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Everything posted by FastCargo

  1. Hit the 'wheel Brake' key. FC
  2. img00009wf1

  3. Yes and no...set the Wayback Machine... I believe the old Bunyap's weapons back has the CFTs as a separate LOD file. But you'll have to do some tweaking to bring it into SF2... FC
  4. The stock game only goes up to 1984,,,so the coding will normally only cover that time period and eariler. FC
  5. Call of Duty: Black Ops II

    JM, It's awesome...grab it my friend! FC
  6. Call of Duty: Black Ops II

    Heck, I'm just digging Black Mesa right now... It was worth the wait. FC
  7. Cool!...or should I say...sweet! FC
  8. You get the Harvest Hawk mod for the Marines KC-130J: http://www.globaldefencemedia.com/news_daily/05_04_2011/KC-130J_Harvest_Hawk.html To recap...tanker, tactical transport and: Yeah buddy! FC
  9. Damn it! I even searched for 'Harvest Hawk' on the site to make sure I wasn't covering old ground... FC
  10. 7z is the standard we've been using recently because it has some of the best compression out there. I am surprised you are having problems...7zip is relatively straight forward to use. What operating system are you using and what errors are you getting? FC
  11. Soviet Constant X/Have X aircraft?

    Those pics are just too unclear to determine how authentic they are. This is one of those things I'm really surprised there isn't more information on. FC
  12. Soviet Constant X/Have X aircraft?

    There are rumors that some Iranian F-14s were evaluated by the Soviets back in the day (and a badly photoshopped pic of a Tomcat with a red star on it). I kind of wonder with all the wreckage from the various aircraft lost over Vietnam that one flyable example wasn't reverse engineered. FC
  13. I'd be curious as well...I was running into the same issue with ground objects I was creating. FC
  14. SP4 = Service Pack 4. Long since out of date. Best thing is to use the 083006 patch or the 2008 patch. FC
  15. Go into the 7zip directory and click on a file called 7zFM.exe...see if that works. FC
  16. Does this mean you're paying to be a beta tester? FC
  17. 7-zip works fine with Windows 8...been using it here at home on our old Dell Inspiron 9. Does it outright not work at all? Or does it give an error? FC
  18. Yes, Yes, Maybe. I'll let you figure out which answer goes with which aircraft. FC
  19. What you need is a measure of self control and politeness. The aircraft you want are not here. They may be here in the future, but are not here now. FC
  20. What, you thought this was about the B-2 or something? FC
  21. Verified...bought the serials from the original link, then downloaded BS2, A-10C and DCS World directly from Eagle Dynamics. Installed and registered without a hitch.
  22. Northrop Strikes Back...

    Also, the F-20 was near the end of it's potential growth cycle (being an F-5 derivative)...having split off earilier into what became the F-18 series. But, the F-16 was early in it's growth potential, having just been bought in significant numbers not long before. But probably the biggest thing against the F-20 was the F-16 already had a logistics tail established, which is a significant part of a weapon's system 'life cycle cost'. So, ironically, the F-20 lost because of a concept first championed by Northrop itself. FC
  23. Northrop Strikes Back...

    Yea, yea, that's just quibbling...:). I had known the F-18 was derived from the F-5, but what I didn't know until a few days ago was that when the N156F and N156T were being developed, that the N156T actually flew first because the USAF wanted the trainer version but didn't need the fighter version for it's own use and so it was fast tracked. Which means that the very first flight of the Northrop twin jet series was a T-38...so I just HAD to make something... And you notice the T-38 is in black...:). FC
  24. Who's your Daddy

    From the album Combat pics


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