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Posts posted by Darrin

  1. What ever happened to the wooden spoon? When growing up, my sister and I learned to fear and respect that wooden spoon! We hardly (if ever) got smacked with it, but the fear of doing something that would warrent the WS punishment was enough to keep us in line :smile:

    yeah mine was the fly swatter

  2. Thanks Guys,


    for your comments. Sounds like I don't need a more powerful graphics card for WoV. Perhaps more tweaking is needed to get more out of my current system. I'd like to run effects at medium, but the game stutters when I'm firing onboard guns at enemy jets or ground targets at close range.


    My WoV graphics settings are currently:


    Object detail medium

    Object texture medium


    Cockpit mirrors off

    cockpit reflection off

    Shadow off

    Horizon distance near


    everything else: effects, terrain, ground, etc set to low.


    800x600x16 screen

    4:3 display aspect ratio

    heres what i got intel R

    celeron R

    cpu 2.66

    504 mb

    windows xp

    2002 service pack two

    nvidea Geforce4 mx 4000 128 mb


    all medium except ; object detail high

    effect detail high

    cockpit high

    simalier to yours and once in a blue moon

    when my flight engages ground with guns does it slow down'and only while they are firing 4 seconds and bak to norm

    and when i recently camo'ed my wing man's a-7 a got a slide show but very rarley does this happen i believe yours to be better than mine so dont give up yet. this happens very rarely so check your ddr ram mines 128 just a thought

  3. From the readme in every add on pilot, also posted on the "Pappy's Pilots" page at my site

    And that takes care of that!!! :yes:


    happy landings!!


    Kevin Stein

    thanks wrench extracted data inis and load out inis from object cat. to objects folder then simply placed them in their respective folders.got your pilots flyn now. thanks for the hardwork. i feel better when shoot n at em now.


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