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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Good site, but no joy. B*tchin SPADs. I'm downloading some as I post. Hey Mods, you may want to change my status to nugget since I can't pick the right file for screen shots and get attached photos to post for the good folks here. Thanks All! :ph34r: CL
  2. Sweet! Here are screenshots of the two box stock AC I'm yammering about. They show up as USMC grey / USMC / VMA-121 when arming. on the A-6 there is a nice "scary tiki style" green knight that could be fun to paste around to. :ph34r: CL
  3. Splendid! A nuclear reactor target would make a delightfull bomb magnet. :ph34r: CL
  4. Interesting. It appears gentlemen prefer bombs. As I just saw on Fist of the fleet, "Fighter pilots make movies. Attack pilots make history". :ph34r: CL
  5. Good request! I here it performed way better. :ph34r: CL
  6. Oops, the Green Knights were VMA-121 with the A-4 I believe. It shows up as as VMFA onWOV. The squadron type changed with AC.There is a VMA-121 web site www.vma121.net. They were not always the Green Knights. the badge or patch was located in the middle of the fuselauge. For some reason I could not download the picture on that site. Thanks for the interest. :ph34r: CL
  7. Hey Gruppe, There is no shortage of green SBD / A-24 skins out there but I believe this USMC AC would be the best yet. :ph34r: CL
  8. Hey Gruppe, Any bored skinners out there? The add on FJ3 only has one skin as delivered for WOV. It is very handsome but some more would be splendid. I don't believe I'm alone on this. A bunch of our favorite Leatherneck squadrons traded thier props for gas turbines with this AC. CL
  9. Log In? Ah huh! Bone Head I. More nugget questions to follow. CL
  10. Where are they? I'm a bone head. I can't navigate to the files. Thanx, CL

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