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Everything posted by Z09SS

  1. System Specs - Early 2008 Mac Pro, Bootcamp Win7 Ultimate 64-Bit SP1, 2x Quad-Core Intel Xeon 5400 CPU @ 2.8Ghz, ATI Radeon 5770 (1GB), 4GB DDR2 RAM. It's triply frustrating to have my game ruined by the latest game patch while others are unaffected. It just doesn't seem like: Should have had a major effect with SOME builds when the radar is active on planes that use the 60's avionics dll.
  2. Then by all means nothing needs fixed because your combination works fine. Sorry for complaining about MY situation. I had forgotten that I am not you and therefore do not matter. ROLLS EYES Nov 11 runs GREAT except that the runway disappears on approach in wide view. Apr 12 runs pretty dang good except for the fly to the edge of the map bug. Jul 12 has half second pauses three or four times a second. If Jul 12 ran like Apr 12 _I WOULD NOT BE COMPLAINING AT ALL_ Again, I want to know WHY patches to fix things that weren't broken in the previous patch are broken in the latest patch. Can we get smaller patches that just address the broken bits without additions of "cool"? I love the F-14 and F-4 skins and I adore the F-4N. And the slideshow where frame rates go from 39 to 150 with a game loop spike from 1x to 16x means I can't enjoy what I've paid for because the installer checks the revision level before unzipping a file into a folder. And I still don't have an answer to why installing skins for a Phantom necessitates the folder for, say, the F-104G to be returned to stock condition.
  3. Oh. I thought you'd gotten stuff from the newer patch level to work in the older one. Like being able to use an F-4N with the April 12 patch instead of the ruined July12.
  4. Care to share? I'd love to have the expanded stable in the stable version of the game. ;)
  5. Here's an F-8K I took a picture of at the TICO Warbird museum in Titusville. No hump. What I'd like TK to admit is the Y-rails were available for ALL Crusaders still in service when introduced and not limited to the newer made versions. In an interesting turn of events, I asked the staff about it since VMF-333 never had the K model and he indicated that this plane was with the squadron when it was still a C.
  6. There isn't much to this one. The radar display is a little different, audio RWR and chaff dispensers.
  7. Did some digging around. Drooping ailerons and locking the inboard LEF are added to F-4B sometime before 1972, slatted tails are supposed to go with the conversion, but didn't always happen. F-4N was all of the ongoing fleet mods PLUS avionics and life extension. So what we need is a patch to put the ailerons right on the N and change the tail. As was mentioned, should be easy since those features are already part of other models. TK has an opportunity to separate some of us fools and our money with an F-4B(69) or something depicting the planes that got the new droops but not the extensive rebuild. Somewhere in here he's also got a chance at some filthy lucre and selling us an F-4J that's got the ALQ-126 fairings and AYK-14 gun sight. I'm a generous enough soul to fork over the cash for those DLC. I love all the tiny variations.
  8. I think I need a plate for my crow. I started looking around for pics of the slotted stabilator and found droopy ailerons! That sure looks like an F-4N from here, doesn't it?
  9. No slotted stab. The N didn't get the drooping ailerons. That's just J, K and S.
  10. VF-111 doesn't get their trademark shark mouth. We get a lead computing gunsight. From the AN/AYK-14 mod? We get flares in a Navy Phantom. I expect we'll be seeing an F-4J(74) or the like soon since the AN/ALQ-126 ECM fairings on the N were originally a J upgrade.
  11. Between 1972 and 1974, 226 Navy and Marine F-4Bs were put through an update program with structural strengthening, new wiring, 30 kilowatt electrical power generators, and new avionics. The updated aircraft were known as "F-4Ns". Plus: from here: http://www.f-4.nl/f4_25.html
  12. I've set up an unmaneuvering target to test some stuff out. The AIM-4 needs a bit of run before it starts to steer after launch, that increases the min range quite a bit. I am not sure what stat governs this.
  13. The H also doesn't include the E's jammers.
  14. The Falcon seems to have a minimum range too. If you're too close it's going to zip past without guiding.
  15. I plunked down my money for the Lizard camo. That white tail code is JARRING.
  16. I'm up for that! F-104s been missing too long. Need some Voodoo too.
  17. This is explicitly a Navy Phantom pack, godless heathen furriners er, our fine allies bought the Air Force versions, so their markings should go there. As far as I know the only foreign operator who used a carrier version was the Royal Navy (and it was a special version just for them!)
  18. It's not just you. I get the bermuda triangle compass too.
  19. Someone asked about the stutter on his Facebook announcement. The stutter is not fixed. Remain at APR12, I guess.
  20. Did he manage to silently address the stutter many of us were seeing when using the 60's avionics?
  21. In effect I have done this. I was running XP Pro with the Nov11 patch and changed over to Win7 Ultimate 64. Frame rates went from mid-low 20's with settings mostly high with some medium to 40-50's with things set to unlimited. Starting with the May12 patch frame rates started coming back down, I only noticed the stutter while over Iceland. With the Jun patch the stutter has been introduced to the other maps and I've gone back to the Apr12 patch level. I'm fed up with patches which are mostly new feature implementation and being the damned beta tester for those features while real bugs linger on and on. :angry2:
  22. No mods. I keep a separate copy of the game to mod in, like adding the F-104. And my modding is limited to that simple level of adding a plane here and there. I know the first finger of blame when there's a problem is "you made changes" so I keep a stock install for when things break. If the stock install is running fine and my modded one isn't; it's definitely something I did. If both installs are borked, it's prolly not something I did. I have yet to have a modded one work and the stock one be broke, but I am open to the experience.
  23. Did some more testing of my situation. It's any naval campaign. Rolling Thunder, Linebacker I, Linebacker II or Northern Sabre. First mission is as expected. Second mission has strange waypoints and no carrier. I did a fresh install from the April 12 installation exes and the problem is persists.
  24. Restored my back up and applied the patch. Same thing. I get one good mission, then the odd waypoints. If I exit from the mission planning screen, I can't get into the campaign anymore, it locks the game up.

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