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Everything posted by Z09SS

  1. We get an answer to this one and I'll pay for YAP just for his boats.
  2. 1: I'm lazy. 2: I did it once and the game keeps undoing my change. That makes it tedious too. 3: If I think about it too long the instruments that work wrong start to bother me and that's more than ini changes and I don't know where to begin on fixing them.
  3. On thing that's bugged me about the F-105 in the game is the lack of a lead computing gun site (and it had one). The cockpit is completely different in the B too.
  4. I thought that TK had fixed the landed safely, pilot's dead anyways situation. Took a bit of a hit over the target. As you can see here, I made it back. I flew it that way from Dien Bien Phu to Ubon and it was all for naught; dead on exit.
  5. Healing powers AND a cravat! Is there nothing Martin-Baker can't do?
  6. I found a great pdf on the AIM-4 once, and promptly lost it. Found it again! http://www.scribd.com/doc/62917699/The-Hughes-Falcon-Missile-Family-USA-2010
  7. First. I've been flying Air Force planes too long, I am R-U-S-T-Y! Double checked the speed. 153 kias with the ambers lit. I think I was remembering the lower speeds from the Tomcat or Intruder.
  8. Flight model is set to HARD. I'll double check my speeds. I wasn't really paying attention to them because the AoA indexer is supposed to have you on speed if you're on slope and lined up.
  9. I flew to almost landing. Paused. Went to the outside view of the plane then zoomed in and out and and moved it around until I had the angle I wanted. Then took a screen shot. I think my speeds on approach are in the 130-140 range. I was mostly concerned with flying a "real" approach and trap. I wanted to see if I could get the AoA indicators amber and get the plane on deck while still seeing it. That's why I have the view in wide screen and looking up so the boat is just barely above the slip bubble in the gunsight. This was after routinely coming in too low and too flat, but seeing the deck with the climb-descent gauge marking the bottom edge of my view. That method works too!
  10. Here's the sight picture you want to get the correct angles on the F-4. Angle confirmed in a different landing, got the camera where the LSO platform is. A line from the wingtip lights through the aux-inlet doors confirms the Phantom is on speed.
  11. One of the bitter ironies of this game is the publisher is named Third Wire... For me it was a trial and error process. Get the amber lit and then start making passes. Going wide view then moving the view up until the dash is just barely in frame helps a lot with seeing what's going on. When you figure out your sight picture, it gets pretty darn easy to trap.
  12. I've stumbled across a couple of references that say the F-4C was nearly impossible to recover should something go wrong when a centerline store was carried. I've not seen this mentioned with the F-4B or F-4D (or any other variant for that matter). Is the instability just not mentioned for the others or is it a unique situation for the F-4C?
  13. I'm using an early 2008 Mac Pro with Win7 Ultimate 64. The machine has 2x Quad-Core Intel Xeon 5400 CPU @ 2.8Ghz, ATI Radeon 5770, 4GB DDR2 RAM. I'm running the whole SF2 pile. SF2, Vietnam, Europe, Israel, Exp 1, Exp 2, North Atlantic and all the DLC. Like I say, it was just fine for Win98 until one day a patch (I want to say Nov 11) everything slowed to a craw and I had to change the settings from unlimited to much lower levels. Much of my lost speed was recovered when I finally upgraded my Bootcamp partition to Win 7; but the 2012 series of patches introduced the Phantom stutter and made the Lightning just about unflyable. I even did the dreaded fresh install with April 12 installers. From my reading here, the situation I've encountered is not unique to my particular machine and I must admit that the last two patches recovered a LOT of speed for me; but it's still a far cry from the former glory. I'd probably be happy if the new scenery was prettier or something, but it's exactly the same, just slower.
  14. I know what I lost. I lost a game that ran acceptably on Win98 at about 40 frames per second with a 256mb video card. Now I have between 15 and 25 frames with double the video card and Win7 64. (Although there was a brief moment with one patch level where I had my old game back) If the game looked any different, I think I could chalk it up to improvements in the scenery. But my screen shots look the same. The slide show when flying the Lightning is what really sticks in my craw.
  15. Well, did a clean install and patched it to July-13. Got the Starfighters flyable and no problems. I did remind myself that I loathe the F-100 in campaign.
  16. Second attempt shaved off some time. No ammo and just tanks carried, skipped all the waypoints but #8 and cut the corner there too. First try, above, was with two wing tanks, burner to mach 0.95 at 1,600' MSL. Then mil power to the end. Dump the tanks when dry. Second try was all three tanks, climb to 1,600' MSL burners until the tanks ran dry, dumped them and then full military to the end. Maybe it was just the lower drag paint scheme?
  17. One my recurring complaints is even with a bone stock install I was having issues that some weren't. The amount of modding doesn't seem to matter half the time.
  18. I downloaded the pack. Installed the pack. It looks GREAT! Was the Ford really such a wallowing pig? I just tried flying it in a Suez crisis campaign and I cannot for the life of me see why we aren't tossing our entire air force for new-built Meteor F.8s! I want some damn pitch authority! Every other plane has some. With the stick full back I think a 737 can stay with my turn. The data file says max G of 6.5 and I can't get it to pull past 2 at any speed or altitude.
  19. Well, I found the secret! I feel like a dumbass about it. The trick to getting the Ford to perform in the real world was to use the pitch trimmers to put positive trim on. Whoever made the model knew that and tied the trimmers to the thrust vectoring control. At 350 kias they put 3g on the plane! I've gone from barely being able hang with a MiG-15bis to taking out 4 MiG-19S with guns now that I've noticed that. I was looking at the data.ini wondering how to enable them and found the already were.
  20. It's in the mission planning screen that it locks up. I was just trying to find out what altitude and speed for my waypoints and it locks up but good. I didn't have any problems going to the map screen during the missions.
  21. What makes it even more aggrievating is I forgot to back up the May13 install that was working just fine. At least I remembered to save the mod folder this time! Report to reinstallation Troubleshooter.
  22. Yet another one forward two back patch from TK! Yippie! In campaign checking the map causes it to lock up. I'm so close to saying to heck with this game and never coming back.
  23. Well, I started down the rabbit hole of research... First thing I find, the fuel load is all wrong. 640 gallons at 6.5 lb per gallon JP-4 is 4,160 lbs. That led to changing the fuel tank values from 397.2 to 458.74 for each of the fuselage tanks and from 436.2 to 485.16 for the wing tanks. Now it shows 4160 on the loadout screen instead of 3670. This in turn led to changing the fuel gauge. As it comes in the Ultimate Pack 6,000 lb is 100% internal capacity. I simply changed that value to the desired 4,160. The radar altimeter maxes at 1,500' That meant changing all the values since it was reading with a max of 10,000'! In order (reading angle/alt) 0.0/0.0; 45.0/50; 90/100; 135/300; 180/500; 225/800; 270/1000; and 318/1500 The g meter was showing 0g at 1g. Changing the rest reading from 0.0 to 20.0 did the trick. It's still not maneuvering like I keep reading about. I need to learn more about wings.

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