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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Yah. No kidding. Pilot skins are the hot topic right now. I'm trying to get a SPAD / Sandy driver to wear a brain bucket with no O2 mask. I'm halfway there. Only the good folks in this gruppe will square away the pilot / aircrewshop in our cyberworld. Flying V has an all white bucket on the column 5 site. I remember some fabric helmet covers wih some unique camo patterns. An all olive or green bucket airplane driver skin would be b*tch*n. Please keep us updated on your progess here. :ph34r: CL
  2. Hey, and thanks 8_. I retired my zoom bags 20 years ago. I didn't have an O2 mask on my bucket or in our AC when I wore gold wings. My current job now (2 feet on the ground with no naval aircraft strapped on my back) has me at 6k feet alttitude. If my memory, math and situational awareness serve me right, thats 5500ft higher then all but maybe 75 hours of all my logable flight time. Yup, Dilbert does not need O2 at the alttitude he's driving his SPAD at for nape scrapes, dodging banana trees and other purposes that make us chose this AC. As this post started, Dilbert (and charlie lima) is behind the skill and knowledge curve. Yah I'm yammerring and you are way correct and on topic. Dilbert should be boring holes in the lovely south east asian sky with a brain bucket and no O2 mask. That is my goal. We can take Dilbert behind the line shack again and again until he get's his sierra in one sock. There is a whole ready room of SPAD drivers looking forward to your help here. Rest in peace Buck Owens:ph34r:V/R, CL
  3. Buck Owens passed away today

    He was a geat one. The good folks of Bakersfield are sorting out what streets to name other CW stars that passed away. Fortunatly for Bakersfield, Buck, his fans and me, He allready has a street named after him and his memorial is built and running. Rest in peace Mister Owens, rest in peace. V/R. CL
  4. After a leadership session behind the line shack Dilbert recieved the message that it wasn't news, weather, sports, and traffic on the hour but nape, zunies, and 20 mike mike on request. Now if we could only get the young gentlemen to wear the squadrons colors on his bucket instead of his GTH stripes. Thanks Flying V for the airplane driver and all the good folks that brot the SPAD into my office. :ph34r: CL
  5. B*tchin. There's room in my hanger for a gaggle of "FORDs". It should be skinners dream / nightmare. alot of handsome Navy and Marine paint schemes for that bird. :ph34r: CL
  6. A.I.

    My simple answer to a complex topic. Not to be a sm*rt *ss but what you show up with to the threat / target with is sometimes all you have. :ph34r: CL
  7. How about Walleye, TV guided PGMs? The target is on a screen and we have to drive it too. :ph34r: CL
  8. I hope "some of the first skins" I do come out half, ah, 3/4 this good. when you redo the Sled, camo droptanks to match is on my wish list.:ph34r: V/R, CL
  9. Found Them! Downloadable from Wrench's website. :ph34r: CL
  10. At what flight number do they stop dropping thier bombs? I usually load the last flight for air to air. I have had some 2nd flights go agro on air defenses with CBUs when directed to attack ground. No joy on my choice of target tho. :ph34r: CL
  11. Hey Gruppe, In WOV VMFA-121 A-4E/Fs don't have the Green Knight badge on the fuselage as flown during thier tour. I would like to put the Green Knight badge on the side of the plane. The F-4J in the sim with VMFA-121 has the badge ( Greeen Knight chess piece, white circular field, green border ) on the tail. Is there anyway I can copy and paste that badge from the game files to the side of an A-4 were it rightfully belongs? :ph34r: CL
  12. Aye Aye. And happy St Pattys Day :ph34r: CL
  13. When can we fly them? :ph34r: CL
  14. Oops! Wrong lingo. I "downloaded" them FROM another site. Not TO here, our favorite fast mover site. The author of those handsome skins is Matt Oullette. I don't remember what the site I got them from. I was chasing links to links and I think they where labeled as a desert pak. My sincere apologys to Matt and this Gruppe for my hieneous foul. V/R,CL
  15. Thanks I'll give it a try :ph34r: CL
  16. Nice! Did you have to skin this up or where you able to use stock WOV decals? :ph34r: CL
  17. Paint shop pro 8 trial version. Is the rest of the program worth the $75.00? Whats best? :ph34r: CL
  18. OK Gruppe. I can't hold it in anymore. I think I heard it also in the movie "flight of the intruder" :ph34r: CL
  19. How about now DFANG? :ph34r: CL
  20. Thanks Gruppe, I was wandering were the cockpit was. :ph34r: CL
  21. Green Knight warpaint

    Modest post of box stock WOV planes in Green Knight warpaint :ph34r: CL
  22. Posting screenshots

    What file type works or best! :ph34r: CL
  23. Interesting! Anybody do a stick of SEALS and a zodiac for a weapons load yet? :ph34r: V/R, CL

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