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Everything posted by Heck

  1. Dammit, Wrench! Every time I'm happily enjoying one version of the sim, you've got to drag me back into another version with your skins and inis. Seriously, beautiful work as always. Thanks. Oh, well. Off to the Pacific.... Heck
  2. In WOV, A-7C or E, and F-4b. In my WOI Korea mod install; F-86e, Mig 15bis, and AU1. In WW2 Europe WOE install, Spit1, ME109e, or Hawk75a.
  3. I wish I could help you, but I honestly don't know anything about terrain. You might PM some of the terrain gurus whose names you find associated with terrains in the download sections, like Major Lee. I think he's still here, even though his site is no longer up at this time. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. You might also post this question to the general questions at the WOV/WOE/WOI board, because someone might notice it before, or after, the admins move it back here. Just a thought. Heck
  4. Help please ......!

    If you're running the sim in Vista, follow this link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26451 I think it's a Vista problem, and one of the fixes found there cures it. TK is working on Vista versions of the sim right now, but many have been helped by these temporary fixes. Heck
  5. Where is Gotha?

    You have to email Capun at: capun1950(at)yahoo(dot)com and request access to the site. He'll email you back with a password. Heck
  6. ... I nominate Serverandenforcer's crazed kitten photo. LMAO! Heck
  7. My knowledge is next to none, but I'll throw out an idea. Shouldn't this line: DestroyedModel=Akagi.ini be: DestroyedModel=Akagi-R3.lod since it's looking for a model? And I think the .lod specifies the basic bitmap name being looked for by the model, not the .ini file. Like I said, just an idea, because I know very little about the inner workings of the sim. Heck
  8. Great stuff, Wrench. Thank you. Love the nose art. The only Korea color scheme still missing for these aircraft is the few OD aircraft that were still flying. If only I could actually paint, but I don't have the talents you folks have. Thanks again for all the great Korea skins you've turned out. Heck
  9. Just curious. Not that I could paint anything well enough for release. Just wondered because I have a private project in mind and could use a skin with no markings on it. If not, I understand. It is now my favorite model in WOV. Love the effects when dropping Willie Petes in the new Jungle terrain. What a beautiful modeling job. Another Mirage Factory perfection. Heck
  10. Thank You MK2

    You are the best, MK2
  11. Superb model. Thanks to all for the tremendous effort. Heck
  12. When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight....
  13. "I lost seven good men to that China Boy. Seven good men. And a couple of aces thrown in." Col. Dutch Imel
  14. You need to toddle off to Geo's site.... http://www.geos-aircraft.com/SFAircraft.htm Sorry if I'm jumping the gun, Geo. But these are too good to keep a secret..... Thank you!
  15. Excellent resource, Wrench! Thank you!
  16. According to a book I have, Mig Fifty Years of Secret Aircraft Design, both the Mig-15 and Mig-15bis had aileron boost, just a different type. In the Mig-15 production aircraft, the boost was a TsAGI B-7, centrally located in the aileron circuit. According to this source and others, the Mig-15bis had an "improved" aileron boost, with a B-1 boost located in the wing at the leading edge of each aileron. From the sources I've read, both books and online, the real problem with Migs losing aileron control at high speed was due to control reversal, where the aileron would act like a trim tab causing the wing itself to flex, which could be so severe that all aileron control was lost at high speed. So, the way I created my Mig-15 was to reduce the aileron control rate slightly (personal taste, entirely up to you) and put in the MaxControlSpeed=290.00 LockoutSpeed=316.20 into each aileron in the data.ini which causes my ailerons to freeze at high mach numbers. I also put these values: MaxControlSpeed=298.60 LockoutSpeed=316.20 into the elevators of both my Mig-15 and 15bis, so the elevators disappear at about Mach .92. And, of course, I reduce the thrust from: SLThrustDry=26466.79 to: SLThrustDry=22241.79 Given the fact that the newest Migs pitch up nicely in turns if you pull them too tight, and spin well if you use them in WOI, these changes approximate what I've read about the Mig-15/15bis. Hope this helps. Heck
  17. Definately want them, guys. The more bent wings from Korea, the better.
  18. Beautiful work, Geo. I'll be one of the first to download. Korea is one of my favorite versions of my favorite sim, and this is a great addition. Thank you for taking the time to finish it. By the way, the Bearcat is beautiful all by itself. A hoot to fly. And in my little fantasy Korea, some of them were deployed to the war zone. Heck
  19. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there's any way to edit .str files. You can edit the ini files and some have even modded .lods using a hex editor, but, as I believe Fubar has pointed out, if you alter the .dlls, or the .strs, then the files fail their final checksum and the game won't load. Don't think there's any way to do it. Heck
  20. Hi, Gert. All of these items should be covered in the StrikeFightersEditingInfo.doc, which you can find in the Knowledge Base section of the forum. The roundel can be changed simply by changing the NationName= line in the aircraft data.ini. The Knowledge Base has a ton of information on modifying things and the tools you need to use to do it. Heck
  21. Rest and get well. Everyone's thoughts are with you.
  22. You have to have at least a 3 pixel border of transparency layer around your marking, or it will bleed when it's applied by the sim. So, as Soulfreak said, try another .tga, but don't take your marking all the way to the edge of the transparency layer.
  23. Great stuff, Wrench! Thanks for the clear canopy. Happily converting it to an 84D for Korea as soon as I finish this. Thank you. Oh, and the auto canopy can work, if anyone wants to use it, it just works slightly differently in WOI, which I use for my Korea install. All you need to do is reverse these numbers: Setting[1].DeployValue=15.0 Setting[1].RetractValue=10.0 to this: Setting[1].DeployValue=10.0 Setting[1].RetractValue=15.0 and it does work, it just works a little odd. When you go to external view, the canopy will be closed. It will then open, and once you release your brakes, it will close again as your speed hits the magic number. Don't know why this was changed. I do like the arrestor hook idea, though, because I can taxy up and open the canopy when I want to, so I can pose for pictures after a successful mission. Now we just need some first class ground crewman objects, since you can place parked aircraft around the airfields in WOI. Geo? Geo?
  24. You might want to go into your B-29's data.ini and change out the gunner's 20MM_M24 for 50CAL_M2. It makes flying through their formations far less lethal and much more realistic. They'll still knock parts off you; just rudders, ailerons, and elevators, not wings. Also, I'm experimenting with adding the [AI DATA] section of the aircraftobject.ini to their data.ini, so I can lower their roll and pitch for combat rates to 30 and 15 to make sure they behave like big bombers, not extremely large fighter-bombers. And I'm also doodling with creating lower accuracy versions of the guns used by gunners, ie: Gunner_50CAL_M2, with their base accuracy cut in half, to represent the harder time gunners had tracking targets, since modding the GunnerAimOffset in the AircraftObject.ini never seems to make that much of a difference for me. I think creating a specialized less accurate version of a gun might give better results for eliminating the Annie Oakley effect of the air gunners in these sims. If I'm wrong about the gun accuracy thing in the gundata.ini, please let me know. Ps: Forgot to mention. In the gun section of the data.ini, change the burst amount from 5 to 15. Don't want it to be too unfair....
  25. Thanks, Wrench. I'll check it out. I'm also trying to reduce the accuracy of the gunners in WW2 bombers, like my personal nemesis, the Ju-88. More than half the fun of this sim is doodling with things to see what results you get. Right now I'm busily uparmoring (sp?) my B-29's to make them less easy to kill with the Mig, so I can see more realistic results. Lots of shot up bombers, with a few knocked down, and Mig's damaged by the bombers, but very, very few actually shot down. You don't like flash bombs?

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