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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. OV-10 Updated

    I meant the airplane, not the VAL-4 patch. :ph34r: CL
  2. OV-10 Updated

    Bitchin! Where did you get the Black Pony? CL
  3. HS-2 flew Sea kings for combat SAR. I haven't seen a USN skin yet for the helo on Capuns site. :ph34r: CL
  4. Sugar! My ugly mug just could be that A2A death ray weapon we have all been looking for. I'm off unit this week. Give me another week and I promise you the imagery off one who lives with the same frustration as one who takes the wright flyer downtown with a handfull of pingpong balls who is expected to end the war on the first strike. Nope. This isn't a cry for help. I'm the supervisor of a US Forest Service firefighting module. :ph34r: VR.CL
  5. Negatrons! Exploding houses only please. None of our groups tho. CL
  6. This just could be the easiest question to answer. There is a whole world of pictures of swarthy characters on the net and in our houses even, in sage, tan, blue, orange, and sh&t hots zoom bags, alpha, bravo, and GTH uniforms. What's the size file type and what for pilot photos to work. Not that I'm tired of looking at General Chuck, but some of the the stuff I fly would probably shame him even tho he was a test pilot. :ph34r: CL
  7. The sh&t I do to keep ya'll amused. :ph34r: CL
  8. Iranian Torpedo

    I'm in total agreement with SE. That's probably all I can say. :ph34r: BZ, CL
  9. Aaaargh! Originaly we were the "extra" H-3 squadron for the the Cruisers. but Ronaldus Rex 600 ship navy goal put the the end to our glory days. To the bird farm slums we went (Carriers). CVW 14, 82,83 & CVW 5, 84-86. Did Prowler squadrons have different DETS? Back in the 80s alot of us were flying to the other coast to cruise. Maybe we had some just passin' thru to Whidby or what. I think maybe the most correct statement I can make is I saw VQ-1 everywhere and everytime I saw a Prowler it seamed to be from a different squadron before the last one I saw, and the startling gold tint on the canopy. Modelers' and I bet later skinners' hell. :ph34r: CL
  10. It' good to be stoked! Alot of times its not the destination but the journey. :ph34r: CL
  11. I think the the gull grey and white scheme prowlers of 137 where in my CAG. they looked spendid. If thats what you're working on 8_ let's see it. CL
  12. Meatchicken F-100D

    Hey! you got it! :ph34r: CL
  13. f84fdhimar



    Early work by Whiteknight. National ensignia works with SF, not my WOV. :ph34r: CL
  14. Thanks! That was my Hey Rube for the week. CL
  15. Not Me! My parents where married. PO2 Naval Aircrewman. Beside my sea service ribbon with a star I didn't know what ribbons I had until they put me on the beech for good CL
  16. f86fdhimar



    Early work by Whiteknight. National ensignia works with SF, not my WOV. :ph34r: CL
  17. F3Ds

    We couldn't find the EW pods so we strapped on A2A weps on instead :ph34r: CL
  18. Help!!!

    Yah, I'm clueless here too. I downloaded the weps editor. I do WOV patch 3. I read the instuctions for all the stuff, but I still don't get it. Were next gruppe?
  19. Bravo Zulu tiger! :ph34r: CL
  20. Lucky you. I have to race the thuds and bombed up F-4s to my target in my F-8 campaign. :ph34r: CL
  21. Sh&t Hot! I think most of us bought WOV because missions like these turned our screws. I don't know about aim-7s on a SPAD but give the F3D a shot. It's the slowest thing out downloaded that shoots them here. How about ANG F84Fs in SEA? A very "Zoomy" airplane. needs more hardpoints, TERS, and ESM tho. :ph34r: CL
  22. WTF? USS Princess Diana

    It will be able to go under them but it won't be able to cross them. :ph34r: CL
  23. What is Dilbert doing feet dry over indian country wearing a ball cap instead of a proper brain bucket. We send him to college. We give him a good job with a handsome uniform and he dresses like he's got a side job reporting the traffic back home. Do we have to dress him too? :ph34r:CL
  24. Would you want it any other way? :ph34r: CL

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