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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Both S2F and S2A are available on your site. I thot they were the same bird / mod. Whats the differance? :ph34r: CL
  2. A5B

    Yup great AC and all but I would like to fortify one of my points; "the young gentleman has a kneeboard with a map and a polaroid of his Auntie Norma Jean." I know Y'all are not made of wood. :ph34r: V/R, CL
  3. Sorry Gruppe, I can't resist. Shamrock 43: 43 42. Shamrock 42: GO Shamrock 43: I hear the Navy is working on making an attack version of of our F-8s. Shamrock 42: BRAVO SIERRA! We are the Navy's Attack F-8s. V/R all. :ph34r: CL
  4. Bitchin' Carrier based Heavy Attack. Downloading it right now. I always wondered how the GIB in a Viggy felt just having that little window. I have no SA on what thier workload with sensors or what but in other types he was the bear or a valuable other set of eyes and such. They must have been mustangs recruited from the submarine ranks. I knew a couple of NFOs that proudly whore thier silver dolphin device below thier gold NFO wings on thier uniform. This could be the case. 4.26 megs loaded. AOL don't fail me now. Thanks for the groovy stuff. :ph34r: CL Ok, just read about the RAN by Boom. The GIBs said thier window was too big. 2nd page @ http://www.carrierbuilders.net/articles/20..._Vigilante3.htm
  5. I have made up my mind but, after a little research, I think that until someone mods us up a really bitchin Foxtrot class boat, I say hold. With the Foxtrot our group can get maximum gain and there is gobs of material on the net. It was built and served during our WOV time period. Was involved in the cuban missile crisis. Does spend time on the surface to charge batterys, and it was exported. There are a few "Parked" as museum pieces in the US. And they are handsome boats. Good pics @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_641_Submarine and http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB75/ . I sincerly believe that with this boat most of us will have a believable scenario and a respectable target. A Juliett or Echo 2 would be more of a threat to the carrier battle group but the Fox was everywhere. If someone does mod this boat PLEASE DONT PUT A RED STAR ON THE SAIL. :ph34r: V/R, CL
  6. Sorry Group. I'm making a mess here. Hey SAG, Don't let go of your dream of Canadian world domination. VR /CL
  7. Thanks. We can / are doing that at CFS2 and PF. If my posts count as a request for a mission I'd like something like my post #5 above during the boxstock WOV time period. But we need more sub models, including a surfaced juliet or echo taking an SSM shot. My only snivel on this site for anything SBD related is @ http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=10645 . But that is for a skin for PF. :ph34r: V/R, CL
  8. No reply from Darrin? Is he a provacateur, or trying to flush out the AWs and Flying ATs at this site? If no mission makers want to bite at my scenario for a USN / USMC attack bird helping out an ASW platform out of weaps finish off a sub, then how about Typhoids' Hummers are tasked with persecuting the most heineous crime against God, Navy, and the Sea. Find those 2 empty shlitz tallboys that the first crewman and swimmer of speargun 612 tossed out the cargo door. :ph34r: CL
  9. Just So Kirsten. I often wondered what a newer technology F-8e with upgraded avionics, improved powerplant, new wing and a better gun to match would do for my selfish flight sim needs. :ph34r: CL
  10. Wow! Splendid. That should cover all the Prop jobs in the SEA conflict but one. :ph34r: V/R, CL
  11. Well Doggies, I stand corrected, More weaps the better. I'll take a couple of those and I could load them with the usual Naval Weapons Station of goodies that a SPAD could drag around the skies almost indefinatly. Marine Corps SBDs where tasked with land based ASW missions from remote and even strategic islands in WW2. Spads were assigned to the Wasp and Hornet. both ASW carriers. Capun just released a Stoof!, HMMMMM! CL
  12. Cruds were pretty rough on the gomers too! I would not like to hear that this new hi res model would not be brandishing the three shamrock tailband. My Bro's from the men's departement of the navy would be very disapointed. The phrase " Not one pound for air to ground did not originate with this group VR / CL
  13. AAArgh!...Just SO! For the best 4 years of my life I was woke up, had to put on a sage green zoom bag, get chow, show up at ready room 7, get briefed, and either change into my wetsuit or throw on an SV-2, Either way I'd also have a SPH brain bucket heineously decorated with an obscene amount of reflective tape. Go to spot 3, strap an SH-3H on my back (one of the back seats) I can still hear things that I'm not suppose to hear, but amazingly they are actully there. I believe us as a group with this sim is turn on WOV / SF, mentaly throw on an orange or tan zoom bag, Gold brainbucket, yellow May West. .38 caliber pistol in shoulder holster, those bitchin tan suede flight boots / boondockers that I can't get find at the surplus store anymore. Our Air Force Bro's probably have an equivilant but I think they always had shinable black footware. If I play ASW, it will be with this sim, 20 mike mike, CBUs or rockeyes, and MK-82s. OOH Doggies! CL
  14. Unless we are talking about a crippled diesel or nuke powered boat showing a snorkel or such or better, the mission / campain modder will be in some untested waters. If we are hunting a submerged boat we will need to use MAD, active and passive sonobouys, or helicopter dipping sonar. Unless alot of ASW stuff has been declassified in the last 30 years, some folks in this group or your ex "Tube Rat" buddy at the ole watering hole will risk violating the security act for sharing his wonderfull knowledge of the complexities of sound paths in the Ocean and the limits and bitchin abilities of the threats, weapon platforms and sensors. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the day that airborne ASW went beyond visual and radar sensors was during the career of P2Vs, S2Fs, and notable equivilants from other nations or groups. I do like the idea of a mission where bomb or rocket carrying AC are guided by a dedicated ASW Platform (he could be out of weaps and damaged the boat making it "louder") or an ASWOC on a ship that does have hot contact with the sub. In the 60s thru 80s thier was still alot of diesel boats operating that where a real threat and they might be recharging thier batteries at night by snorkel or even surfaced. In our sim we already have the sensors and weaps for that threat. Good luck and Bravo Zulu to whoever takes this on. I'm looking forward to flying some SPADS out of Sigonella Italy at night and shredding some foxtrot, juliet, and whiskey boats. V/R, CL
  15. Hey Gruppe, Someone asked where the stealth bombers and fighters where for our sim. Yah Its not a B-2 or F-117 but I think I found the parts for a bitchin' what if. I don't know where I got this. It might be from Capun. The ol XB-35. Upgrade the avionics and ECM to the mid 60's, bolt in DFANGS level bomb sight, replace the piston engines with allison T-56s if you want to keep the props. If you prefer jets the B-35 with jet engines was a B-49. Replace the fuel guzzling 8 x J-35s for some burly turbo fans, TF-34s, CFM-56s, or even JT-9s. Slap on a SEA, ferris or green lizard paint scheme and there you are. I'd get rid of all the gun turrets. It's suppose to be a flying wing not a porcupine. A vulcan stinger like a B-52 or B-58 would be right tho. :ph34r: CL
  16. Bitchin! leave town for a week and Ohh Wee! The skins are splendid! Does this mean we have the burly turbofans? What weaps will fit in the bomb bays? B-58 style weapon pods the answer? OUR concept flying wing should have no gun turrets but a vulcan in the "tail".I'm stoked by what I saw clicking this thread. Where do we get the b-49? If nothing else the B-29 crews operating inthe Korean war theatre should get some relief. Maybe the Navy should take up some slack with this project. In the 40s congress was jacking thier jaws alot about getting rid of aircraft carriers. I downloaded the XB-35 and "flew it" What a trip. No Joy getting any weaps in all those bombays tho. I think we should keep the GIB, but trade the turrets for a vulcan like this. I'm till trying to figure out how to get that weapon pod working on that Hustler. V/R All. :ph34r: CL
  17. That will be tuff. If the T-34, Schimitar, Firefly or Seafury (No dis. all good planes.) have thier own group we might be bogged down sorting thru those files to get what we want. One thing I'm mixed on is that I have found some planes surfing thru a loose category that I now enjoy very much. But I do get PMd frequently by one of our brothers with the question "where did you get that" and I don't have a simple answer. Perhaps that is a good thing. It pushes us to interact. This could be the nature of the beast. Our group and this site probably have so much info and files that we have hit a ceiling in managing all this wonderfull stuff. :ph34r: V/R Mods, CL
  18. Splendid! The F-84s have thier own section so none of the other airplane drivers have to wade thru that junkyard. I believe members who do not have the computer skills, nerve, metal, etc, to place an outragious amount of T & A on thier avatar or sig should be assigned a female flesh shot by the mods. Objects is kinda of a broad category. Maybe seperate groups for pilot skins and photos. Thier is still alot of aircraft that don't have a category more specific then coldwar, modern and such. Input from the "ready room" should find a home for about 3/4s of these files :ph34r: CL
  19. DFANG has a level bombsight in the objects & mods wov/sf download section here. Has anyone tryed it on a Vark yet? :ph34r: CL
  20. Did anyone see this?

    Splendid! The RMs where lauded as heros by thier supervisor instead of admonished to please the safety nazis. I sniveled for a boat team of SEALs for a C-1 Greyhound weapons load once. My chances for this are probably just as slight. :ph34r: CL
  21. It's the same ol gig. But now you got a Vark with it's cockpit and load. Life is good aye? :ph34r: CL
  22. Looking For a Good Game Suggestion

    Space Stuff: Homeworld Big muzzle loaders on wooden boats: Age Of Sail 2 Shooter Small units: Ghost Recon Anybody know of a good Vietnam era shootin' sim for small teams? I bought Ghost Recon thinking it would be a Force Recon Sim. It still turns my screws tho. :ph34r: CL
  23. How Cold Is It Where You're From?

    My intent tonight was to put my Laika and ...... CD with thier remake of the Endless Summer theme song on endless repeat. Suppose to snow tonight. Organized my truck can't find it. The CD that is. Listening to the Vera-tones Jetty subject to high surf now. Blue Stingrays are on deck. :ph34r: CL Oops! Wrong image. Ah. Thier we go: :ph34r: V/R,CL
  24. Guns, guns, guns.

    Don't laugh group. 7.62 mike mike holes can leave invisible souls. :ph34r: CL
  25. Military History

    Groovy! What did I win? A pdf text file with detailed instructions on how to poke myself in the eye with a wet mop? :ph34r: : CL

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