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Posts posted by FastCargo

  1. Morality in war is a tricky thing...considering war's primary activity (killing people and breaking things) goes directly against most moral codes.


    It's easy to define at the ends (utter annihilation or complete surrender) but gets murky in the middle. There are so many situations that one can come up with where the 'right' answer depends on the people involved, the circumstances leading up the situation, and the possible fallout...or all the answers suck. Some just suck less than others.



  2. Quick point - The Valkyrie does not have an airbrake.


    Now that we have that cleared up, the Valkyrie can be slowed down through 'S' turns, and will come down on the proper curve eventually. However, there does seem to be an anomaly in the FM where between 20 to 40k around 1.5 to 2.0 Mach, the aircraft won't slow down in level flight.


    At some point, the FM will need adjustment.



  3. There has been another update to Strike Fighters Android released in the last day or so.


    Now, this is all speculation, however, considering that in order to save money, TK tends to recycle assets, a couple of interesting things have shown up in SFA that lead me to believe you will see them on the PC.


    First, one of the things I mentioned was the F-16A in USAF colors showing up in SFA. Makes perfect sense...take the SF2I Netz and reskin it.


    However, the newest update reveals an additional F-16A variant...the F-16A MSIP. It appears to have the correct Block 15 tailplanes and an additional pitot tube on the vertical stab. So, obviously it is a new model.


    Making a new model (or at least modifying an existing one) seems like a lot of work just to limit to a 'Freemium' mobile game. My speculation is the either as a DLC, or as part of Exp3, you will see 2 variants of the USAF version of the F-16A, the earlier basic Block 1/5/10, and the later Block 15. Changes (besides the external differences noted) would probably include the chin hardpoints, and overall greater weapons capacity. I'm not sure if the ADF variant would be modeled.


    For us, here, it doesn't mean much since we already have the excellent Vipers available for download. But it gives a clue as to what is being worked on for the next PC release.


    I am curious as to certain omissions in the SFA lineup...no Israel birds for instance, no A-4 or Harrier for that matter either. Considering these are flyables in the SF2 series, it's odd that they aren't in SFA.



  4. Funny, I'm coming up with English pages for both SweetFX and Enbseries.


    There isn't anything for SF2 specifically with either SweetFX or Enbseries. However, I know there is at least one user upload of the enbseries here at CombatAce with tweaks for SF1.


    Also, there is a thread here at CA specific to SweetFX, with settings others have tried.


    This thread at guru3d.com has a lot of information on SweetFX, including version updates, links to FAQs, and even links to a GUI program to make it easier to tweak SweetFX.





  5. Here is a quote from the new developers that speaks volumes about CloD and why it died...


    15) Do you plan the level of graphics cockpits like in basic models in CLOD (Spitfire/Bf-109)?


    No. You will not see this. The reasons are simple. The creation of one such cockpit takes a year, sometimes more. The popularity of the genre has to be phenomenal for such expenses were justified. If we are not careful, the budget ends and with it the end of the project. It is also not too wise to use more PC than necessary and use twenty textures, where it was sufficient to use three. Not being smart with resources can result in serious performance problems. We hope to find a balanced solution. Good performance with nice looking cockpits.


    Almost as if they could SEE what caused CloD's crappy performance.


    Wow, that sounds familiar...

  6. Also, it never hurts to have multiple streams of income coming in. I'd imagine that's why TK continues to sell the Gen 1 series of TW sims. Since, technically they are at the end of their life cycles, it means he doesn't have to provide technical support for them on newer systems. So, all it really costs to keep them up on the website for sale is whatever portion of the website cost they take up, which I'd imagine is trivial.


    Same thing goes for all the expansion packs, DLC, etc. Each one is a tributary that in and of itself that doesn't generate much revenue, but with a wide span of them, merges into a steady stream of cash. The gamble, as with any business, is making sure that the initial investment of setting up that stream is eventually offset by the revenue it brings in. In theory, you could even setup a stream at a 'face value' loss, if other streams can pay for it, or it brings more intangible benefits.



  7. I thought this article about TF2 becoming 'Free to Play' was interesting and relevant to the discussion of SFA:




    Does anyone know (Jules?) about how mobile apps with ads generate revenue from said ads? Is it similar to how webpages generate revenue (ie a 'click' is a ching-ching)?


    I'm running the numbers in my head, and for SFA, if each download resulted in one 0.99 purchase, that's at least $50k in a month. Now, of course, the ratio of downloads to purchases may not be nearly that high.



  8. Well, it sort of reminds me of the whole HL2:EP3 thing...


    "OMG Valve has abandoned HL for L4D, Portal, TF, etc, blah, blah, blah"...


    It'll come when it comes. Now, to be fair, TK has said himself that there will be no SF3. What that means long term is up in the air...continued DLC, expansion packs, abandonment into mobile, or something totally different. He has also said he needs to buy a Mac...which probably means at least a port of SFA to the iOS format.


    I still wonder about the possibility of a KAW game. That seems an area ripe for a dedicated product since Rowan left.



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