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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. No bandits, gomers, or pacifists, were fragged, harmed, or even offended in the filming of this screenshot. :ph34r: CL
  2. Hey Paul, I just noticed your va-52 skin for the A-1 is #300 only, the CAGs bird. Any chance we could get a skin for the rest of the gaggle. Thanks :ph34r: CL
  3. OOPS, I stand corrected. I still believe there was a toned down mace band for the non CAG bird. Yes that MIG 21, being flown by a way more skilled pilot then Dilbert or I, did with great courage and skill, flew directly into all that 20 mike mike, converting his airplane into a ball of flame, a long smoke trail, and a debri field. :ph34r: CL
  4. Hey. I like the A-20. But I will gladly keep the gomers on the run with this brute. Whats next? A P-61, F7F, or a PV ventura / harpoon? :ph34r: CL
  5. F-14B

    Oh Yah! we need a bombcat. :ph34r: CL
  6. Hey Mods, Is there enough sled skins to warrent thier own listing. They are scattered around. As much as I like browsing thru The other hansome skins, It's a siege to track these down. I don't think anyone would complain about Gs being lumped in with Fs. Especially folks who have no use for either. Thanks :ph34r: CL
  7. Am I behind the curve, or do we need a tactical pod too? :ph34r: CL
  8. F84 Skins

    Wicked. A lead sled shed. Hey Wrench and White Knight can we download the dhimari skin on it too. I would but only with permission. :ph34r: CL
  9. That might get us some where. I downloaded this SNJ with red stripes in the bars thinking for sure our super navy jet pilots would be the maskless avengers we're looking for. No joy. WW2 pilots. After finding out I couldn't download the wright flyer or an Otto Lilanthal glider for WOV to put the fast mover pilot in (on?).I thot this might push our point a little. :ph34r: CL
  10. How about this? GIB: Pilot aft pilot: Go! GIB: Good thing we used up our F6Fs as drones in the the last war and gave our F4Us away. pilot: Yah I Know. Do some of that RIO or other GIB stuff would you! GIB: Whith what? This stick I could remove it and pop you on the back of the head like the instuctor would do at Pennsacola? pilot: Keep your eyes out for those bandits. GIB: They passed us up 10 mikes ago. I think they RTBd to get some of thier comrades P-40s or 39s, slow enough to get us. Pilot: Shut your gob. SNJ means Super Navy Jet right? :ph34r: CL
  11. I'll have to do with a cold 12 pak and an almost forty desert girl. Found 7 types of B-66s at http://www.bunyap2w1.com/ :ph34r: CL
  12. :ph34r: Hey Gruppe, I downloaded some really handsome skins for f-84s and f-86s. They have a splendid desert camo skin and Dimari fin flash. I would like to put that "country's" roundels on the plane or establish it as a national marking. I know there is a national marking group download out there / here but I don't need the other dozens of other ones that can mess with my world. CL
  13. Do you have a hanger screen for the Sled? Prop or helicopter pilot skin? Thanks! :ph34r: CL
  14. OK, Check this Sierra out! I've run a bunch of single missions using Thuds with a gaggle of 8, Flew in 1965/66 strike missions for that strolling dunder disaster that killed so many of that wonderfull airplane, loaded them up in all diiferent loads and got the same result. It might be a specific WOV thing. To see if I could get a different result, I tried the same with a 3rd party download. I used F84f thundersteaks. Marked them with WhiteKnights splendid SEA(named greek)scheme so the plane didn't look or feel out of place. I ran them thru a few 8 bird strike missions loaded with CBUs and snakeyes. Every time I got the same result. All the rest of the squadron used up there weps to good effect before I dropped my last bomb. If for no other reason give the Streak / Slead a try. :ph34r: CL
  15. Good question SL. My member status is "member" but I haven't pulled of what you are trying to do. CL
  16. No jet wash, prop wash or rotor wash jokes please. Sorry Gruppe I see it coming. :ph34r: CL
  17. Alot of skins for a "Newb" Love those grunge blue phantoms. Thanks for the SPADS! :ph34r: CL
  18. Same Here. O2 masks on these 2 rotorheads would be a definate Bozo No NO! :ph34r: CL
  19. NO Sierra ! After the Coral Sea parked at Norfolk VA. We took our SH-3Hs back to North Island. I only remember 2 things about our flight back. My best friend and first crewman, I was just the swimmer then, walked into the wrong barracks room. A young female air force officer took exception to a large Naval Aircrewman floping down on her rack to sleep of the stuff that naval aircrewman do best an usualy do in the economy. The other thing was the Tinker Burger. Yah, when we were on the beach we could always find beer and females, but that Tinker Burger totaly turned my screws. When I chomped down on that hand held example of USAnian culinary achievment I finally realized I was home. It was served with pride and the attitude that most folks display for T-giving dinner. Thanks Tinker Guys. Oh Yah. We need a FORD to! :ph34r: CL
  20. Nice salad bar there sidewinder! :ph34r: CL
  21. Yes I remember mutly. While we are sniveling for drivable AC, here is my list: AC- 47 PTMD, A-26 Invader, AP-2 Neptune, T-28D (AT-28?) Trojan, OV-10 Bronco, A3D Skywarrior, B-66 destroyer, S2F Tracker. All dressed up for service in south east asia. A PV-2 Ventura as flown by VMF(AW)531 would be a gas too. An EC-121 / Willy Victor would be splendid. We should have "college eye" as well as Red Crown calling out our bogies and bandits. :ph34r: CL
  22. For some reason I don't feel complete without a 195ty something fighter on my front lawn. Thats a cool museum WK. If we win the lotto lets take that B-25H out for a hop. My request for essential skins are at http://www.cbrnp.com/profiles/quarter3/skyrays.htm sorry gruppe but the site wouldn't let me paste / attache the views. V/R CL
  23. Well did it work? I'm a WOV patch 3 guy. I have a big ol file of stuff that I can't use because I'm either behind the curve with computer skills or some other file shuffle act. Someone else's cockpit gripe gives me the answer to the question I'm not smart enuf to ask. Thanks gruppe. :ph34r: CL

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