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Everything posted by Laton

  1. Hey, Laton!

    Got it - Keep watching the skies!
  2. Hey, Laton!

    Outstanding! - give it another go on the email. My ISP was having trouble last night. Otherwise I think you can attach it to a PM here.
  3. Not sure what's going on there Quack - check your PM's
  4. Some more new effects

    I've done a few minor tweaks to your small bomb explosion but that's it as far as the bombs go. The rest included are yours I've changed the gun impact and ground fire smoke-plumes as well.
  5. Morane Type L

    Amazing. I'd love to make one of those props for myself to hang over the door.
  6. That's gonna take a whole lotta ammo from a pair of Spandau's to bring down
  7. You know, there may be a way to do this, with new aircraft at least. My thinking is this: Have a mesh component (say a cube) hidden somewhere in the model - call it "deadpilot" and a damage mesh "D_deadpilot" Link the mesh to fuselage as normal Declare the mesh (deadpilot) as a fuselage component the same as a wing or stabilizer but with no lift components in the FM and give it the same hitbox as the pilot. Hopefully the mesh would be destroyed at the same time as the pilot (setting an armor or damage rating may be the key here) and when the mesh and normal pilot get destroyed and disapear the D_deadpilot mesh would take its place. I'll mess around with the Hannover tonight - the same method could work with the gunner. ETA: Nope, couldn't get it to work
  8. OK Guys, I'm uploading the Hannover CL.III to my site as a Beta release. Available Here Unzip to your Objects/Aircraft folder Geezer is working his magic with the gunner so the figure at the moment is the place holder. At the moment I've set the gunner up so that the figure rotates but only the gun pitches. Mainly so that the gunner figure won't extrude past the fuselage when it pivots up. The drawback is that it looks a bit odd when the gun only pivots. Do you guys have any preferences as to the method? I'm not an FM guru but I'd be interested in feedback on that as well - I can't promise I can change things but it could be useful for others. Final release of both the CL.II and CL.III should be soonish
  9. Hannover CL.III

    Cheers guys, Bucky, at this point, as far as the paint scheme, maybe I'll see how things pan out. The CL.II uses essentially the same scheme, just the fuselage is a bit lighter. ETA: A quick trip to the paintshop I'll have a look at the gunner - IIRC the parts that rotate & elevate are all based on how things are linked in the hierarchy in Max so I can play with a few things. Also, just remembered that the one I released doesn't yet have the reduced LOD models so you may take a bit of a frame-rate hit if you have lots of them in the air at once.
  10. Lowering pilot

    Position=0.0,-1.114,0.680 <== those are X (Left, Right), Y (forward, aft) and Z (up,down) coordinates. To move the pilot down reduce the 0.680. I usually start with the nearest rounded number, so in this case make it 0.600 and then, if that's to low go to the next .05, ie 0.650, or to high drop it to , say, 0.55 Adjust from there.
  11. Taking Off

    Make sure you have the latest pacth & I really recommend getting Peters' latest FM's Just tried the E.III with that setup & had no problems.
  12. . . . 'I went down to engage him and found that he was a Hannover, a machine which has a biplane tail, and although I fired a lot at him at close range, it had no other effect than to make him dive away, which made me think that perhaps they were armoured. These machines are very deceptive, and pilots are apt to mistake them for Albatros scouts until they get to close range, when up pops the Hun gunner from inside his office' . . . Major James McCudden VC The gunner is a place holder until I get the final version from Geezer but I should have both the Hannover CL.II and CL.III out very soon.
  13. A popular choice :) This is the CL.II It lacks the larger, counter-balanced ailerons of the CL.III and has the early vertical tail supports. One reason this is a quicker release is that I'm going to use the stock SPAD cockpit for this model. There will be a bit of clipping on the rear combing of the pit but it fits pretty well. I need to fix a mapping glitch created on the outer wing created after I reshaped the ailerons. Bucky, just me working You can get the main components built fairly quickly, the fuselage is probably the slowest to make initially. For a lot of the components (wings, struts et) you build one side then mirror it.
  14. Hi guys, Now the SVA 5 is done I've been putting some thought into my next project. It will be a German 2-seater of some type. I have a list of five candidates: Halberstadt CL.II Halberstadt CL.IV Albatross C.1 Albatross C.V Rumpler C.IV these are ones I have good references for. I'm open to other suggestions if people can supply the reference data. So I'm proposing a CombatAce First Eagles community screen-shot competition. Winner & runner up pick the order that I build in. Rules are pretty simple; 1. The screen shot must feature one of my aircraft models, starting with the Bristol M.1c right up to the SVA 5 - it doesn't have to be the primary subject but at least reasonably visible would be good. 2. Can use any skin for the aircraft. In fact I'd encourage 3rd party skins - even better if you get to and make your own but don't look on this as a skinning comp. a great screenshot with a stock skin could easily win. 3. Post your screenshots in this thread only. 4. Photoshop or similar programs can be used for limited things - cropping, resizing and adjusting brightness/contrast but no adding new backgrounds, smoke/fire or other elements etc. If you make any changes please mention them in your post. 5. You can enter multiple times but please restrict it to one entry per person per day (so I don't get swamped). 6. Competition starts now and ends at Midday Saturday 9th of May (Australian EST - we're GMT +10 - maths boffins can figure out local times). 7. I'll pick the winner and runner up within a day and announce them in this thread. That should be it. Hope to see some great screenshots Cheers Laton
  15. No worries - Mothers Day here today :yes: off to do the good son thing. I'm still tweaking the FM, its a bit slow at the moment
  16. My next project

    That would speed things up a lot I'll take it on Geezer
  17. File Name: First Eagles Dark tracer smoke File Submitter: Laton File Submitted: 8 May 2009 File Updated: 12 May 2009 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Weapons Mods/Skins New Tracer with Dark Smoke for First Eagles. Mod based on the illuminated tracer effect by Gbreuder & Fubar512 and inspired by Jan Tuma's excellent mod (my tweak is posted with Jan's permission) To install: 1. Backup any existing TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga files in your Effects folder (I recommend changing the .ini extension to something else - I use .old - this ensures that the new effect will be used.) 2. Extract the TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga file into your Effects folder. 3. Flay, waste lots of virtual ammo Uninstall: Delete TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga file and restore your originals Click here to download this file
  18. Version


    New Tracer with Dark Smoke for First Eagles. Mod based on the illuminated tracer effect by Gbreuder & Fubar512 and inspired by Jan Tuma's excellent mod (my tweak is posted with Jan's permission) To install: 1. Backup any existing TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga files in your Effects folder (I recommend changing the .ini extension to something else - I use .old - this ensures that the new effect will be used.) 2. Extract the TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga file into your Effects folder. 3. Flay, waste lots of virtual ammo Uninstall: Delete TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga file and restore your originals
  19. My next project

    Thanks guys. Some nice stuff here. I'm going to give it to quack74 with his "The First of Many" followed by jarkko quack, pick one of the following: Halberstadt CL.II Halberstadt CL.IV Albatross C.1 Albatross C.V Rumpler C.IV jarkko, once quack has made his pick select one of the remaining 4.
  20. Been playing with a few effects: Slight changes to the fuel fire: New engine damage (flames and darker smoke) From a distance Modified fuel leak Available here soon (I hope) Check the readme for installation
  21. My next project

    Less than 24 hours to go
  22. Don't know about the over-the-shoulder mod but you need to extract the viewlist.ini file and play with the FOV= fieldf (I think PadlockView is the class you're after) I have all my in-plane view set to an FOV of 75
  23. Available here at CA once the file is approved. Link Have fun.
  24. Geezer sent me his excellent new pilot model this morning so as promised here is the update for the Hansa-Brandenberg and Phonix Star-Strutters. Check the readme for installation. Big thanks to Geezer for the new pilot. Garb the file here & I'll try to get the release packs updated tonight. StarStrutterUpdate.zip
  25. Hi Quack, just looking at my reference (The Windsock Datafile) the supports look to be a bit above 1/2 way up the fuselage - the image I used for the Hanger screen gives their position pretty well. To make changes to that location would also man shifting and re-aligning the inner struts and support wires so I'm a bit reluctant to start making those sort of changes. Can't wait to see your skin

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