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Everything posted by fireengineer

  1. I have just changed the loadout.ini to have a Meteor AHM on every pylon,1 per pylon. But on the loadout screen in game, the problem pylons show up as empty. Took some screen shots to show what is happening.
  2. Yeah I'll change the loadout.ini, but just to clarify, I am not attempting to load 2 AHM onto one pylon, just 1 on 1 pylon. The pylons are grouped up in pairs but will only load 1 AHM onto 2 pylons, the net effect is that the right wing has an AHM on each pylon but the left wing has none. On the loadout screen all weapons will load up in pairs, 2 M117 or 2 AGM-65, 2 ASRAAM but when it shows the AHM say a meteor missile it will only list it as 1 Meteor for the 2 pylons and not 2 meteors for the pair of pylons shown.
  3. Is there any way of aiming when level bombing, say a 52' at 50k? In sf1 i just hit '.' and had a bit of blue tack stuck on the monitor for roughly where the bombs would hit!
  4. Hi this really is a last resort plea for help. I have read all the threads I can find on how to change aircraft types in a campaign, but it just will not work. I have the TSR2 downloaded and it works well in single mission, I then extracted the European campaign files and moved them to the mod in Europe. edited the data and its mate but still just get the stock campaign. Do I need to get rid of the original campaign files for the new ones to work?
  5. Hi All I have a problem with the Hunter, not a specific Hunter, ALL the Hunters!!! When I select a loadout in game, the external fuel tanks appear over the payload? I have deleted the stock hunter and downloaded new ones, various types but the tanks persist, I have deleted the tanks out of the data file, changed the lod file so that no tanks are listed at all but they just keep coming back.... Where the hell are they coming from? but more importantly how do I get rid of them? This happens with every hunter i have downloaded from various creators. I AM STUMPED
  6. Thanks for replies, the problem started before I modded anything, the editing and downloads were an attempt to fix the existing problem.
  7. Some more info, if i select no external weapons then I get a clean hunter without tanks, but if I select any weapon the tanks appear. Also the rocket racks are present on all the hunter types installed, I think the game is loading a default hunter file every time regardless of download.
  8. Did you ever hear the story of an American U2 approaching UK airspace at operational altitude, he was advised to look out for his Lightning escort, he thought 'yeah right I'm at 85,000ft' when a single lightning passed him from behind.... and above! Shot past him supersonic and in a descent. It's not supposed to do that, but after speaking to a former pilot and reading about this, it appears to be a well known event, the Lightning had done a zoom climb from 60k at Mach2 to lob itself over the unsuspecting U2.
  9. I just got the EF2000 model to super cruise via the tips here, cheers
  10. All nukes in the game are US.
  11. I was wondering if it is at all poss to use NUkes in Desert Thunder? I have tried by making conventional weps nuke with thr editor but when you load them on the plane they get replaced with a zuni rocket?? How do I enable NUKES for Desert Thunder?
  12. Nukes

    Thats my point, all normal methods dont work, its as if the campaign has some code preventing nukes being used in it.
  13. I had an idea that I could create or mod an existing gunsight circle to have a long thin verticle line thru it pointing upwards. This sight when set to a deflection of 800 would look like a normal sight but with a verticle line comming off it 1/3 1/2 way up the screen. This verticle line could be used to get the red target box lined up correctly before bomb release. Can this be done, or is the gunsight limited to a certain size? Your help/comments would be appreciated. Yours, a frustrated bombadier.
  14. The weapon equations in this game are way out if you ask me. normal explosives are about 100 times less potent that they should be, dunno what it is for nukes.
  15. Has anybody had the same thing happen to them in this mod? I cant seem to win a campaign, the missions just keep getting stranger and stranger, the last mission told me to destroy enemy 'fabrik6' ???, I am assuming it has ran out of real targets?
  16. You gotta keep us informed on this, is all well?
  17. As you can tell I am paying some attention to level bombing these days, and what I have observed is that the 'Lethal' zone of bomb blasts is very small. For instance i landed a 1000lb bomb beside some airfeild fueltanks only to see them re-appear out of the dust intact. I live in Northern Ireland and I know exactly what a 1000lb bomb can do, I think what we are dropping are grenades in comparison! A better example is a 7Kt nuke detonated beside some fuel tanks, the shockwave encompassed all the tanks and some hangars but no damage to anything. This is all wrong, is there some way to increase the lethality of these firecrackers we use? If not then the only viable weapons are guided and those are not fully supported, this is a paradox.
  18. I loved the night missions at low level, total black outside and all you had to go on was the TFR display, then near the target the AAA would light up the terrain and sometimes your ship. Being able to belly land with battle damage was so cool, also iirc it had a program of 'natural' failures as well, so things would fail like in real life forcing a mision abort. Tornado wing sweep is manual and she would judder like bejeezus if she wasent swept at the right time. Air to air refuelling for the f3 version and flying a real CAP with your racetrack oval in the sky. Planning was a dream with 8 ship strikes every ship hittind 4 seconds after the one before, and every ship commind at the target from a different bearing, outstanding sim.
  19. Iranian Torpedo

    I liked that.
  20. So do my new improved nukes So do my new improved nukes
  21. Bomb modification

    Some modified M118's near miss in a refinery but still wreck the party!
  22. You know there was a Tornado sim about a decade ago that supported this delivery method, it would auto release the bombs at the correct time, all ya had to do was pull up. Thinking back you could lob a 2000lb bomb about 14miles if you went fast enough. That sim also had the ALARM missile that shot upwards to 40,000ft then parachuted down waiting for an enemy radar, it had that JP233 anti runway cluster munition pods, it was an excellent sim, now I can't even remember its name.
  23. The BLU-82 has a proper parachute
  24. For the M118 it is 66 thousand kilos of HE! That Sounds crazy but it works. It now performs like a real M118 would, ie it kills things that are 'near' it. I just miltiply the original mass of the weapon by 110 and add that in. Have done the M117 MK81 MK82 MK83 MK84. They all perform well especially the MK84's.

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