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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. My Crudy Morning

    More of my crudy day :ph34r: CL
  2. My old man

    Who's Your Daddy? :ph34r: CL
  3. SFP1 F-4E Killing a MiG-23

    I'm such a nugget. I keep forgetting to pickle my A2G junk when I play with the bandits. :ph34r: CL
  4. Some of us enjoy silly. but also gratefull for bitchin and correct pilot skins :ph34r: CL
  5. No comparison, but thanks. :ph34r: CL
  6. SFP1 F-4E Killing a MiG-23

    The same old story. Fly the airplane to a point in space were the weapons can be effectively utilized. Showtime 11 attempts to zap Mig17 with LAU3s. No joy. Seperates, feints for ground target, turns toward bandit, good growl, fox 2. Result shown Buick 11 and 12 get bounced by MIG21s. Bandits attempt to out turn more technologicly advanced Navy piston engine attack aircraft, bandits fly into stream of 20 mike mike. Result shown. Next question please. CL
  7. Ohh! Ahh! Could that be what I think it's gonna be? :ph34r: CL
  8. Almost ready for prime time

    No balls, no airmedals. :ph34r: VR/CL
  9. Bloodthirsty @#$%^!!! I. I got WOV, latest patch. Does this mean I need SF also? :ph34r: CL
  10. Cool! Who's C-130 and other files do I need to do this? I see a chute and a pallet. Does that mean we can LAPES friendly equipment in also? A 4 engine prop bomber should keep me distracted from my Boeing gunship concept. :ph34r: CL
  11. Brilliant! I want a 737 gunship with any choice of guns / gunpods pointed out the business side and all the ECM capability of a Prowler or Raven. But, it would be way cool to drop a daisy cutter out the back, drop a stick of seals or rangers and thier boat, if we are over water. We have the planes. C-130, C-2, and even the OV-10(no daisy cutter). Nothing but fun here to be had by all. And check this sh*t out. I'm not being sarcastic. That includes the 737.:ph34r: VR all,CL
  12. @ paul nortness

    Cool! Thats the one I want! :ph34r: CL
  13. Another target? :ph34r: CL
  14. Well lets see some screenshots of these sights at work. Some of us fans of Dfangs work might want to see these :ph34r: CL
  15. OV-10 Pilots

    Better you then me. If It was my mug women and small children would be running and screaming in total terror. Although this is probably the best looking gruppe of geeks on the net I would hate to set us back. :ph34r: CL
  16. My Crudy Morning

    Things can get crudy before the black ponies and hobbo show up! Semper Fi Mack. CL A day without snakeye and zunies is like a day without sun shine!
  17. Guns, Guns, GUNS!

    Well. Post a screenshot, but I still can't guarentee anything. :ph34r: CL
  18. OV-10 Pilots

    Yup! I remember alot of fo's (NFOs) and A6 beenies on the carrier with glasses. We had a couple Sea Pig drivers (Naval Aviators) wearing them as well. That pilot, aircrewman, or what (help me out gruppe) the GIB on an OV-10 was, with the white bucket, visor up and sun glasses is what I'm looking for for the unmasked avenger to drive my piston slappers. Did you think this would all show the same week 8- ? It's good to have the cheese of my choice with wine. :ph34r: CL
  19. We have a T-28? Come forward cyber blackbirds and ravens.CL
  20. Well well. Imagine bumping into you here. If you like driving A-20s, P-47s, F6Fs, and Beufighters, This is the place. give it a shot and then up grade the black box to match. It will turn your screws. :ph34r: CL
  21. Desert Bronco

    If this gets downloaded will it be Modern or Cold War? I read a post somewhere else that there is push to bring these back for the current party we're at. :ph34r: CL
  22. Hey Capun!!

    Nice Flying Zero! Good thing that Sea Pig doesn't have the charlie lima tail code or it would be getting shot at by both sides. My bet is you probably won't be happy until we have a campaign with a LRRP team, forward observer, or a SEAL in a sampan calling in strikes for Ravens, Hobos, and even Buffs. VR,CL
  23. SH-3 in drag

    HS-12 TIGER! :ph34r: CL
  24. SH-3 in drag

    Sexy! I wish our Sea Pigs where painted like that. :ph34r: CL
  25. OV-10 Updated

    TEASE! What? You think you're ComNavair or what? Good luck getting this out of my office! Oh and check this sh&t out@ http://www.blackpony.org/sqdhist.html VR, CL

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