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Everything posted by Z09SS

  1. I didn't say it right, what would it take to see the intakes in the mirrors? If I don't say what I mean, how can I mean what I say? Right now there's open space where the wing ends, the top of the intakes or fuselage should be visible in the mirrors no?
  2. When half my 4gb of RAM died, I took the opportunity to upgrade to 8gb and I saw a marked improvement in performance where there was a lot of smoke/dust like when 12 B-52 have dropped their loads.
  3. The elevator moves opposite of the stick inputs, it flies fine; it just looks wrong.
  4. I'm baffled! I decided to break out the CF-101B from the F-101B. All went well until I tried to make the F-101B (67) a CF-101B (71)... The AIM-4 no longer show up as a choice in the loadout screen. They're on the loadout.ini. They don't show regardless of year or map. The names in the plane.ini match the loadout and data ini... I can't figure this out at all. Related, possibly... I made an AIM-26A and B. I gave it a station specific code for the AIR-2 since they tended to be carried where Genie were carried. The AIM-26 shows in the CF-101B and CF-101B (71) I made like expected, but doesn't show up in the F-106A... It's got to be something simple, but I just can't figure it out.
  5. I knew it was simple... To keep the AIM-4A-C and E-G from showing up on Phantoms I keyed them to a specific station code (although it was amusing to load AIM-4F in the Sparrow recesses). I'd forgotten to mark the Voodoo 67's stations with that code. DUR! Still don't know why the AIM-26 shows on the Voodoos and not the Six. Another DUR mistake... The AIR-2A is modeled as an AHM and the AIM-26 is a SAHM...
  6. The F-4D carried them in Nam, the C never did. Edit to add: SOR 200 amended 17NOV64 includes the AIM-4D for the F-4C, and aircraft weren't modified for them under project Dancing Falcon until mid-1968. AIM-9 capability was restored in April 1969. So a 1966 mission should not have AIM-4D for an F-4C. Additionally, no other model of AIM-4 was carried by ANY phantom, yet I've got them showing up on the loadout screen. I _DID_ research the Falcon extensively thankyouverymuch. Wrench, substituting your data.ini and loadout.ini lets the doors work with the bombbay button. Knowing that there had to be a SystemName[xxx]=WeaponsBay for the animation to work would have helped a lot. And I did ask, didn't I? It's two steps forward and one back with this. It's especially difficult when the search function never steers a beginner to the basic instructions so we end up asking questions that are new to us and old to you. The hostility garnered from asking how-to questions might be justified if I knew what was wrong and refused to fix it. But I don't know how. That's why I asked... The what shows up in the loadout screen uses WHAT line in WHAT file? The AIR-2A is no longer an option given to me. To get the proper gun pod and the Genie to show I had to add the station specific verbage to the station information. That's because the weapons are coded to look for that line, right?
  7. Another frustrating with this modding thing has been weapons that were added for the F-102 and F-106 are appearing in the loadouts for the F-4C... It's irksome that they won't appear for the F-106 with the manual bay text but are all over a plane that never carried the Falcon.
  8. I just copy pasted your stuff over the stations from the F-106 I got from the downloads section. I always back-up the data ini before I start messing around. I thought I had it when I changed the loadout.ini to match the station numbers to no avail. Here's the data.ini after I modded it. Maybe you can tell me what I did wrong? Here's what my loadout screen looks like...
  9. That didn't work... I replaced the weapons with yours and now there's no missiles in the loadout screen. And the bomb-bay button does nothing, how do I link that to the animation?
  10. McDonnell F3H-2N Demon Ultimate for SF2

    I love this plane! All three of the Ultimate Demon planes have the same seat issue. Changing the data.ini from 0.0000,3.0000,1.1313 to 0.0000,3.3125,1.1313 for both the seat and pilot makes it match pictures of the real thing. A small thing, easily fixed.
  11. McDonnell F3H-2M Demon Ultimate for SF2

    The only issue I've found that broke my willing suspension of disbelief was the pilot and seat were too far back. Changing the data.ini from 0.0000,3.0000,1.1313 to 0.0000,3.3125,1.1313 for both the seat and pilot makes it match pictures of the real thing. Talk about a quibble!
  12. McDonnell F3H-2 Demon Ultimate for SF2

    I love this plane! The only issue I've found that broke my willing suspension of disbelief was the pilot and seat were too far back. Changing the data.ini from 0.0000,3.0000,1.1313 to 0.0000,3.3125,1.1313 for both the seat and pilot makes it match pictures of the real thing. Talk about a quibble!
  13. From reading what TK has said in the past he "dumbed the game down" because he was writing a GAME that is sim-like and not a sim that is game-like. That anything is realistic at all is incidental rather than intentional. I've seen in several conversations that he doesn't understand our side of the customer base. He doesn't understand why anyone would want to start on the ramp and taxi out to the runway, for example. And this is the simplest of changes that could be made since there's already a "start the engines" key. Add a sound file for start up and shut down and a new location for game start. It's pretty much already within the capability of the game as written. But he flat refused because he doesn't think that's fun. Or fold the wings and open the canopy... Hell he took moving tail-hooks off non-Navy planes! Never mind actually making major changes, like adding refueling.
  14. Here's my pittance! $6.95 is a bargain, and all I have to spare at the moment.
  15. If you've got the weapon difficulty set to hard you're getting the full experience of the "great white hope" of the AIM-7E. The malfunction rate is atrocious and they don't really maneuver well against small planes. I admit I got fed up with it and put weapons back to normal.
  16. Was that before or after his stated intent to abandon all things SF?
  17. My installation of the game had been running off the original install.exe I downloaded WAY back in 2010 and using the patches I'd downloaded along the way. Today I decided that it might be interesting to see if the pre-patched install.exe ran any better. Surprisingly, yes. I'm up about 10% on my frame rates!
  18. Trade Dress is what you're talking about to give it a name. Glock and H&K are somewhat famous for rigorously pursuing suits about things that look their guns. Grumman is the company that started it for aviation, Lock-Mart jumped on the wagon. Grumman didn't even do it over a plane they made many of, the TBF Avenger, or a plane they were currently marketing and supporting. Dang near all of the Avengers were TBM by General Motors.
  19. I bought an E6-B flight computer just for this question. Notice the "timing" that goes along with the speed? If you figure it out for true air speed you can match those times.
  20. I didn't realize we had so many multimillionaires donating to the download section. They must be rich because just changing a skin costs how much?
  21. Actually got a Firestreak to guide on a fighter!
  22. Isn't it odd that you can't pick any Dhimari unit for campaign by default even though they have plenty of flyable planes in their stable? Not that it applies to my F-104A pic...
  23. I guess he was waiting for me to post that it was down!
  24. The store has been under maintenance for a week. Does that make it official?

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