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Everything posted by kris

  1. Fianly got the chanse to play some coop online, this game got the potensial to be THE squad based flight sim of all times. Lock up a sparrow, check whit air control, dobbel check whit members...trippel check...fire, pray....."good shot you got him"...puh!!!!! sorry for my bad english
  2. thx both, just 1 thing, these 2 images: are those 2 the same paint scheme whit the sun messing up the colors in the top 1, is it supose to be offwhite or grey? thx in advance
  3. that would be great thx!!!! my email has a 500k limit tough, so may need to cut it up thx again :D
  4. Hey seawolf nice pics. now if u just as lazy as me..lol....alt-p makes the
  5. Su-35

    Seawolf has a pont, if the EVER (doubt they will) add some of the SUs superfighters i hope they add the 37, that would be great :twisted:
  6. well about 2.3 sec later i smacket into the ground...lol, but it was worth it
  7. In the loadout screen you can go in and set your wingmans camo, weapons ect, its a dropdown box where its say "kingfish11" (or whatever your callsign is)
  8. Can do, the vma takes 12.3 sec....that other thing u have to explain...no clue what u mean...lol
  9. Might update it later but here it is (personal link in sig) And hopefully at Biohaz soon :shock:
  10. i sent u a URL for the skin, wont release it until you say its good enough
  11. oh 1 more thing, i couldent find a pic showing the underside, is the grey all around or does it have a brighter underside? Also need to brighten up the nose
  12. very mutch work in progress but im getting there. To clean as it is now a few things, cat on tail, both sides? cat mark on fuslage, both sides? also the # on the tail, all pic i see they diff frm the # on nose, what # you want on?
  13. Chief: I cant for the ¤%&(¤&(.....argh, hehe find any good ref pics, if you have any lying around drop me a e-mail at jan_kris@gamebox.net. have a limit of 500kb on it im afraid, or you can follow the link to my own site (in sig) and post some on my forum. (that was the add for today, just finished uploading the site )
  14. Im not on a "hogh end" machine, 1.4GHz GF4 ti200, most people out there got way more powerfull stuff than this, and i changed ALL the skins in the game to 1024, and it still runs smooth at 1024*768 4*FSAA, not the greatest fps in the worrld , around 25-30, BUT it runs smooth, no stutters or slowdowns whatsoever :D
  15. well im a 30 year old Noriwigian so i dont know nada zip about it...lol If you have any ref pics it wold be great, im still learning this skinning thing but im getting there :roll:
  16. Hello all 1st post here, got a request for a Kiwi skin and should have it finished real soon :D

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