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Everything posted by FastCargo

  1. Dude...you really gotta just let this go. I did this for real...the challenge was in everything BUT letting the computer drop the weapon for you. It's just not that interesting. You want to give yourself a challenge? Do the math at the front end, then try to hit the parameters while you're trying to survive in order to get that shack...especially in a non-fighter type aircraft. FC
  2. Sacrilege!!! I was never a BUFF guy! FC
  3. Read my previous reply for the probable answer. FC
  4. Some of the HUD and radar files may be located in the flightdata or missiondata CAT files located in the Flight folder. Look in the avionics.ini file for the Netz to find the names of the files you need. Those files must be in the Cockpit folder to work. And a note...we cannot help you correctly if you do not provide all the information needed. ANYTHING other than a dead bone stock install requires we know the details of the mod...otherwise, it wastes everyone's time...including yours. FC
  5. Modernized military Hardware

    Could be it throws the CG farther forward than the original designers anticipated. FC
  6. First, stop yelling. Second, start here: http://combatace.com/topic/43234-how-to-make-a-sf2-aircraftweapon-useable-in-gen-1-thirdwire-sims/ If you cannot understand the statements at the beginning, start here: http://combatace.com/topic/26293-basic-directory-structure-of-a-generation-1-thirdwire-sim/ http://combatace.com/topic/25845-basic-definition-of-terms/ http://combatace.com/topic/26456-acronyms-for-the-thirdwire-series-of-sims/ http://combatace.com/topic/32706-using-skypats-cat-extraction-tool/ http://combatace.com/topic/9323-adding-weapons-to-sfwovwoe-a-tutorial/ http://combatace.com/topic/33279-septoct-2008-patch-weapons-issue-fix/ FC
  7. The amount of the map that shows up in the cockpit is hardcoded in the LOD and cannot be changed via ini (as far as I know). FC
  8. Increase the resolution of the map the terrain is using. Either located in the terrain CAT file or in the Terrain directory for 3rd party terrains. FC
  9. Canada Buys 65 F-35s

    Too many zeros... FC
  10. Okay, the fact that you are getting the stock weapons means that your modded Weapondata.dat file is not placed at the right location. Where is the modded weapondata.dat file? It should be in your Objects/Weapons directory. Confirm that it is the modded weapondata.dat file, not the stock file...sometimes the weapondata editor will save the modded weapondata.dat file in an unexpected location. FC
  11. Okay. Well, I just reinstalled my Oct 08 bone stock install on a Win7 64 bit computer. It ran just fine, all modes seemed to work just fine. Have you tried to reinstall a stock WOI install to see if that works? FC
  12. Wait...you changed the Avionics from 60 to 70? The STOCK F-16A from WOI is Avionics70 from the start. Are you sure you aren't talking about the Mirage Factory F-16A? FC
  13. You shouldn't be seeing any issues then...unless the stock model is broken or it got modded in someway. FC
  14. Doesn't WOI come with an F-16A Netz as a TW model? FC
  15. Holy Smoker

    Ahhhhh yeah...sounds tasty!
  16. Story of Commander Hubbard's MiG-17 kill in Vietnam: http://books.google.ca/books?id=-v7HMpRYYXUC&pg=PA149&lpg=PA149&dq=Ray+Hubbard,+F-8,+Crusader&source=bl&ots=3wBs5pxjuA&sig=3Cuv5IPufL7NOcm0inFK7IuGnvM&hl=en&ei=9apLTJzeKcTtnQe_iYGwDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false If the link doesn't work, it's page 149 in the book MiG Master: The Story of the F-8 Crusader. Also this link: http://books.google.ca/books?id=87Eceo17wfIC&pg=PA107&lpg=PA107&dq=%22Ray+G.+%22Tim%22+Hubbard%22&source=bl&ots=hhF_0C16qV&sig=1902_X-34Gba98OS-WbaMb1iBt4&hl=en&ei=Lq5LTOqWOtKInQeupumvDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Ray%20G.%20%22Tim%22%20Hubbard%22&f=false Page 107 in the book "F-8 Crusader units of the Vietnam War". Sounds like he has at least one confirmed kill and may have gotten a second that he wasn't credited for. http://collections.naval.aviation.museum/emuwebdoncoms/pages/doncoms/Display.php?irn=16041150&QueryPage=%2Femuwebdoncoms%2Fpages%2Fcollections%2FQuery.php.orig Portrait of LCDR Hubbard. Anyone know any organizations this person can go to to ask about LCDR Hubbard? FC
  17. A Gurkha is disciplined for beheading

    Don't mess with a Gurkha: http://www.cracked.com/article_18429_6-soldiers-who-survived-s**t-that-would-kill-terminator.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lachhiman_Gurung Ever. FC
  18. I must've irritated someone

    I'd almost think he's bipolar, or split personality...sometimes, he wants to make amends, and the very next day his head explodes with nonsensical ravings. I feel sorry for him in a way...how pathetic is a person who lives just to try to give others online grief while sounding like a whiny, incoherent 8 year old. It's sad, really. FC
  19. Brit's make worlds strongest beer ($762 per bottle)

    Aren't these the same guys who made Tactical Nuclear Penguin? FC
  20. I must've irritated someone

    He's so cute when he's crazy... FC
  21. Super Hornet Going Silent?

    Full presentation: http://www.boeing.com/farnborough2010/presentation/fas_gss.pdf Extended article with more details of Super Hornet enhancements: http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/07/20/344921/farnborough-boeing-reveals-f-15-and-f-18-fighter-development.html FC
  22. ....here are some points to ponder: 1) If you get caught, it is 20 years prison time...just for pointing at an aircraft. If you cause a medical problem or metal to be bent, kiss the rest of your life goodbye. And yes, people do get caught pretty easily...the FBI takes a dim view of such pranks. 2) Because it's a point source, if you swing it in the sky, you now have a big arrow pointing to your location (as in, your exact street address). 3) If I can see it from my aircraft, I guarantee everyone in your neighborhood can see it too...conventional searchlights are only SLIGHTLY better at attracting attention. 4) You had better hope none of the people that know you have one is a pilot...because assuming they don't beat the crap out of you with it, they'll be happy to call someone who will. May you rot in hell with green tinting you stupid, inbred, craptastic piece of garbage...I was only too happy to give tower your exact coordinates when you illuminated my jet. FC
  23. You might get limited movement capability...you can usually only move a node in one dimension. FC
  24. The way this sentence is written, all the folks interpreted the question as the gun is what was wanted to be added, not the gun model. Now that the confusion is cleared up...the answer is no. You must have a 3d model created to add 3d parts to an aircraft. This can be done via the FakePilot method. Add the model via FakePilot, then add the gun entry in the data.ini. 3d models can be created via any 3d program, but at some point must be brought into a version of 3ds MAX (Google it) and then exported via the ThirdWire 3d exporter. The main stumbling block to this is the expense of 3ds MAX. For more information on the 'FakePilot' method of adding parts: http://combatace.com/topic/34273-fakepilot-addon-for-pilot-method-of-addon-parts/ FC

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