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Posts posted by FastCargo

  1. Gunrunner,


    I'd agree with you that TK probably overstates his costs somewhat. But it irks me that folks seems to dismiss his claims out of hand, without even thinking about it a little bit.


    Check out what Matt Wagner said about FC3:


    If we solely based price on what end users deemed the cost should be rather than based on actual development costs, we would have been out of business long ago. As it is, we are often lucky to break even on these products.


    Hmmm...sound familiar?


    All one has to do is look at the wreckage of old combat flight simulator developers (especially those with modern aircraft) to realize...this s**t is tough to do and consistently stay in business. And that's what this is...a business. I will say it one more time...anything built in the TW sims is supposed to be designed to offset its costs to make a profit and put food on the table. If it is not expected to ever do that...guess what...it won't get done. The only people that have access to that data (costs verses revenue) for TW is probably TK.


    Does anyone here...anyone...do development of combat flight simulations as their sole source of revenue? Not as side business to augment your retirement or other income... but no kidding, your primary job. I'd love to hear your thoughts.



  2. i dont believe a single worth about how much something will cost if it coms from TK , this is his standart excuse for everything and im sure if some of the modders would have acces to the game engine we not only would have air refuelung but a lot of other things to that TK considers to expensive to be made


    I am not sure why people believe that just because you can mod something that coding core isn't that much harder. Any here ever coded any open source projects? Heck, if is so easy, Flightgear is open source. Code that for a while and come back here when you've got the engine doing everything you want in your combat flight simulation. Volunteers?

  3. I want to have a mid-late 80's campaign scenario, so I have removed a lot of the aircraft that are in the sim that would have been used in the 50's and 60's.


    Okay, first, you probably shouldn't have done this...it's easier to add, make sure the new stuff works before removing the old stuff.


    It's logical that the campaign is crashing because it's making calls to aircraft that I have removed


    Yes, another reason to wait until the new stuff works...


    1. I know there are a number of campaign folders in the sim; can I removed the older ones?


    Once you get the new stuff working. A better idea would be to dive into the folders and figure out HOW the campaign works. Then once you build your new campaign AND VERIFY IT WORKS, then delete the old stuff.


    2. If I want to fly a campaign between say, 1985-1989, which folders must I keep and edit?


    The easiest way to figure this out is to download a campaign built for SF2:E. Nato Fighters 5 I believe has been updated to the newest patch level. Download, install and take a look at all the ini files.


    3. I assume that with said editing, I can assign aircraft type? (I want to use Harrier GR3, Bucanner, and F-4 FGR2).


    Yes, see the answer to question 2.


    4. I once saw files in the library for newer tanks etc (T80's etc) but I cannot seem to find those - are they still all in the SFP1 download section?


    Check either the SF1 or SF2 sections. They may also be in the Nato Fighters mod.


    5. I know that there was a way in WoV to increase the number of SAM's that were launched at you.....can you do the same in SF2 Europe? (I get no more than 4 SAM's launched at me in single missions usually).


    Again, check the Nato Fighters mod.


    6. Can somebody direct me to an F-4E Europe 1 cam skin please?


    I believe there is one available...check our downloads section.


    7. (Finally) is there a way to increase the number of targets that must be destroyed in single missions for you to achieve your goals?


    I don't think so, I believe that is hardcoded by the game engine.



  4. I actually feel the opposite. I don't like the robots that look like people in fancy suits of armor.


    I like my robots to look like big, slow, awkward, walking tanks. The Timberwolf is my all time favorite.


    Ya man...if you're going to make a big ass walking tank, it should look like a big ass walking tank.


    "Chicks dig giant robots."



  5. As far as phones go, I'm digging the S3, Note 2 (on screen multitasking!), and Nexus (pre-alpha Open webOS can be run on it plus a vanilla Jelly Bean install). Even thinking about the new Nokias with WinPhone 8...I like what I'm seeing in Win8 and the idea that developers can make one program for both kinds of devices (PC and mobile) is cool!


    Sadly, I can't justify any of that while my Pre3 still works fine...



  6. Initially I wasn't too sure because the targets were pretty dumb, doing slow turns and not shooting, and there being a limited number of them. But as my level has gone up, so has the number and quality of the targets. Though I've already completed the campaign, and have the latest and greatest, I've actually been going back to eariler jets to get more, and to last longer. Even then ya gotta be careful...I was in a Fresco chasing a meat on the table Hun, but by extending out of the furball, his 4 Phantom buddies decided to give me a Sparrow enema. And since I had no RWR, the only indication was a 'Missile Launch!' call...yea, that didn't end well...



  7. Mee Too. Just got it, my first smart phone, and while researching what to get (had NO idea about these things), I learned of the recent trend toward larger screen sizes in Android phones. I figured that was TK's angle -- the larger screen sizes the better -- so he took a chance with that new trend.


    Wait, YOU just bought a flagship smartphone? Mr. Lord of the analog himself?!?!


    Well boys and girls, duck and cover because you have just seen a sign of the apocalypse...



    • Like 1

  8. well i know what i'll get on my new tablet (crossing fingers for next month) but me thinks it'll be the waiting room or in car distraction. are Phantoms available for purchase or do you work your way up to them? if they are buyable, i can throw TK a few more bucks that way. just give us a player flyable Viper rather than Netz is all i ask......


    All aircraft are available for purchase OR to work up toward...obviously one will take longer than the other. That's kind of nice...you can spend your time or your money.


    And ya, it's the Viper, not the Netz (though I would imagine it's the same model)...


    Curious though...no A-4.



  9. I like having a choice of viewing the TW page or not...there are links right in the options screen for the ThirdWire and TW FaceBook page. Better than ads that pop up during gameplay...


    Decided to compare/contrast this with a few other options on Android. Stuck with jet or jetlike sims for comparison...which narrows the field. In addition, the other sims had to have good ratings for gameplay and stability (quite a few didn't). Plus, I had to have actually played them.


    For pure flight simulation, F-Sim's Space Shuttle and X-Plane for Android are pretty darn good. Both do a good job in simulating flight. Space Shuttle focuses on post reentry Shuttle flight to landing and rollout and is very nitpicky. X-Plane is general flight, but includes multiplayer and several aircraft and locations. Both sims allow adjustment of winds, weather, day or night, etc. Both also have cockpit views, though X-Plane's is more generic.


    For jet air combat on Android, Air Navy Fighters is pretty hard to beat. You have the F-18, F-14, and C-2 (!) available with the F-18 in the free version. There is a campaign available, and most interestingly, a mission/terrain editor that allows you to build terrains, create missions and drop in targets. And upload them for others to play. No multiplayer, but cockpit and HUD views. Weapons are gun and generic A2A and A2G missiles. Gameplay is similar to something like HAWX or Ace Combat. Landings and T/Os feel decent, though not to the same standard as X-Plane...but there are specific controls for Throttle, Speedbrake and landing gear. These are the guys who did the F-18 Carrier Landing game, which also has gotten good reviews.



  10. I wouldn't jump quite that quickly...DanW has said they aren't abandoning the PC. SFA just represents another revenue stream. And unlike PCs, I'd imagine tech support will be minimal...so unless he expands SFA (which they could...A2G anyone) the only support/patching required would be bug fixes, considering there is a ton of DLC baked into SFA already.


    Anyway, decided to download the F-15C to 'get all the features'. You get IRM,SAHM,audio RWR, and decoys (plus refillable gun). Radar screen shows bandits and missiles (incoming and outgoing). SAHM is more like AHM but it takes a LONG time to get to 99 percent, and yep, you can still miss. IRMs lock on faster but shorter range and not all aspect...and you can still miss. Actually had a situation where IRM locked on one plane and SAHM locked on the other. And it was TOUGH...I got slaughtered in the first minute by missiles flying everywhere.


    DLC download does remove ads, but only unlocks that specific aircraft and variant...does not unlock other aircraft or years. So it could get expensive if you tried to buy everything. Also, becuase the difficulty level ramps up as you progress, and points between year advances increase, downloading one or two new aircraft won't allow you to rack up points much faster than you would trying to slog through everything.



  11. Nothing that covers the era covered by SFA though (Cold War).


    Okay, more observations:


    Playing with F-8 now.


    Plane is a little more responsive.


    Terrian and weather are randomized.


    Guns are unlimited but are auto reloaded which takes time.


    Missiles are limited, no reloads. Also, AIM-9B is rear aspect only, and seeker circle is slow to slew and easy to 'pull' off target, and you have to keep it steady on the target to increase probability of hit.


    Gameplay time has increased to 4 minutes.


    No one has shot at me yet.


    You can crash into terrain.


    Min speed just results in a sluggish aircraft.

    • Like 1

  12. First initial impressions:


    1. This is an arcade game, no doubt. Players start in the air, radar is omni direchtional, no cockpit view (I think), targets have red boxes and lead aim points.


    2. Each game session is 3 minutes (so far) and consists of shooting down targets. The targets seem to increase in difficulty with each downing.


    3. Played with the F-100 and F-100C so far...obviously FM is simplefied, but definitely a bit sluggish like you would think a Hun is. Throttle position is not persistent but is added in bursts.


    More to come..



  13. It's been known about for a long time. However, from what I understand it was never deployed operationally. First, you need a different missile. Second, a different launch rail. Third, a different fire control system. Fourth, it means that missile is useless if the target is in front...


    Or, you could enhance current missiles with vectored thrust/large control surfaces, high off boresight and 'Lock On After Launch (LOAL)' combined with HMS capability. Guess which one everyone does...




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