4" nametag is what I'm asking for. Navy wings are differant tho. Nice link. You AF guys always had cool sources for your stuff. :ph34r: CL
  2. Women in uniform...

    Excellant! Women and fire power. some links that relate: http://www.bawidamann.com/ G Gorden Liddy also has the Packed and Stacked Calender too. :ph34r: CL
  3. You Know What I Like! Shamrocks Please :ph34r: CL
  4. Splendid! I wondered what these allstars were up to. :ph34r: CL
  5. Ohh Yah! The pit looks awesome too. Bravo Zulu Julhelm. :ph34r: CL
  6. I just dumped my stock skins out of one of my Razbam SPADs and loaded Corktip's VA-25 texture in it. Picked an 8 plane strike mission to see if everything was squared away. I usually only look at the port side of my ride but this time for some reason I checked out the other side. What a treat! MIG killer NE 577 has a scoreboard under the canopy with pilot names and MIG kill. Thanks for the cool skins. :ph34r: CL
  7. Anything like these yet? :ph34r: CL
  8. Hmm! An FJ? I allready or still have one. 20 mike mike, MK-8 gunsight, annoying AIM-9Bs, Bitchin VMF-333 skin, and extended service life to 1966. I do better in most strike missions with this bird then an A-4, F-100, or F-4. Will this be a new and improved FJ? Good thing I'm here at CA. Ya'll probably don't want to here what I think about "new and improved" in the real world. :ph34r: CL
  9. Splendid package! Downloading as I type. SPAD is an acronymn for Single Place AD. I don't know what to call an AD with 2 pilot seats and a blue green house either tho. Any plan or date for Marine or Navy AD-5s and AD-5Ns? They where mothballed by 1960 in Gull Grey and Midnight Blue before they where A-1Es and A-1Gs. From some of the pictures I've seen squadrons, dets and VANs flew blue and grey AD-5s at the same time. :ph34r: CL
  10. I LOVE Americans!

    The worst disappointment I had in the Navy was the port call in Haifa getting canced so we could park off Lebanon for a month. I thought I would get over it on or our Palma De Orca stop in Spain. Denied again. A whole month of 24 hour flex deck flight ops of central america instead. :ph34r: CL
  11. Answers to my own questions: I found some photos of VA-25 SPADS loaded with 4 Snakeye retarded bombs on stations 1 & 2. Interestingly AD-5Qs / EA-1Fs mounted fuel tanks on outboard wing stations. :ph34r: CL
  12. On Monty CZs' and Razbams' Skyraiders the outboard weapon points are grouped like this: Group 1 is pylon 1,3,5. counting from the outside in. Group 2 is pylon 2, 4. Group 3 is pylon 6 Group 4 and 5 are the 2 inboard and centerline pylons. I don't know if this is cheating or not but I increased the load limits of pylon 2, 4, and 6 to 260 so I can mount snakeye bombs there, and added GP to pylon 6 so I wouldn't tie up my heavy pylons with the lightwieght SUU-11. Hey CorkTip can I get a copy of that data and loadout ini and does it support the sani flush weapon? :ph34r: CL
  13. Iranian Revolutionary Guards play with fire

    Thats correct. My dad Lt / Naval Aviator Papa Lima always told me that discretion is the greater part of valor. Don't you think they will escalate thier acts until we do bite. Those that hate us now will not hate us less when we act wisely, humanely, or sensitivly toward thier faith, culture or such. Bravo Zulu to the surface fleet guys for keeping the kids safe and not starting a new mess for us to deal with. Yeah I relize it's 2008 and not 1983. A no brainer now is way differant then 25 years ago. Good thing us cold war hot heads are here? And not wearing gold speghetti and eggs on our cover in CIC. Not likely for me. I might have gotten as far as an O-3 LDO. Anyway it would be fun to see film or photo of one of these gentleman waterskieng or "enjoying" some form of aquatic recreation when the ships force is allowed to go weapons free on these ah, unarmed silly villans. :ph34r: V/R, CL
  14. Iranian Revolutionary Guards play with fire

    The good news: At the watering hole we are not using the Port Royal, Hopper, and Ingraham in the same sentance as the Cole and Stark. My gripe: Why am I not hearing that this TF replied with small arms fire. Are currently searching for survivors but expect none, and the bucket heads in the state departement are running around in circles with thier hair on fire. And: The first cruise missile was a remote control speed boat packed with explosives. Thanks all posters for being on the side of our blue jackets out there :ph34r: CL
  15. What is it like on a Naval ship or sub?

    A link posted by a non aviation type. No conflict with my perception while on 2 WW2 CVs and a DDG. http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/3392/humor.html This is no Sierra. :ph34r: CL
  16. What The?

    I believe that is the Mark 1 Mod 0 Sani Flush Special Weapon developed and utilized by the most technologicly advanced attack squadron to fly off the most advanced aircraft carrier known to mankind. VA-25 Fist Of The Fleet, flying off the Midway, CVA-41. Because of the limited availiability of this critical tool in the SEA conflict only the amazing A-1 Skyraider was allowed to use this weapon in actual warfare. :ph34r: CL
  17. What is it like on a Naval ship or sub?

    Is it my imagination or does the number of stories triple every time I check it out to share or link it to a friend? The never ending story with a periscope. :ph34r: CL
  18. When the Boeing hits the fan...

    If it's Boieng I'm not going. :ph34r: CL
  19. For a free and totaly functional SPAD download: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=747 Patch it up with this to refine it: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1228 Get USAFMTL's OV-10 for Diego's Bitchin maskless prop jockeys. For more Navy skins Fist of the Fleet has some very handsome ones. Thats My preference for a free SPAD. All @: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...amp;showcat=137 Should work with no mods. Razbam has the SPAD and the A1E for sale. I bought them both and they're both worth it. PM me if you need to. Next question please. :ph34r: CL
  20. Affirmative. WOV, patched to v 07. 05. 05. Third Wire F-8E. I haven't messed with the files either. :ph34r: CL
  21. The Horror

    That does it. I'll just go hide in the barracks with my laptop, 20 pack of barley pops, and the Gigantor series DVDs. :ph34r: CL
  22. The Horror

    Lovely, Who's playing Trixy? Rosy Odonnel? :ph34r: CL
  23. Oh no, so little ammo? :ph34r: CL
  24. I agree. There can never be enough MIG 17s :ph34r: CL
  25. You bet! Does that mean 2 uglies make a handsome? If it flys off the Midway, Coral Sea, or for the US Marine Corps, bombs or anything can be strapped on to it. :ph34r: CL

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