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Everything posted by FastCargo

  1. I Passed......

    Slight deviation from topic, but we came to the exact same decision for the same reasons. We didn't like the idea of our kids being raised by proxy. In addition, it was astonishing how much quality day care costs. Doing the math, we found it would actually cost us MORE money if my wife works than her staying at home... I joke with her though that if she ever got a job that paid as much as mine, that I'd be perfectly happy being 'Mr. Mom'... FastCargo
  2. Didn't know there was a campaign editor...I've just been using notepad. FastCargo
  3. I Passed......

    Hey Super Dave, Congrats man! Quite the milestone my friend! I would have said something eariler...but I'm in computer hell right now. FastCargo
  4. Doesn't IL2:1946 include PF already? FastCargo
  5. Feel free to use the HellFires. Also, I have a gun pod (HMP-400) from another project that apparently is to be carried by the Eurocopter Tiger. FastCargo
  6. I can tell you right now, it's been over 2 weeks and I'm still not even done with the shape...much less any animations, textures,etc.... And don't get me started on the cockpit... FastCargo
  7. I thought the model was the same. FastCargo
  8. I don't have scans...but I have the book (the English version). How bad do you need the scans? FastCargo
  9. Heh, slight misunderstanding my friend. The 'MiG-17 PFU radar nose' is not a PART of a aircraft LOD. It is a LOD file that's part of the weaponspack and is considered a pod. I wouldn't be trying to change part of a LOD file. But good info nonetheless...thanks. FastCargo
  10. Actually, if you just use Kreelin's Mission Editor (located here at Combatace) you can open up a terrain file. It will show the map of the terrain. Just run the crosshairs over the location you want the carrier. The coordinates will show up (I think at the bottom) on the editor. Write those coordinates down. Done! You now have the coordinates to place your carrier. Also, look at these threads carefully if you want to add carriers in the future. It's actually easy if you can handle a text editor. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12137 <---- Knowledge base thread http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=19550 <---- Another example using WOE terrain FastCargo
  11. That's actually pretty useful. I keep thinking it would make Pasko's 'Mig-17PFU radar nose' look a lot better if you could up the gloss/specular to match what it's 'attached' to. FastCargo
  12. What scares me is that I've flown with his brother who is a LtCol in the USAF. FastCargo
  13. See Sparky, this is the kind of stuff you need to tell us first so we know if you're yanking our chains or not! So we know you just ain't some yahoo spouting stuff he knows nothing about... :) Approaching C-5 MICAP rates? Now, that ain't good either...C-5s aren't exactly known for being reliable. What's bothering a lot of folks is that the 30 day safety report still hasn't been released yet. That's usually never a good sign. FastCargo
  14. Our T-38Cs have HUD tapes which record all transmissions (both UHF/VHF plus Guard and intercom)...plus the HUD video of course. So I just took my HUD tape, and copyed it to a MPEG file (over 2 GB in size). I actually did do the script for the most part, based on what I could remember. But the video file is 2+ GB in size...I probably will use Windows Movie Maker to reduce it down, plus reorient it vertically. Due to weather, we cancelled our first couple of gos, so I ended up flying a 2 ship solo 3rd go. Thanks for the offer, but I really wanted ol shin_kazama there to provide me with...start contributing to the community instead of just always asking or wanting. FastCargo
  15. You're assuming a 30mm gun doesn't already exist in the gundata.ini. If you've got WOE, the 30mm already exists (I'm pretty sure). It should be as simple as replacing the A-16 gun entry with the A-10 gun entry (just the type of gun)in the A-16 data.ini file. FastCargo
  16. A ploy is lobbying to get more F-22s. Aircraft crashing for midbody cracks is most definitely NOT a ploy. Now, you could use this to an advantage... You have NO idea the mayhem this grounding is causing the pilot force. Trust me on this one, the F-15 bros/safety guys have been giving me the info about it. It's not good. FastCargo
  17. Deuces Bar and Grill

    Damn it...one more game I don't have time to play but I'm going to buy anyway... PC gaming is dead...my ass it is! I've got a full shelf of stuff I haven't installed yet... FastCargo
  18. YAP ?

    http://www.yankeeairpirate.net/ FastCargo
  19. Shin_kazama, There is a unique opportunity for me this Monday. I am solo in a 4 ship formation, so not only will I have communications for me, but for a 4 ship of military jets (plus HUD video). I mentioned a 'script' I would need to say in order to get authentic voice comm (including jet and mask noise). However, if you want this, you will need to do some work. You will need to provide me that script. Baltika, thanks for the info, that's pretty useful actually. So, what about it shin...ready to get your hands dirty to help put out a mod? FastCargo
  20. "obviously bias inflamatory statement" - To you it is. To me it is not. I read it as he doesn't want to pay for a RF-4C, but prefers to wait to get a free one. FastCargo
  21. That's not the way I read it. Knock it off. FastCargo
  22. Ace Combat anyone?

    I have AC-X for the PSP. Pretty good. As arcade as I expected though... Pilot Academy for the PSP is a much better FLYING game... FastCargo
  23. Didn't say I'd use it for myself. FastCargo
  24. Poll: Should I buy this stick?

    Danger Will Robinson, Danger! Dude, will most games even recognize a gameport? Heck, can you even find a gameport card that fits in a semi-modern computer (using PCI slots...last gameport card I had was ISA only). I wouldn't man, you can buy a decent stick for not much more new. FastCargo

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