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Everything posted by Veltro2k

  1. Basicaly this is the bombay need to learn how to place the weapons correctly
  2. Need a weapons Guru to adjust the weapons load on this Bird please...........
  3. Again...anyone that wants to give a hand is always welcome
  4. That’s your opinion. Don’t mean to sound rough, but was made exactly as blue print and 3-view. In fact if I made front end thinner, pilot’s shoulders would go through canopy glass. Thus....
  5. dont forget 31 uploaded is a Beta
  6. last 2 screens then back to work
  7. Great Tip Jules ..never thought about it
  8. It’s now 100 % complete all that’s left is a few tweaks for flight FM, and mapping and skinning.....Help would be appreciated.
  9. Numbers ,[patch of an italian Altantic squadron
  10. Better... but can i just create a newone just for the 160 by copy and rename ?
  11. Need to make the plume longer How ?
  12. Is there a Mod I missed to be able to use torpedos in WOE ????? I can load them but cant fire them ???

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