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Posts posted by FastCargo

  1. Okay, its a sad situation for the people in the are which the storm hit. And i feel with them.

    But be honest, how many problems are man made?

    I dont speak about climate change or such rubbish.

    I speak about houses made by thin wood. I speak about electricity lines (power lines) on wodden poles. I speak about trailer parks for mobile homes and and and. Nothing of it can withstand a major storm.

    The american infrastructure is outdated in wide fields. Its vulnerable for storm.

    Bring the powerlines 3 feets under the soil, build houses made by heavy stones (bricks) and build them weather proof. And a storm will hit your contry less hard.


    If this was Florida, I'd agree with you. But, the reason you don't see this in the NJ/NY is the same reason you don't see snow plow equipment in Miami...it just doesn't happen that often up there. Probability and frequency are low.


    This is different from New Orleans, where frequency was low but proability was high.



  2. I would just be happy if they made XWing (with all the expansions) and Tie Fighter with a modern graphics engine. Don't change the storyline or general composition of the missions.


    There are so many games that would be just fine with that...no changed storylines, missions, reboots, etc.



  3. Okay, rick1, slow down and restart.


    First, list the specifications of the computer where SF1 works fine. Include RAM, specific graphics processor and VRAM, graphic driver version, CPU and OS version.


    Second, list the specifications of the computer where SF1 does not work as well...all the same information. Also, list what changed between when it worked well and when it did not.


    Then, we can help you.



  4. The AWACs pilot did not stop his forward movement after contact, hence the immediate disconnect when it was apparent the inner limit would have been breached. Words from the Okies was that the tanker autopilot did kick off causing it to settle, so the E-3 had to push over and away. More words was that a crewmemberon the E-3 suffered a broken back because they werent strapped in during A/R, as is the procedures.


    This was a hot topic all week. Flying with unqualified students, this showed them how quickly a situation can go from good to bad.




    Thanks for the info Jeff.


    Students gotta learn sometime....buuuuut it can be an adventure.



  5. "Phantom Over Vietnam" by John Trotti...A Marine fighter pilot's story of flying and fighting in Vietnam. This is one of those books that not many people know about but after reading it, rave about it. Very personal perspective of the war, reads like he's telling you the stories over a beer at the bar.


    "To Fly and Fight" by Bud Anderson. Triple Ace in WWII, flew at Edwards during the golden age of flight test, Korea and Vietnam. A life well lived, but a humble guy...unlike some other USAF legends.



    • Like 1

  6. Well, to be fair, the review was written on the Touchpad. I used my Dropbox account to keep a text file synced across my laptop, server, and my Touchpad. Of course, the screenshots were also on the Touchpad. I did have to use my laptop to upload the screenshots because the Touchpad kept giving me an error. The new editor is unfriendly to Android users I've noticed for anything other than pure text documents.


    Once the text file was done, I merely copy and pasted the whole article. That way if I lost my connection, I didn't lose the article (at which point I would have thrown the Touchpad out the window...).



  7. I keep thinking there was at least something around here that had some cockpit info. When I redid the F-15C cockpit to give it a working MFD, I remember very specifically reading how to map digital counters. But I couldn't tell you where I read that. When I built the T-38 cockpit, I learned a lot looking at the MF F-5 cockpit and the associated cockpit.ini file. Which is something I regret with my T-38 cockpit because I can't find the cockpit.ini file I built for it...it had a lot of custom stuff, including working hydraulic gauges and warning lights that worked properly, Canopy warning lights, spinning knobs for heading and course adjustments, working cabin altimeter with proper variable scheduling, etc.






    PS Now that I think about it, I even had an idea on how to make it look like you were switching frequencies depending on which waypoint you were going to, with spinning knobs and everything. I didn't have a chance to test it out before I became disgusted with the cockpit entirely....

  8. Thanks guys! Yep, ANF is pretty cool, and would be killer if it had real air to air combat. And it does take user built missions/terrains! I tried a few, one of them I couldn't even start...kept exploding as soon as the game started. So the terrain builder could be a plus/minus thing.


    Addendum to the review...X Plane DOES have limited combat options. Certain aircraft come with adversaries you can fight. But, other reviews of this part of X Plane say the air to air is very uneven..the AI just isn't that good. I may have to buy a few planes to check it out. But, XPlane also comes with a Viggen for free! Hell, the only reason I know that is my son found it....at first I thought he bought it! I tried to get the multiplayer to work to see if you could have air to air multi combat but no dice.


    I'm thinking about doing reviews on a few other mobile flight games since I'm sort of stuck on mobiles for a while (the SFA review was actually written on my Touchpad).

  9. This is definitely one of those 'Be careful what you wish for...' things.


    Now, let me be clear, I am not blaming ANYONE (well, other than TK for gotchas like this)...but this is one of those things that I wished we hadn't kept pressing on about.


    I assume that a lot of time and money was spent in development of this new terrain engine, but other than the new water effects, there hasn't been much benefit. Folks are a lot happier about the F-14 avionics, and new cruise missile and naval combat changes (plus all the new models).


    It kind of reminds me of when we kept wanting a mission editor, but then when he makes one, nobody buys it (except as part of Exp2). As a developer, I'd be disappointed if invest time and money into something no one buys. Packaging it as part of Exp2 was the smarter option...at least money people spend getting new planes help offset the mission editor development cost.


    Heck, at this point, I'd be happier if he went back to the old terrain engine, but somehow kept the new water and all the other SF2NA changes. Framerates would improve, and I doubt any of the casual buyers would notice (especially if he bought gerwin's 'old style' terrain for a one time fee).



  10. I just read about this today. The review I read said the FM is very nice.


    But, it's lonely...it is pretty much just you, no AI air or ground traffic. No radio chatter, etc. The scenery is photoreal satellite textures over a nice height map in Switzerland. But there are no dynamic shadows on the terrain...the shadows you see are baked into the texture.


    It sounds fun, but it might get a little boring after a while because of the lack of atmosphere...




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