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Posts posted by FastCargo

  1. Thanks FastCargo.


    I work at IND, not for FedEx, but for a 135 Operator. Got some MAJOR expansion getting ready to happen here for FedEx. I Know a few ppl in the MX Facility here...you ever come thru IND, give me a shout.




    You betcha! Assuming I get a decent layover in IND. I like IND downtown...lots of cool stuff around there.



  2. Gotta love...if you don't work on it. That jet's more high maintnence than Lindsay Lohan two weeks before rehab man.


    I don't know...Bones have nothing on C-5s in terms of MX needs.


    You know what they say if you see 4 C-5s on the ramp with 3 of them on jacks...it means they ran out of jacks!


    Also, I only ever lost one sortie due to MX. We seemed to find the more you flew it, the better the MX rate.




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