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File Comments posted by Z09SS

  1. I love this plane!


    All three of the Ultimate Demon planes have the same seat issue.


    Changing the data.ini from 0.0000,3.0000,1.1313 to 0.0000,3.3125,1.1313 for both the seat and pilot makes it match pictures of the real thing.


    A small thing, easily fixed.

  2. The only issue I've found that broke my willing suspension of disbelief was the pilot and seat were too far back.


    Changing the data.ini from 0.0000,3.0000,1.1313 to 0.0000,3.3125,1.1313 for both the seat and pilot makes it match pictures of the real thing.


    Talk about a quibble!

  3. I love this plane!


    The only issue I've found that broke my willing suspension of disbelief was the pilot and seat were too far back.


    Changing the data.ini from 0.0000,3.0000,1.1313 to 0.0000,3.3125,1.1313 for both the seat and pilot makes it match pictures of the real thing.


    Talk about a quibble!


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