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Everything posted by FastCargo

  1. You didn't download my ASAT mission...did ya? FastCargo
  2. I had been thinking about such a thing for a 'airborne carrier' for FE or a modern scenario. The problem with simply making it a groundobject (ship) is that all guided weapons will try to target the spot on the ground, not the object itself. However, WOI has balloons, in which the center of the object can now be more traditional (center of mass), yet still be airborne, have random altitudes set in the ini file and be properly targeted by guided weapons. I have not tested if such an object can be mobile though. FastCargo
  3. Well, conceptually, it's pretty easy to 'remove' something from the cockpit. Go into the xxxx_COCKPIT.INI file of the aircraft you want to change the cockpit of. Look for the following lines: Instrument[xxx]= Add a new line in that area, next in number sequence: Instrument[xxx]=Move1 (or something similiar in name) Then, add these lines to the bottom of that same file: [Move1] Type=AIRSPEED_INDICATOR NodeName=(part you want to make disappear) MovementType=POSITION_Z Set[01].Position=-100 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-99 Set[02].Value=1.0 Basically, you're moving that part of the cockpit 99 meters 'down' (which essentially moves it out of sight). The trick is trying to figure out what the name is of the part you want to move. If the cockpit has an .OUT file, that could help. The .OUT file has the list of parts that make up the mesh... FastCargo
  4. SAMs/AAA already have that feature. FastCargo
  5. New FSP out soon

    This is one title I've REALLY been waiting for the PC... FastCargo
  6. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    It doesn't help that this is what I got with my 'economy' car rental...in Vancouver, BC of all places! Damn rental car agency...this would be appropriate if I was in San Antonio...not in Richmond, BC...picking rice rockets out of my grill... FastCargo
  7. Okay, let me give you the quick and dirty things I've learned so far in modeling. First, give all your parts a name...make sure there are no spaces within the name (LeftWing as an example). I've had problems referencing stuff when the part had a name with a space in it. Secondly, I usually use auto smoothing (dialog box underneath the 'Smooth' parameter). Third, after you've defined each part (mesh), select each part and use the 'Reset XForm' parameter. Make sure you haven't animated or linked it yet. Then collapse all the parameters you've applied. Basically, this 'resets' the part for future stuff. Now, after you've done all that, you're ready to start animating and linking. First, go to each part you plan to animate OR that moves and select it. Then go to the 'Heirarchy' tab (looks like a box connected to 3 little boxes). Make sure Pivot is selected. Then hit the 'Affect Pivot Only' button. Assuming the model is aligned properly (Left view shows the left side, Top view shows the top, and Front view shows the BACK of the aircraft) you should now see an axis marker (looks like 3 arrows in red, green, blue) with Green pointing forward, Red pointing right, Blue pointing up. If they aren't pointing in the proper directions, or it's not on the object, hit the 'Center To Object' and 'Align to World' buttons (you shouldn't have to do this if you've already done a Reset XForm). Now, this is important. The following is for parts that the engine animates (rudders, ailerons, slats, wheels). That little axis marker determines where the part is going to rotate around AND what axis it's going to rotate on (assuming you don't animate it). Which is critical for rudders, ailerons, slats, wheels, anything that the engine animates itself. Move that axis marker to where you want the part to rotate around (as an example, for a wheel, the axis marker should be where the axle would be). Also, align one of the axes along the rotation center (as an example, for a wheel, the Red axis would be aligned as if it's the 'axle' the wheel rotates around - another example, is for a rudder, the Blue axis would work for the rudder to rotate around). You may have to rotate the axis marker as well as move it to get it right (an example would be a F-18 rudder...the Blue axis must still align with the rudder axis...which means it won't be pointing straight up and down). Do this for all parts that the engine animates. Now, lets start linking! Take a look at a aircraft's OUT file. If you look closely, you'll see a list of parts, but arranged in a specific way. Like the outline of a document. That's the way the meshes have to be linked. For instance, the Fuselage would be the 'parent' mesh, then the 'LeftWing', then the 'LeftAileron'. Like this: Fuselage LeftWing LeftAileron The idea is if you lose the wing, you lose the aileron as well. And if you lose the Fuselage, you lose everything. There can only be one overall parent mesh, with everything else linking to it. So start linking...keeping it logical like you would think. Again, use another aircraft OUT file to see what it should look like. Animation time! You should only need animation for things the engine doesn't move itself (landing gear - not the wheels, canopies, flaps, speedbrake, etc). The aircraft needs to start at frame zero completely clean (gear and flaps up, all canopies closed). The frame counter is at the bottom of the 3ds max window...looks like a ruler. There can be a max of 10 animations. Each animation takes up 10 frames and counts from x1 to (x+1)0. In other words, frame 0 is the 'clean' jet, frames 1-10 are landing gear, frames 11-20 are canopies, etc. More to come later... FastCargo
  8. I actually went out on a solo flight and recorded most of the voice comms in the game (using proper brevity codes)...I figured it would sound okay with the jet noise, oxygen mask, and even under G (simulate going defensive). Mostly, I just sounded like a dork. Someone else with a better voice needs to do that... FastCargo
  9. A guh...guh...guh... Oh man that looks SWEET! FastCargo
  10. If you have pilot's feet sticking out, usually its the result of not putting the .LOD files included with the mod into the proper directory. Specifically, the .LODs included must be put in the Objects/Aircraft directory...do not, DO NOT put them in the F-14 directory...otherwise, it will look like what you are seeing. FastCargo
  11. Well..if the undernose fairing is a separate mesh, we could make it 'disappear' with a data.ini edit, then make a new model to put in it's place. FastCargo
  12. Mppd, I'm assuming the tape lights you're talking about are on the aircraft itself...not the antenna? FastCargo
  13. Wagsled, We really look forward to hearing these stories! With your permission, I'll also start posting links to these stories in the Air Combat School part of the forum. Thanks a lot! FastCargo
  14. F16 vs. Tree

    As a former 'ridge runner' I can tell you the temptation is strong to minimize your ridge crossing height and the natural tendency is to get lower. In rolling terrain especially because it becomes difficult to estimate just how low in the valleys you can go. More than a few guys have pulled birds nests out of their aircraft because they were trying to be the best terrain followers they could... He's lucky, considering he's a single engine aircraft. Oldie but goodie. FastCargo
  15. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    Because oil has 1 big property that made it easy to use: 1. It's easier to 'crack' to make gasoline, kerosene, etc. Most products gained for least energy used. Also, gasoline has the highest power to weight ratio of the other fuels. The other options weren't as cost effective...why invest in technology that's ultimately way more expensive at the time. Now, enough chatter, get the thread back on track! $3.45 here in San Antonio. FastCargo
  16. That's just sick! I love it! FastCargo
  17. To be honest, I haven't even started messing with that part. I'm not sure that it needs to be tweaked anyway. Current status for those interested: Addon models: Complete unless something comes up. Skin (model and parts): In progress Decals: Not started INI work: Almost complete - maybe some minor tweaking needed. Debating giving Raven sidewinder ability or not (appearently, it was capable, but I don't think it was ever used). Other than fuel tanks, I don't think the Raven ever carried ANYTHING externally. But I'm not smart on all the F-111 variants. Also, I think the Raven was later upgraded with the better engines than what the A model had. Apparently there were also some big cockpit changes, but I don't think that's going to happen... I think the skin and decals are the last big hurdles. FastCargo
  18. A more representative skin (thanks USAFMTL and Sundowner). Still VERY much a work in progress. Tweaked the tail bump (so to speak) with smoothing, specular, gloss and polygon editing with much better results. FastCargo
  19. img00002.JPG

  20. img00001.JPG

  21. All aircraft can take partial damage. Look closely at the ini files to figure out why this is. Heck, you can even adjust said factors... FastCargo
  22. You make one...use another missile (such as a AMRAAM) as a template...then season to taste. FastCargo
  23. The site does NOT require payment, just registration. Donations are accepted though. FastCargo
  24. img00001.JPG

  25. Mean Time Between Failure. Just like it sounds...high number is good, low number is bad. FastCargo

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