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Posts posted by FastCargo

  1. I will say the old saw of 'I don't have the ability' that some folks make as an excuse to not contribute to the community but have no problem telling everyone else what they supposedly did wrong is getting really old.


    Just about EVERYTHING except actual 3d object building (and terrain building in SF2NA) can be done with simple freeware tools, either provided by ThirdWire, the community, or the web in general. Most of these tools have tutorials on how to use them and enough knowledge here and elsewhere on how to apply them in the TW series.


    Here are, in my opinion, legitimate excuses as to why you cannot make a mod for the TW series (again, other than 3d objects):


    1. You have a physical disability.

    2. You have a mental disability.

    3. English is not your primary language.

    4. Technical issues (old computer, very slow internet,etc) - Even then, if you can't make a mod, how can you play the game...?


    Now, there are a billion reasons why you may not make a mod for the community, usually most having to deal with priorities of time, interest, etc. Those are fine, we all have things in real life that take away from that. I have no problem with those priorities. I also have no problem with those who feel their talents do not measure up...things like texture creation, effects and 3d modeling require a certain 'eye' to get it right.


    So, if you fall into the above, you have legitimate reasons to be not be a content creator...and that's okay! But it also means you have to adapt a certain attitude of being grateful for what you do get...or being constructive in your critiques.


    But, things like ini editing, simple decal creation, hanger screens, menus, etc. can be done by just about anyone.


    If you are NOT willing to do these things, but are willing to continue to take the time to destructively criticize those who do, you are being lazy.


    If you have the time and energy to post on a internet forum you have the ability to find and edit an ini file.


    If you have the ability to research exhaustively, scan your paper copies of manuals, and post them here, you have the ability and time to make your own simple decals.


    And if you can fly a plane in real life, you better believe you have the ability to do those things I listed. And especially if you have the ability and qualifications to fly a crew aircraft, then you have the social skills to get your point across without sounding like a condescending asshat. Otherwise, the other crew members would apply CRM via a 2x4 to your head.



    • Like 1

  2. Alright folks, time for a history brief.


    The KAW mod was started with the best of intentions, and quite a few folks working on various aspects of it. The problem was that real life intervened. One was the continuing flurry of patches and releases that updated the engine...first bump mapping, then spec mapping, then SF2NA. All those releases plus the various patches required rejiggering the various aircraft in production. We also had a lot of internal debates on what aircraft to do, should there be a flyable 'red side', do we incorporate all the new engine mods. And we experimented...we tried JATO rockets that the AI could use but that wouldn't show up when it wasn't appropriate as an example.


    Several members of the team had real life crises that took away time and energy...resulting in a slow down of the mod. In the end, very few people could continue to work on the mod, Wrench,The being the primary member. If it wasn't for his efforts and pushing, you wouldn't have seen a release of anything, at all. So, of course, by the end, he was sick of looking at it (a similar story happened with the recent Hornet releases).


    Also, the OP was part of the KAW initially, but was 'released' from the team because he did not contribute anything to the mod except criticism with no attempts at fixing the 'issue' himself other than references (ie couldn't even be bothered to do ini editing).


    Now, I'm going to show my cards here a bit, but know there are several other aircraft in various stages of work that are part of the KAW mod. I have hi-def models of the Sabres that are about 90% built and mapped...all with proper windscreens, hard and slatted wings, and gunports (including the early 'gun door' models and the GUNVAL). We also have the aussie Meteor, with its own cockpit, 98% completely done, along with our Mustangs, (and a potential MiG-15) that would have meant you did NOT need SF2I or EXP1 to participate in the KAW goodness. And I believe we managed to get a hold of the original B-29 MAX file... Did I mention we have revised and improved F-84B/C/D/E/G models?


    What you, the community could do for us...one or several of you could take the lead in putting together a complete, coherent KAW package, with consistent, proper menus, hanger screens, etc. You could also document what parts of the mod need what SF2 programs. If that can be cut down or at least fully documented, it could make it easier to come up with a mod that doesn't require as many of the SF2 programs as possible (plus I'd hate to see that Meteor go to waste)...



    • Like 1

  3. Thanks for the answer!!! Yes sure I'm aware of possible thievery, I understand that part. I don't intend to steal anything, I just wanted to see how it looks like. I don't want to get involved into modding much, my interest is only and exclusively the Yak-38 aircraft and the fact that in this simulator I can fly it. This is how I found SF series at all ))) And, as I have seen, everything else out there has been already done by someone else.... weapons, migs, bombs, tanks, flak... even Samurai's wonderful soviet ships.....except the Yak-38 cockpit, the only thing I need. (Actually two, an early and a late, but the difference is little)

    I thought it is in vain to disturb someone else to do it (as you said its a pain in the a** to build anyway) it would be still a lot faster and more fair if I do it myself... pershaps that person has already left this site months years ago of just logs in every other week (

    I have some acquintances who serviced Yak-38 in real life and can name every warning light and switch on the board so I thought i give it a try....

    Actually I'd be happy to have a correctly sized empty box pilot cabin to fill with details )))))

    I worked with pre-max 3ds some 10 or more years before. here, some Sci-fi objects I made.


    Well, I believe we already have someone working on a Yak-38 cockpit (a rather nice one as I recall).


    Secondly, there are ALWAYS weapons that need to be made, or aircraft that need to be built. I suggest...again...that you start something something else first.



  4. Snailman,


    Okay, lets clear up a few things.


    First, the 3d objects in game were created by a program called 3D Studio Max, commonly known as 3ds Max, or simply MAX for short. Once they were completed, they were exported into a proprietary format called LOD that the Thirdwire games use. This format is uneditable and proprietary. Now, it can and has been reverse engineered back into a editable format, but its 1) illegal, 2) somewhat difficult, 3) error prone, usually resulting in fairly crappy models which is easy enough to determine that they have been reverse engineered.


    This has resulted in deleting of files, and permanent bans of individuals and entire modding groups. Anyone discussing how to do this is given one warning. Thus ends the discussion on editing LODs.


    Back to MAX. This program is the ONLY program that has the exporter plug in to make LOD files...no other program will make LOD files. MAX is expensive (4 figures), and even the student version isn't cheap. There are other programs you can use to create objects that then can be imported into MAX, but you still need MAX to export said object into LOD.


    Now, as most 3d modelers will tell you, making a cockpit is probably the most difficult object (maybe other than a ship...too many fiddly bits) you will create for the ThirdWire series. Unless you hate your computer and want to find an excuse to pitch it through a window, a cockpit is probably not the best thing to start with.


    I would HIGHLY recommend starting with simpler stuff first...weapons are usually a good primer. Then aircraft, then cockpits. If you want to dive into buildings and/or ground objects, those aren't bad either. I would not, however, dive into a cockpit first.


    Once you have contributed to the community in a significant way with other modding projects, you can eventually get Modder status, which will allow access to a certain part of the site which will have example objects (such as cockpits) that you can use to learn how to build one.


    Good luck.



    • Like 1

  5. No. Touchbuddy does something similar but is NOT a native Android app. Here is how you COULD do it with Android:




    But as you can see, it's not a plug and play solution and still requires a second monitor.


    The program I am talking about is a native app on Android and just requires a small server app on the computer in question....much simpler and faster setup.



  6. Well, I did specify that portable consoles are in trouble...Nintendo and Sony have both acknowledged that the 3DS and Vita have not been meeting sales expectations.


    This is no surprise to me...phones are just as powerful, portable, and can do a lot more. The only thing they lack are dedicated gaming controls...and that may not be enough to sway enough buyers into purchasing a separate portable device.



  7. The instructions are out of date.


    Ignore this part of the old instructions:

    copy the files from the parts folder into your aircraft folder.


    In SF2 there is now a Pilots folder within the Objects folder.

    You must now create a Su-Pylons folder within the Pilots folder.

    Move the files within the parts.zip file to that folder.


    Then create a text file called Su-Pylons.ini within the Su-Pylons folder.

    The text should read:










    Save the new text file.


    All the other instructions should work as usual.


    In summary:


    New folder - (your mod)/Objects/Pilots/Su-Pylons


    Within the new folder:


    Su-Pylons.ini (you create)






    Done and done.



    • Like 1

  8. Probably iOS only. Android and iOS are the big players. I'd imagine Kindle development was minimal from the native Android edition since Kindle is just running a 'forked' version of Android.


    I very seriously doubt any other platforms will be developed for...Windows, Android, iOS. That pretty much covers about 80-90 percent of the computing platforms out there.


    I doubt you'll see it for consoles...portable consoles are in trouble, and developing for 'living room' consoles is expensive.



  9. Don't forget desktops and workstations in offices, used by people to get actual work done. Sure there's growth of mobile in the consumer space, when secretaries who type reports all day go home and watch neflix on their Kindle Fire, but who do you think Dell sells most of its machines too? Can't imagine volume business customers lining up for Windows 8.


    True, from a business standpoint, it doesn't make much sense to go from Win7 to Win8 if you upgraded within the past couple of years. But those limping on Vista or XP may find more of a reason to do so, especially if they are expanding with mobile devices (insurance adjusters, medical, logistics, etc). Having a common interface for all your IT devices simplfies training.


    I've just been impressed on how much faster Win8 has been on this old computer than WinXP ever was. If it means we get a few more years out of these machines, thats worth the price of the upgrade.

  10. Well, I sort of have that now. I have tanks where the main gun is ground only, but the 2 aux guns are air or ground. And there have been a few times I got too close and all 9 "tanks" in a 'square' opened up on me (I gave them pretty liberal firing arcs)...looked like a damn wall! And hurt like one too....


    Here's a thought...make duplicates of your mobile SAM and AAA units, but designate them as tanks. See if the game mix and matches them in the CAS formations. Also, I think you can increase the number and arrangement of items in CAS formations...so you can have more epic battles.




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