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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Extremely cool ac. Drove it first time on the armed recon mission with 4 rockeyes. Completed the mission on the first pass. Bravo Zulu mate! :ph34r: CL
  2. Splendid target! WOW! 33 Knots on the surface! I can't wait to punch a couple of zuni's or drop a stick of snakeyes into this pest. A common myth is that soviet boats have the red star on the sail. I believe they just had a number just as our boats. Unfortunatly these splendid boats are exported to countrys that have a rather negative opinion of us. Of all the soviet navy vessels I encountered the only common thing I remember was the flag. Thier navy ensign was mostly white with a blue stripe on the bottom, a red hammer and sickle and a red star on the white part. Even tho the soviet sailor was my cold war adversary I have gobs of respect for those guys. More then once when it seemed a sure thing we were going to transfer another navy ac to davy jones ac museum the soviet navy was there to shorten my swim. CL
  3. Bitchin! Where do I get it? :ph34r: CL
  4. Fallen US Forest Service Firefighters

    For those who wish to help the families and one survivor of San Bernadino National Forest Engine 57 click on http://www.wffoundation.org/index.html. Vicki Minor and her group specialize in helping my group in bad times. Thank you, Captain Chuck
  5. Splendid! I haven't seen the 68 "bowling bowl" markings before.Thats slick. :ph34r: CL
  6. Same here! Does anybody know where on the keyboard Target Red Crown button is? Red Crown was a cruiser or maybe even a destroyer. I believe a healthy stick of MK-82s or 83s could transform this annoyance to a new form of ammusement. My uncle/dad flew Willy Victors (EC-121s). Thats College Eye. Please don't arm for A2A. :ph34r: VR ALL, CL
  7. Is this the whole plane? Turn key? Ready to fly? F-111 cockpit not an A-6s? :ph34r: CL
  8. Hey Gruppe, I finally got and took the time to get my pc and I into the new CA mode. Are all the "Old" screen shot stuff gone? I enjoyed even the most scathing comments on my shots and enjoyed even more responding to someone's question about somebody else's broad question about a shot. SIERRA! I hope I didn't wreck it for everyone. :ph34r: VR / CL
  9. Living in the dirt and eating MREs. Photos at http://www.wildlandfire.com/pics/fire29/fire29.htm. But this morning I did accomplish something usefull. V/R All :ph34r: CL
  10. Intruders Ingress to Target

    Half the time I can only hit anything with snakeyes. I only load this many for the picture. My thot is this could only be reasonable to prepare a stretch of jungle for a new freeway. With fuse extenders maybe we could LAPES the Cats in :ph34r: VR,CL
  11. Hey Gruppe. Its been awhile since I sniveled for more bitchin sierra. And we got gobs of it of course. As a card carring member of the Maskless Mafia and the XO of the Bare Faced Dilbert Militia Here it comes: T-28 trojan, not the yellow kiddy car but the tactical COIN plane the black birds or ravens flew. a D model I believe. Nope I'm not tired of my SPADS or Black Ponies yet! Tactical Pod for the hustler. I'm probably just ignorant here. Its probably just file f@#$%g to get that. Green lizard skins , lo res for planes. My computer can handle hi res but my server doesn't have the patience and fortitude for the download. F-4s and a fictional for A-6s. The hustler and B-66 would probably feel good in that warpaint too. F4D Skyray A drivable (flyable?) PBR for the the brown water navy. I think this can be done. I took(WOV) an F-8 to target, got chewed up almost immediatly after we were feet dry. Loosing altitude but still controllable I pointed the flying wreckage southeast.I forgot what button to push to punch out. Not knowing if we can ditch in this sim I lowered gear. I "landed" on the sea surface and was happily taxing "ON" the gulf of tonkin toward building 41 300 NM away. Thanks All, :ph34r: CL
  12. Hey Gruppe. Its been awhile since I sniveled for more bitchin sierra. And we got gobs of it of course. As a card carring member of the Maskless Mafia or the XO of the Bare Faced Dilbert Militia Here it comes: T-28 trojan, not the yellow kiddy car but the tactical COIN plane the black birds or ravens flew. a D model I believe. Nope I'm not tired of my SPADS or Black Ponies yet! Tactical Pod for the hustler. I'm probably just ignorant here. Its probably just file f@#$%g to get that. Green lizard skins , lo res for planes. My computer can handle hi res but my server doesn't have the patience and fortitude for the download. F-4s and a fictional for A-6s. The hustler and B-66 would probably feel good in that warpaint too. F4D Skyray A drivable (flyable?) PBR for the the brown water navy. I think this can be done. I took(WOV) an F-8 to target, got chewed up almost immediatly after we were feet dry. Loosing altitude but still controllable I pointed the flying wreckage southeast.I forgot what button to push to punch out. Not knowing if we can ditch in this sim I lowered gear. I "landed" on the sea surface and was happily taxing "ON" the gulf of tonkin toward building 41 300 NM away. Thanks All :ph34r: CL
  13. Half a Million Served

    Bravo Zulu Gruppe! This site, Mods and Contributers, are hotter then a black pickup truck parked in the summer desert sun. :ph34r: VR,CL
  14. Intruders Ingress to Target

    Kinda sad a navy det flying off the beech has to barrow a plane from the mens department to do thier job. I bet the mechs are retaleating for no pork roast for thursday night chow. Welcome aboard Leeman. :ph34r: VR, CL
  15. Well umm... ahh. In the cockpit? Seriously tho Vic I can't speak for the whole group but I spend 2/3s of my "flight time" downloading and cleaning up files.99.8% of the time when I'm on line here, the folks I usually chat with or at are not logged on. I think most of us fly solo. Welcome Aboard. I browsed over from IL/FB/PF after beating them up for gobs of skin requests and I'm still here. If you miss your piston slappers download the A1H. CL
  16. Guns, Guns, GUNS!

    1. Fighter pilots make movies, attack pilots make history. 2. Gentlemen prefer bombs. 3. Oh baby you know what I like. VR All! :ph34r: CL
  17. Guns, Guns, GUNS!

    I'll give it a shot. I will miss tail code and gatling guns tho. :ph34r: CL
  18. good bye Mighty O

    If I'm going to shave with razors made by a french company, better they're made out of french aircraft carriers. I'm trying to verbalize my thoughts about how folks in the economy don't get it when our eyes get wet. I'm second generation Navy Air and 3rd generation Russian. When I go to a funeral I need to take a mop or a 5 gallon bucket. I'm lucky tho. When I came home I was'nt spit on or called a baby killer but like all Navy ships and sailors it was "What are you doing back here". We won't have to shave with razors made out of the mighty O. We won't see it at Hunters Point, Bremerton or Vallejo and we'll never drive by a port and say "What is building 34 doing here". VR all, :ph34r: CL
  19. Guns, Guns, GUNS!

    And the radar is in A2A mode. I'm using WOV patch 3. I get missing nose and tail codes too. What squadrons did "gun up" thier planes in SEA? I'll gladly redo the screenshot with mk4s if someone could coach me thru the weapon editor install, CL
  20. A flying squirrel huh? Lets wait till we get the airplane first. :ph34r: CL
  21. Efing SAM's

    I HATE IT when that happens! :ph34r: CL
  22. Check the local hoochy bar. I bet you'll find him there rockin out to Martin Denny, Don Lyman our even the Blue Stingrays. Judging from the non tactical colors of that pilots shirt it won't be the first time he's been pulled out of the economy to fly out of rotation. Use the Bronco pilots Allen!:ph34r: CL
  23. Hats off to you Diego!

    Thanks Tiger! :ph34r: CL
  24. My Crudy Morning

    A look in the mirror Stretching our legs Somebody elses morning can be worse Good morning ya'all

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