I've been a fan of il2sturmovik for a long time, and i thought i'd give 60's era jet fighting a shot so i just bought strike fighter project1. I'm slowly working my way through the little problems and questions one has when starting a new sim, however there's one issue that i haven't found any help for. I'm hoping someone here might have some advice...
The issue is that my 'speedbar' (i'm calling it that coz that's what it's called in il2 - it's the supertext in the bottom left corner of the screen that tell's you you're speed,alt etc.) seems much bigger than what I see in other peoples screenshots.
Here is a screenshot from my game...
Here is a screenshot i pulled off the net....
You can see the text in the bottom-left of the screen from my game is bigger than the second screenshot. Both screenies are 1280x960.
Is there any way i can reduce the size of my speedbar/font so that it's not so intrusive?
Perhaps when I learn the aircraft dash's more I might even want to get rid of the speedbar altogether- is that possible?