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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

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Everything posted by Z09SS

  1. That's just how the J-79-8 looks. We're just more familiar with how the -10 looks. The Blues flew an odd version of the F-4J. Check it out. http://thanlont.blogspot.com/2017/05/the-short-tragic-operation-of-f-4.html
  2. Am I the only one who seems to get better with guns when they're at least tipsy? I was shocked to see that not only did I down six planes in 1962 with an F-104C(61) but I had enough fuel to get home. I was completely plowed when I flew the mission, so I wonder if I just chill and relax and that makes me shoot straighter. Good thing there's no DUI for flight sims!
  3. I just discovered that the specified avionics.ini has to actually be in the folder with the rest of it. DUR! Don't know how I managed to change the entry from the A-6A to A-6B, but I did. Lost my CCIP and radar because of it. All better now! In the process of trying to figure out where my CCIP went, I finally figured out what needed to be copy-pasted to add it to the F-111's I got from here. Win win!
  4. I tried to keep mine simple, so just mounts for the HOTAS on a board I can move under the desk.
  5. I'm still in it! Missions out over Berlin suck because the F-100D just doesn't carry enough gas to play for long. Have to just shoot and scoot.
  6. New pilot! Red Tide flying an F-100D from Wiesbaden-Erbenheim with the 509th Fighter-Bomber Squadron.
  7. Hauptmann Winter ist todt. Got high and slow around an SA-6 battery and didn't have the umpf to dodge it.
  8. I am still in it! Even if I don't have much time to play in the past few months. This is several missions since last update. On the way back from strafing some fuel tanks (and other things at that airbase) Got a runway... and the fuel tanks and two parked An-2BP and two MiG-21PFM that tried to intercept us.
  9. Here's my end of day pilot record. And some random screen shots of today's four missions. Escort Tactical Recon Same CAS as above. I didn't take any screenies of the SEAD mission where there was no primary target AAA to attack.
  10. Since this pilot was just a POW at the end of Red Thunder, I recycled him into Red Hammer. Not dead yet! Still using a Luftwaffe F-104G, this time with JBG 36.
  11. Why do some planes start pulling their noses up as you get close to take-off speed and others don't? Can it be fixed? It's a real irritant when landing because you need to put nose down stick to correct it and keep from lifting off again.
  12. I've watched lots and lots of F-15 footage and the nose doesn't come up until the control surfaces move is why I complain.
  13. The order I originally got them in was Vietnam, Israel, Europe then the "base" SF2. Then the Israel expansion then the Europe expansion. Then all the DLC as they came out with North Atlantic in there someplace. I just got First Eagles 2 tonight, be warned with TK's change over to Win10 orders aren't instant while he's at it.
  14. Kind of related... I've wanted to ADD this feature to the F-111, do I just add those lines to the F-111 avionics ini or is there more to it?
  15. How come some clocks in some pits work and don't in others? And how would I go about fixing them? Is this a simple ini edit of taking a working clock from one plane and inserting into a broken one? I just noticed that the clock works in the F-104 pit but I can't tell what time it is in a Phantom.
  16. When I take a break it's usually some random airplane video on YouTube that gets me in the mood to drag my HOTAS out and fire up SF2 and come back to playing again.
  17. I managed to do this once, now I can't remember how and the search box is teh suxxor. At one time changing the year would change the markings and skin for a given squadron once I installed the F-14 Alt and low viz pack. Now it's stuck with a single set of markings per squadron. For example VF-142 only has the yellow-nose skin with the yellow AE tail code USS America marking regardless of year. Sometime in late '78 they changed to this paint job... Then in April 1982 they changed to this when they moved from America to Eisenhower. Those are all screenshots from my machine at various times... I've got the files here some place, I need help identifying them and getting them to turn one when wanted. Thanks in advance. There also used to be three different schemes for VF-41...
  18. It's probably just me... But lately my carrier landings have sucked. Everything seems fine and I've stopped OK, then the plane starts spinning in place on all three axes on the deck until it explodes. Sometimes I land fine, sometimes I get the post-trap departure. I don't think I am doing anything different, but probably am. It's frustrating because I used to be really good at getting the Tomcat on deck.
  19. Figured out what I was doing wrong. nose-down/speed-up arrow indicated and I always sped up. I was hitting the deck with over 10 degrees nose up and what was happening is when I grabbed the wire it was slamming the plane down into the deck. Thanks Boresight for giving me that link so that I could get systematic about my sight picture and what the instruments were reading.
  20. That method works consistently. Notice that the AoA indicator shows nose-up/slow-down and the ILS shows way high? I guess the game be broke. I'll try to remember to take a screen shot of a couple of my fails.
  21. Bone stock. Had the issue before I did the fuel tank bug fix and seat change and did the skins mod. I think I'm out of some important parameter and not noticing. Sometimes I'm fine, sometimes I'm dead. When I figure out what I'm doing wrong, I'll slap my forehead and go, "DOH". For the longest time I couldn't land an F-8 either. Always came in too low.
  22. Thanks! This was my excuse to extract the data.ini and finally fix the seats.

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