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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Hey Gruppe , What do we have for campains? I tried Saganuays links and got no joy. :ph34r: CL
  2. Oooh Weee! I just bought Razbams A1E and wasted no time sniveling for the AD-5s. Buy it, and yes I mean "BUY IT" at http://www.razbam.net/ It apears we are in a pay to play world. The time vs cost is worth it. Some days it took me all day just to download a 7 meg file. There are skins that wiegh alot more. "When the the going gets wierd, the wierd turn pro". Raul Duke.VR all! :ph34r: CL
  3. How Cold Is It Where You're From?

    Would that be Laika and the Cosmonauts? http://www.laikaandthecosmonauts.com/. Thier latest album is called "Local Warming" :ph34r: CL
  4. Military History

    Blast! Southernap beat me to my answer, Swedan and Swiss ahhh Vannia. No stab at the Swiss, My thought is they would be more insulted by my spelling skills then my bafoonery. For some reason I ruled out islands that were only bombed an infiltrated. Too my knowledge the Swiss and Swedes were not economicly neutral but were immune to hostile acts that we take great joy with in our sims. What about Spain and Portugal? :ph34r: CL
  5. The Start of a Crudy day

    :ph34r: CL
  6. Well Doggies! I actually spent some time out of the SPAD's pit and took some time to finally put the Vark stuff together and fly it. The FB / switchblade is bitchin'. Cruise at 450 knots. RTB at lightspeed like a THUD. It's about time we got a turnkey strategic bomber. I have a snivel out there somewhere for an A3 skywarrior. I retract that request. Blast! My gold wings are turning to lead! Oh no. Should I request VAH squadron warpaint for FB-111As? I better get back in my low and slow world. Swing wings, fan jets with after burners, MERs, chaff, flares, and "music" OooH Wee! :ph34r: CL
  7. How Cold Is It Where You're From?

    Update for Littleroach in the high desert of California. Left home for work two mornings in a row with an OAT of 12 degrees F. Considering Mod request for winterized A1Hs in case of imbedded technologies in gaming system being able to detect real world WX. Also considering running for office on the pro global warming ticket! V/RRRR ALLL :ph34r: CL
  8. How Cold Is It Where You're From?

    32 degrees F here in Littleroach Ca. Predicted low tonight 15. Us white males here in the high desert aren't very sophisticated and just don't get it. Can anyone tell me what college class I can take to make global warming work here. I'm tired of folks making fun of me wearing thermals under my carhart shorts and BDU cut offs. :ph34r: CL
  9. Buying Sf

    I bought WOV online / Amazon on a whim while shopping for a Martin Denny CD. Even when I'm running for my life in my real job I'm wondering if I should of loaded shrikes or gunpods on the bird while Martin Denny's Quiet Village is loudly playing in my head and striking images of a green eyed 5'7" brunette that I share my life with. I met her at Walmart. Sorry gruppe. I'm yammering. :ph34r: CL
  10. Hey Thanks Tiger! downloading as we we speak. Is that F6F for WOV / SF ? Did you get a hop in the B-17? are you working on an F7F? :ph34r: CL
  11. Able Dog, Spad, And Sandy Drivers

    Hey Gruppe I have never driven or flown in an A1 / AD. I got to touch an AD-5 in a bone yard once. The 2 Marine nasel aereators on my street that flew SPADS out of EL Toro were this or "better". The folks that know me and see me in the economy will tell you this is me also. The Able Dog Pilot What was it like to be an Able Dog pilot? Wading through the rivalry between the attack and fighter communities we think Art "Swede" Hedberg, a former fighter pilot, said it best in his description of the men and the plane known as The Able Dogs: As aristocratic, elegant, and elite fighter pilots, my mates and I always tended to avoid association with Able Dog drivers. For one thing their military appearance and grooming habits were atrocious! Their flights suits were always sodden and black with oil, grease, and other foul smelling liquids. Their aircraft were always spotted back on the aft part of the flight deck in the "cheap seats" where the snipes blew tubes over them on a regular basis and they were always filthy with stack soot and clinkers. Everything they were around soon became grimy and disgusting and their ready room looked and smelled like a garage heap. On top of that they were loathe to bathe and carried their own atmosphere, like a large bubble, around with them wherever they went causing more genteel folk to veer out of their way, their sensibilities deeply offended. What is worse, Able Dog drivers prided themselves in these disgusting habits! In addition to this they were unfair and unscrupulous in the air. They were fond of grinding around at low altitude and when they saw one of our gallant fighters start to make a run on them they immediately turned on a dime and positioned themselves directly under the heroic fighter pilot who, upon being pulled vertical, directly saw nothing but water in his windshield and was forced to frantically pull out with frazzled nerves, sweating heavily, and with pucker string two-blocked. This maneuver was a killer. And the Able Dog drivers gloried in this un-sportsmanlike conduct!!, gleefully sneering to themselves and applying spit wetted fingers to the insides of canopies to mark up points. It must be known that I still harbor a deep resentment over this ungentlemanly and scandalous behavior. Despite it's lack of speed the old Able Dog could surely take care of itself and I always marveled at the veritable junkyard of nasty stuff it could haul around to drop on the bad guys. ~ Art Hedberg Imagine my surprise! :ph34r: CL
  12. Groovy! Where do we get the pogo stick / F8F? :ph34r: CL
  13. Hey Mods, A brother from another mother pm'd me to ask where I got my SPAD and skins. I cruised thru the download categories and found that we have all sorts of A1H aircraft files that aren't in the A1H file. It was a siege to find them all. The search feature didn't help, and took time away from an always pleasent search or browsing. I don't feel comfortable with this gripe because I know / feel how much work you all have done to make this site so successful and the bitchin airplanes I get to "fly" only because of this group. If I can help I can help.:ph34r: V/R,CL
  14. A1h Suff

    Sierra! I'm such a slob! Comfort level increased. PM to BUFF also. Montys Sandy: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=747 A SPAD downloaded by BUFF(Cool nom de guerre): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=731 :ph34r: CL
  15. A1h Suff

    Roger! Where do we send my input? :ph34r: CL
  16. Good info. So Is thirty a fair quantity for flares and chaff for WOV era birds? :ph34r: CL
  17. Bravo Zulu Mate! Can you show me how to shoot down a MIG-21 with a Cluster bomb dropped from an A1-H Skyraider? Seriously tho excellent screenshots of "what the foxtrot !" :ph34r: CL
  18. Hey Gruppe, I've tried but miserably failed to add Lobo's Marine pack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...amp;showfile=28 on my SPAD ( Single Place AD for our new string bag brothers). I'm driving Monty CZ's splendid product. Was this skin pack made for another A1H? Like maybe Buffs A1H? I also tried pasting them on an AD4 but no joy. It looks to me like I have to figure out how to have 2 A1H files, Can I do that? :ph34r: CL
  19. Cool! I'll try that. I'm still trying to figure out what TGA files go to the gull grey or the midnight blue skin. I'm thinking my a1/ad file might be incomplete to. Do you have a Marines fuselage decal for the AD4. If I'm doing all this I could probably pull that off. :ph34r: CL
  20. It appears picking the right gruppe is the easy part. :ph34r: CL
  21. Uh Huh! My previous attempt was in heavily patched WOV. I attempted it again on Monty's A1H in lightly patched SFP1. I got this far. Good insignia, nose and wing numbers but no joy on the rest. Sierra! Pesky MIGS. Beat it. I'm just trying to paint an airplane. Sometimes my system thinks I should only fly NARF birds and wipes my planes clean of everything but stars and bars and branch. this is not the case this time. :ph34r: Thanks CL
  22. Roger. Dive brakes for camera.

    :ph34r: CL
  23. Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas y'all ! Cool A Christmas card with a Jug. Question to the GRUPPE. How many of us are NCOs / Petty officers? I wanted to ask this as a seperate post but I didn't want to bump down our Brazilian Brother from another mother excellent post. And Perhaps I'd like to see it stay at the top of the "PUB" untill Saint Pats day. Usually I say use diplomacy only as a last resort. And peace is not the answer, give war a chance. But this week I week I say: Peace on earth and good will to men group. :ph34r: CL
  24. Groovy! Is that your site? Merry Christmas and thanks for the kind PM. :ph34r: V/R,CL

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