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Everything posted by Veltro2k

  1. the only good thing about being unemployed :whistle2: you have more time on your hand
  2. GREAT!!!!!!!!!! perfect for coldwar scenarios
  3. if there is a need .... I can simply change the engines on the KC and one of the rembrants of skins could make it into an airline
  4. sounds like a job for our Weapons wiz the big L
  5. It will get here also X ray working on both
  7. and dont forget, My other heavies include the C-17, C-5 and C-141
  8. Who said that look here REFUELER MOD
  9. Engine and exaustposition fix KC_135_DATA.rar
  10. Engine and exaustposition fix KC_135_DATA.rar
  11. Engine and exaustposition fix will post data.ini in a few mins
  12. If anyone is interested in skinning this beast im me for the Template
  13. will do as soon as FM is satisfactory will release as final
  14. wow a wing awacs that would have been a great idea ,,and you should finish the bull
  15. yes Got your Pm , problem was fixed so i could also apply it to this bird
  16. never realized how lethal those tail guns are
  17. If Everything goes well will be released first week of December

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