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Posts posted by Darrin

  1. In the game the nuclear weapons show not all effects real nukes have.

    A real nuke has a shock wave, the electro magnetic pulse and the heat effect. Only the shok wave is modelled.

    i noticed that on one partulir sortie i forgot my wingman had an sram cut him loose good wave though i think i was flying dead. out the window i saw all targets on fire where at that range im sure all to be seen was a crater.just a hunch

  2. I took a break from mud moving last night and took an unarmed RF-111 on a recon mission over Libya in SF2. It was a very different and hair-raising experience and I was hoping someone on the forums could give me some advice on developing appropriate mission tactics.


    Coming up onto the recon target, my 2-ship flight was intercepted by MiG-23's. Being unarmed, the only thing I could think of was to light up the afterburners and go like heck! I used chaff and flares and some jinking to avoid several AAMs, and once I had reconned the target I dove for the deck and stayed there. I evaded another couple of AAM's from the trailing Floggers and a couple of SAM's. My wingman wouldn't fly as low as I was and he got picked off by a SAM. Apart from slight course corrections to skirt Shilka AA positions I just stayed low during the egress and ran for it. The MiGs lost interest after expending their missiles, and for some reason didn't close for a guns pass.


    While the mission succeeded, I wasn't happy with the tactics I used. It seemed more like good luck than good management. My RWR screamed at me the entire flight and it felt strange to have someone in my 6 and not be doing anything about it. Should I have maneuvered hard against the MiGs to break their lock, or would that have just slowed me down? Should recon flights be escorted? That would seem to be impractical. I don't fly unarmed often and it was an interesting experience to be in a combat situation and not be able to defend myself.


    Anyway, thinking about it kept me up all night and I would love to hear any suggestions to improve my tactics for this type of mission.

    i was in my a-6 one time on an egress when 2 mig 29s went after my wingman i called Bulls**t i then pulled in let him close shoot past then i kept him there sent my wing man home safe then played with the other two totally weponless but the one i think got tired of being dead. it was steller.no guns no missles pure dog fight. them to egressive and coulnt go as slow as me.yee ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Only changed her accent? I heard a few days ago about a girl in Croatia who changed her language after waking from a coma. Now she only speaks german (a language she had just started to learn).

    if you get handed lemons make lemonaid. my advice is to get a job doing voiceovers..or something, try and capitalize. too American o well.see a light insted of a painful loss it should be easy enough to learn original its in the brain. just a thought.

  4. One of the most important lessons learned from Vietnam is that selecting targets and imposing ROE from the Oval Office has disastrous consequences. Johnson and Macnamara are directly responsible for the loss of many thousnads of lives as a direct result of their policies.

    i hoped to keep it to the commander and chiefs of the macnamaras .title states responseability in the end.

  5. . the introduction of cameras in war and though i loathe them i believe they account for fewer casualities rate. and i am speaking weather his tactics or buttun pushers the fact remains he was the sitting commander and chief. so as just having the title warrents the war in his 8 years.not the time the war took to become classified as different by the new commander and chief. so im speaking his time.not the length of the conflict we still share. this is the comparison of leaders of militarys.reguardless of true decisionmakers. from the time he declared war till the time he stepped out of office.All things considered. this be the answer im trying to prove.

  6. i believe all numbers are respectful in war for honer is with n the warrior.

    you can pull it if you want it was just a an observation un proven i was wondering if it could be proven.

  7. I know you are not but some wont see that way and it will go right down the path of flames.

    i believe all numbers are respectful in war for honer is with n the warrior.

  8. I don't even remember that term being used until the F-15 era so I think not. I suppose it might have have made a respectable missile-armed interceptor in the late 1950's early 1960's in which case I'd rate it higher than the 'Deuce' but below the 'Six'. And in case anyone thinks I'm knocking the Thud, I love it! But, horses for courses.


    When I started out in Strikefighters I played around with the Thunderchief's thrust values to try get it to eclipse the Phantom for max. altitude (like the Project High Jump attempts) and ended up putting nearly 40,000lbs of thrust into it!

    do you remember how far and how fast quite interested. Darrin height and speed?

  9. As a commander and chief did george w bush have the fewist causuality rate in an 8 year war,of any commander and chief in war history.true numbers desired on countrys at war.and their truest numbers.Trying to finish a report.all help appreciated.

  10. Currently there is no way to organize an album. The system puts them in order of upload, newest first oldest last. I have planned some upgrades this weekend but I'm not sure I saw anywhere in the docs that this feature had been added to the gallery software. Wish I could be more help.



    na thats cool just trying to keep organized. i payed attention on upload so next time ill upload in reverse pic10 pic 9 pic 8 so the album reads pic8 9 10 in order. thank you erik

  11. sorry bout the offense just venting bout my nephews gaming expierence on world of war craft.and blog was stating forgetting too punch out and then almost doing it again. :salute:

  12. Thanks for the quick reply. :good:


    Yeah I was guessing that this would be the case. Its just a shame you can't toggle engines individually especially with the A-10.


    Looks like punching out is the only viable option seeing as this mostly happens on missions pretty far away from the border.




  13. I thought that I could edit the the say (f-15) data or loadout files to put extra weapons capabilities to missions but seems I cant now. I have just downloaded the new SF2 WOV and have done the new weapons expatsion pack update but still cant add a weapon to the aircraft. For instance a Maverick. Can anyone help me please

    koreon f-15 or what model 15,Ex.plane yr compat w missle,ummm,wep data save as itself, click yes.

    i'll think on it



    P.S. welcome and find their six late.

  14. isnt britny spears the most fantastic favor of a chianese empire gathering a line of frequency minded kids who r told they dont play it long enough {8 hours and ready to CRY because their sr-71 got hacked} his guild leader told him not enough timespent} and his uncle says i know.i play them to. but time to get off. i'll. capture their surprise. its like CA american sr-71 days before release posted photos and captured their devasted frequency.they spent hours for the lynch king and FU @ ^ ( . uncles arent mad he just hasnt played it yet and kicked its ass,anyone wow around here.o sorry bout the britney opening needed some balence for this one. -Kansas Coyote-




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