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Everything posted by FastCargo

  1. Yea, I don't understand this either. Obviously I have a personal interest...but it doesn't make sense from a financial point of view. FSX is about flyin', DCS is about shootin'. T-38s do a lot of the first, a little of the second. And there is already a decent one for FSX. You would think an F-5 would be a MUCH bigger draw. So many nations have had them at one point or another, you'd be casting a pretty wide net. FC
  2. Free Falcon calls it a day

    I guess I'm missing something...the original Falcon 4.0 source code was never legally released, correct? (Other than to Lead Pursuit for F4:AF) And everything since then is based off that non-legal code? Doesn't that mean that nobody really owns the rights (other than Lead Pursuit) and can't compel anyone to do anything? FC
  3. Bloody great Russian...tanks?

    The Tsar tank didn't do that well in its first (and only) field trial. http://www.landships.freeservers.com/lebedenko_info.htm FC
  4. Download my F-5F MAX file to see how I used the Points to be able to determine where to hang weapons. Use the data.ini to 'group' weapons....you've got all sorts of errors there. What I might recommend is deleting all your weapon stations and start from scratch...usually go from outside in. FC
  5. TCB Scale is what most folks use on the vertices's. You only have to scale from one to the other...(ie open to closed). The game engine will take care of opening or closing depending on the aircraft's power setting. FC.
  6. can you hear the Music?

    Been there, done that. http://en.wikipedia....rumman_Guardian FC
  7. I have to admit, I was never able to solve this problem with the Super Hornet. I finally had to build a flat plate inside the body to give it a shadow. FC
  8. Personal Outsourcing? - good idea

    Hahaha!! Awesome! FC
  9. Unexpected consequences. Someone posited one time when the AI rise up against us, it's because they'll have learned all the ways to kill us through video games...:) FC
  10. Looks much better!
  11. 1) A cockpit. 2) Proper year span...those are the biggies. FC
  12. I suspect it's your Intel graphics card. Intel cards are notoriously underpowered. FC
  13. The TW online store certificate appears to have been updated. Everyone can stop freaking out now. FC
  14. Assuming you're talking about a jet engine nozzle...both. Goto the modder's section and download one of my models (along with the released version) to see how it is done. FC
  15. Okay, well, you can do the method I mentioned above, just use a FakePilot instead of a real pilot...add an entry in the data.ini like this: Now, a second method would be to add the following lines to the [MissionData] section of the data.ini: I'm assuming what this does is add a second animation for when the aircraft is parked on the carrier deck. I don't know if this animation is added if the aircraft is parked on land. FC
  16. 1) Yes, just need a cockpit entry for each animation you want to activate on the ground. My Northrop 2 seaters work like that. You could use a FakePilot for one of the entries. 2) There's a CarrierBased=TRUE/FALSE in the data.ini. I think that's the entry you need to be TRUE in order to place it on a carrier at all. Otherwise, there isn't any difference I don't think. FC
  17. I need help!

    I'd say turn down all your graphics options to minimum, then try to see if any of the addons will load. FC
  18. I need help!

    Hmmm...your specs aren't great, but aren't that bad...that 2 GB of RAM hurts a bit. Do NONE of the addon aircraft work? FC
  19. I need help!

    There are so many reasons...question, what are your computer specs, and which aircraft did you download. And did you install them properly. FC
  20. Okay, I downloaded that version and threw it right into an install. Mine are showing up with wings folded when parked. FC
  21. Reboot your computer and try again. FC
  22. True...it can give the impression of being unprofessional. Maybe. It wouldn't make much sense if you think about it though. Even if he were to stop PC development right this second, there is no reason to not continue to sell what he's already created. All it costs are hosting fees. FC .
  23. Alrighty, final step: Go into your Objects/Aircraft/Su-33(Sim) directory. Make sure there are a bunch of files there appropriate to an aircraft directory. Open the SU-33_Data.INI file with Notepad. Look for this section: Change this section to read: Save the file. In theory, everything should work. Try firing up the sim and see what happens. FC
  24. There was a change between SF1 and SF2 in terms of the spring values. I found the earlier value for Spring Factor resulted in gear that were waaay too strong. I'd say try lowering that value to see if you get some more compression. FC

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