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Everything posted by FastCargo

  1. I like the new HighSky colorations: A ASAT shot in game (no corrections applied): And the real thing: Not bad...not bad at all... FastCargo
  2. Veltro...can you attach your data.ini and I'll see if I can take a look... FastCargo
  3. Hit 'FreeView' after you hit target view...that works. FastCargo
  4. Well, if we had Micheal, I wouldn't be as concerned... Ultramax, haven't a clue what the issue is other than if you have a low end video card (or one of those integrated Intel ones)... FastCargo
  5. Wilches, No. The code that exists to allow this is ONLY in the most recent patch for WOE/WOV and in all versions of WOI. Either you fly WOI, or you patch WOE/WOV. The only other option is reducing the 'nearclip' distances...but that affects a LOT of other things. FastCargo
  6. Ant, can you be specific? I'm trying to troubleshoot something similar... FastCargo
  7. Storm, When you say the LORAN doesn't work...you mean the LORAN add-on model isn't showing up? FastCargo
  8. Heck, at least you're getting fin flashes...I'm noticing in some of my stock aircraft, the fin flashes aren't showing... FastCargo
  9. Okay, that was funny! Where's HrntFixr? FastCargo
  10. THOR!!!! Nope, haven't a clue. Can you give a description of how these appear? Are they static? Appear in all views? Etc? FastCargo
  11. The "Things You Need to Update Thread"

    For those inclined to make their own ObjectData.cat...you can delete ALL .SHD files. The game doesn't need them. I've been flying several missions without them and the game engine works just fine making shadows on the 'fly'...so to speak. FastCargo
  12. IAF pilot pauses in his walkaround to watch a A-10 takeoff during a dispersed airfield exercise in early 80s Germany.
  13. IAF pilot pauses in his walkaround to watch a A-10 takeoff during a dispersed airfield exercise in early 80s Germany. Includes: WOI/WOE/WOV/SFP1 merged 'super stock' install. GermanyCE terrain with: JSF_Aggie highway airfields with dynamic parking slots added JSF_Aggie high detailed airfield tiles CA_Stary's tod terrain files Brain32 terrain tiles Gepards custom airfields Airfield lighting and hardened shelter additions Fubar512 terrain and water shaders 'Bloom' DirectX9 mod Still working on integration of all these mods into a coherent terrain mod.
  14. img00002.JPG

  15. I like that idea...would work great for larger aircraft that have lower G limits. Tougher on fighters in that the G limit has to be REALLY high for realistic catastrophic failure. FastCargo
  16. Okay...ONE MORE TIME! The recent patches to WOV/WOE patch them up to WOI level. Anything that worked for WOI exclusively NOW works for WOV and WOE as well. Spread the word. FastCargo
  17. First, it didn't occur to me about the weapondata.ini and dat files. However, that being said, I'd imagine most people are using weapon packs anyway. The best thing would be to merge all the weapondata.ini across the 4 sims, then make a new weapondata.dat and put both in the custom ObjectData.cat. Second, you will need to extract the SFP1 campaign files to get the SFP1 campaign to work. Third, the groundobjects.ini file has LONG since been obsolete. When copying stock aircraft and ground objects, the main thing you have to worry about are the additional textures. Aircraft and ground objects will automatically add those textures into the available list when you start the sim. Fourth, you MAY be able to delete all the SHD files since the sim now generates shadows on the fly...in fact, you could theoretically delete them before you recompile your custom ObjectData.cat file. Fifth, the total disk footprint of a SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI install (including a custom Objectdata.cat file that is almost 1 GB in size) is 4GB...enough to fit on one DVD. Sixth, there's always been aircraft/object weirdness in computer generated single missions as soon as you step outside the boundries of the original program. Campaigns and custom single missions are usually the way to go to avoid this. FastCargo
  18. Yes, but you should add the weapons manually. Which means doing a line by line check. A LONG process at best. FastCargo
  19. Right click on the weapons editor executable, and scroll down to Properties. Note the tab Compability. Select that tab. See the area with the drop down menu. Check the box and select Windows98. Hit OK. Now run the weapons editor (the correct version for WOI). FastCargo
  20. The SpecificStationCode variable is used to mount specific weapons to specific weaponstations. If you put that line in the weaponstation entry, it will only load the weapon with the exact same entry (assuming it conforms to the other limitations) on that station. The code is in the ANNN format, where A is a alphabetical character and the NNN is a 3 digit number. Works great for weird entrys where you don't want anything else other than your specific weapon at that station. FastCargo
  21. Gumpy, Slow down. First, did you attempt to set the Weapon Editor to Windows98 compatability mode? FastCargo
  22. I'm not seeing that...and I developed the ACTIVE in WOI on hard flight mode. The only 'waving' I see is at high alpha in a stall condition...which doesn't surprise me. FastCargo
  23. Good questions. Let me tell you my stepthrough (I used WOI as my 'base' sim): 1) Backed up my WOI Objectdata.cat and renamed it (Objectdata.cat.bak...any name will do so long as you know what it is). 2) Copyed all the Objectdata.cat files from each sim (SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI), renaming them as I copied them (ObjectdataSFP1.cat, ObjectdataWOV.cat, etc). I would recommend coping all 4 files into one directory (an empty one). 3) Used the old extractor to extract ALL files. Here's the trick. I used the old extractor to extract each one in order of release (SFP1, then WOV, etc). The extractor does not have a 'prevent overwrite' function...and so will happily overwrite previous versions of the files. I extracted in this order so any overwrites would be newer files. 4) Remove the old CAT files out of the directory. All that should remain is the files that you want in the new, custom Objectdata.cat. 5) Copy the cat compiler (I'm not sure the actual file name) into that directory and run it. It will generate the new cat file (I forgot what the name of the new file is). 6) Copy the new cat file into your Objects directory and rename it Objectdata.cat. 7) Run the sim! So far, I have not noticed any errors or crashes. Now, TK I think mentioned that some aircraft (specifically some of the advesaries) may have region specific tweaks, so if there are duplicates, they will prioritize on the WOI standard. However, any stock aircraft from other sims you 'tweaked' with custom data.ini will be unaffected. The sim still works the same way, only looking in the Objectdata.cat file if it doesn't find the specific file outside of the CAT. I only did this with stock objects...I mainly just wanted a common reference Objectdata.cat file. However, there is nothing preventing a totally custom .CAT file. Theoretically, it is possible, though the undertaking would be massive. FastCargo

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