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Everything posted by Z09SS

  1. First mission runs fine. Accept. Second mission and the waypoints are all messed up.
  2. The problems for me happen right out of the gate.
  3. F-4J, VF-154 USS Ranger. It'd be very odd for it to be plane specific, no?
  4. Linebacker II campaigns are broken. First mission generates just fine, next mission has a start point off the map, none of the carriers are present and there's no target to shoot down once you arrive. Hurray! TK strikes again!
  5. The fuel gauge on the F-14 is now reading and marked correctly.
  6. Here's a rant. For a company that's named Third Wire the carrier environment is miserable. No meatball, no wing folds, no landing lights. Two maps have ocean, no carriers. One of those maps has Navy and Marine campaigns! Lots and lots of people like to ramp start, taxi and stuff. I do so tire of being told what game I want by the developer instead of him listening to the features we're asking for. I'm a bit peeved at all the effort put into minor variations of existing planes for nations not on any of the maps and ignoring major types that are.
  7. I'm an oddity. I'm running this on a Bootcamp partition on an Early 2008 Mac Pro. I'd been running XP Pro for a long time. Some time after Jun 2010 I lost the ability to crank the graphics all the way up. I was bummed, but I stuck in there. With NA requiring dx10 and Win 7 I took the plunge. Out with the 250gb partition on a 1tb drive. In with a spare 250gb drive. Bootcamp installed Win 7 ultimate 64 smoothly. Next I downloaded and installed SF2, Vietnam, Europe, Israel, Exp 1, Exp 2 and the DLC's. All of these are at the April 2012 patch level. I am impressed with the improvement in performance! To think I was dragging my feet over this. I am pretty happy with the game now even sans North Atlantic. I'll be adding the F-104's and fixing the ships before too long. I've paid for NA, but something broke in the purchase and I didn't get the link yet. I think I will wait on installing it until everyone here says the coast is clear.
  8. Something's gone really wrong, it wasn't there last night and it isn't there this morning.
  9. Are cargo ships sinkable again? Does that include us people who haven't got the scratch to upgrade to Win7 and haven't got NA yet?
  10. The bugs at the Nov11 level were tolerable; I guess is a good way to put it. The only really glaring thing was runways disappearing in wide view and some goofy loadouts on the F-4C(67). I could live with them. Looks like I have to since upgrading to Win7 just to get DX10 is cost prohibitive at the moment. It's not a $30 game to upgrade to NA for me. It's a new hard drive, more RAM, the OS itself... Just not worth the effort for one new plane and a host of bugs. Maybe in June or so things will have settled out.
  11. 1. Copy the folders and rename them. 2. Install the March patch. 3. Decide I don't like it. 4. Delete the folders that were patched. 5. Rename the copies to their old names. Simpull! [sic]
  12. I'm not saying I'll never upgrade, just I have a low incentive level at present.
  13. How about letting us have carrier campaigns where there's water if we've plunked down for Vietnam and/or North Atlantic?
  14. It fixed the disappearing air base problem in wide view. It makes the cargo ship immune to weapon fire. I tire of this two steps forward one step back methodology.
  15. I got brave and installed it. The March 2012 patch works in XP Pro. Seems smoother than before too.
  16. Does anyone know if this hoses we luddites running XP? I know I can't run NA, but does the patch break it so I can't run it anymore?
  17. I just followed the instructions to get the F-104G and CF-104 flyable. I was wondering how I would go about creating F-104A and F-104C folders because the F-104A is similar to the CF-104 but used entirely differently.
  18. The Brit Phantoms for 75 and 80 are now locked to those years in single mission. Both F-4M and F-4K. The runway disappears between 4 and 2 miles out if I am in the wide cockpit view.
  19. What he said. You have to have an Intel machine and Bootcamp. Bootcamp comes as part of 10.5+, but there is a version for 10.4 out there (and unsupported). I'm running XP on my Mac Pro for gaming purposes; I'll be upgrading to Win 7 as soon as I can find some stray cash.
  20. Before you start the mission you hover over the waypoints on the map screen. Each waypoint's speed (ground) and altitude will pop up. I've used my laptop to note them while playing on my desktop; but a notepad works as well.
  21. I am trying put together something that simulates an F-8J, it has an RWR. I have tried to do what it says here to the F-8 files, but it's not working. Can someone hold my hand?
  22. Thanks! I thought it might be something like that, but didn't know for certain.
  23. What directory should these be in? I don't seem to have them in my copy of WOV.

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