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Posts posted by FastCargo

  1. Okay, more testing. Just flew a strike mission on the Range...6 GBU-38s dropped (one by my wingman). Result was 4 destroyed targets including primary (wingie scored with his drop). What I noticed was the basket seems 'steeper' than it used to be...you can't do a shallow attack now. Drops were level flight, 300ish knots, about at least a 5 second run in before drop. Everything on Hard and verified the GBU-38s are using GPS Homing for guidance...Jul 12 patch in SF2V stand alone.


    My opinion is that JDAMs work, but their tolerance is much tighter for drops...



  2. I'm waiting for Fallout 3 to get a little cheaper before I buy it. I'm about 4 years behind on my shooters.


    The only advantage is that by the time I get the games, I have the hardware already available to run it....


    HL2:EP2, KOTOR II, Bioshock, COD4, ArmA Gold, DX:HR, COH, the entire Total War series, GRAW, FEAR...


    Plus I get nostalgic and occasionally replay games like Tron 2.0, NOLF 1 and 2, Portal 1 and 2, EECH....


    Then there are the free mods like BSG:Dispora, Wing Commander Saga, The Babylon Project, Black Mesa...






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