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Posts posted by Darrin

  1. If I understand you correctly, your YAP statics do not have the loadout inis. There is a detailed READ ME that explains the process of installing statics that comes with the YAP downloads.


    You can simply copy the loadout ini from the corresponding flyable aircraft folder to the static folder, along with the skins etc.


    If thats not the case, go to the SF/WOV utilities section here at CA and get the SFPE1 extractor. Its universal for SF/WOV.


    Anymore problems, you should check with our customer service department, www.yankeeairpirate.net

    well i went to copy the loadout inis over but they are not in the original folders.Also im running version 07.05.05

  2. This ones a little long.First i want to thank everyone involved. I sat down to play WOV chose a carrier campaign w/a A-4

    i began the flight with a nice shot and a cool cruise.The target of the day was a warehouse in an inner town of vietnam. I lead a 4 man team and realized early this was gunna take some attention.My brother was sitting in on this sorte, first time seeing Wov he was just watching me fly yhe mission,loved the carrier launch.Back to the mission,the flack was heavy over the first town with to sam launches.With a quick dive the sam trail was identified, i pushed over and turned into the site as the first sam wizzed by about 10:00 with nope hope of getting me,the second trailed well overhead.My brother grabbed ahold my shoulder and said"Brother this is awesome".Back to the mission I turned back towards the target ignoreing the flack bursts,it was otherwise quite the rest of the way.As we began are turn into the target way point redcrown called out migs low and to are left.At this point i was well into the expirence with warehouse on my mind,I pulled up to 4000ft and tabbed flight2 to engage ground since i can't get them to attack the primary target at 7miles i tabbed my wing man on to primary target just as are F-4escort called out the first mig kill of day.(Whew!)i caught the warehose in a slight dive and began my bombing run.Flight 2 was having a day knocking out a Ks-19 and a Zpu in their first run so i tabbed them into air to air wingman pickled just as i dove pickling 3 750's at the ware house (i always save 1,just in case) boom mission accoplished rang out i banked hard right pulling up hard and tabbed flight2 to rejoin, then tabbed wingman to rejoin.now 3 sams rang out so i dove to get alook and turned in hard left just in case, not for us i guess as "im hit" rang out with a quick look at the map the migs seemed engaged with our escort party.My brother yelled to help with the migs but they were well over 12miles back,so i told him it wasn't our job.as another "im hit" rang out i traveled at tree top 85% my brother calling for a mig fight,i ignored and took the flight to 4000 at 425knts over the last town before we hit water one more sam rang out as i began a dolphin with my wingman the sam passed between us,My brother awed!..the flight home was slow and long with a dogfight on the radio" i got him" ringed out then an" im hit" boomed. i turned to my brother and saw a tear rolling down his face.He just shook his head and was hit by reality.I trapped on a second pass with an applause from my brother. "the expirence was to real" quoted my brother and "emotional' he finally laughed "Damn" was his final quote besides a toast to those that fell in the real war.So thank you goes out to you guys,thanks for the history and thanks for the realism.A humbled gamer, son fo an f-105 crewchief -D-(Kansas Coyote)a truley sad and beautiful expierince Thank you. :tomato:

  3. you guys are the best recently checked out Sticky: Bunyap Weapons Pack Aircraft Database and my migs are are now hung for eagles. took me a little time to find the wepons stations in the data ini's but after that it went like clock work. close to the end of the data ini by the way for any one like me. thanks guys for all the time and effort love it!!!-D-(Kansas Coyote)

  4. i reacently upgraded to sfp1 8.30.06 and heres the problem ive been running into if any one can help thanks in advance

    all f-14 cockpits blink

    all f-18 cockpits blink even the f-18pit in the f-19 blinks

    f-16c block50/52 cockpits blink.

    when this happens the text content becomes unreadeable but the exteirer models still look great fly great but the head on pit blinks throughout mission.

    is there any thing i can do about this D(Kansas Coyote)


    p.s.all planes fly without problems in sfp1 3.2

    love these planes and love the upgrade just lookin to get em to gether

  5. Please read the following knowing that my intention and thoughts are always about the membership, the community, and its collective health. Also please understand my reluctance in responding to this thread further. A big THANK YOU to all the supporters and folks who can see that a community like this takes more than just people who join and call themselves members so they have access to free "everything". To all the others here are my closing thoughts.




    I've re-read all my posts and can't find anywhere I said anything about or eluded to money. I simply can't find those references.


    What I did say is:

    • The site benefits from a member's activity.
    • Each post that is made and is picked up by a search engine like google makes us stronger on the net.
    • As our knowledge base grows from members questions and interaction so does the strength of our site.
    • A community that interacts and plays together is stronger more vibrant and fluid.
    • The more our site gains interest and popularity the more we're willing to support it through faster downloads, more downloads, more features. etc.
    • Modders are more likely to interact and participate in a site that is active and shows professional support for their endeavors.
    • We've begged folks to get involved with give-aways, contests, and the like with little activity to show for it.
    • We ask for something from the membership and they complain, say it's stupid, and overall let us know we're foolish.
    • When our membership asked for a better, faster, cleaner place I can't remember us calling them idiots.
    • Members that participate in our community should be rewarded with access and features.
    • Members that don't should be restricted from full use of our resources.
    • It's a give and take relationship.

    There's much much more that goes along with the big picture than just the above. I'm also confident that each of you reading this can understand why I even care enough to be bothered with seeking support for such ideas. If you folks can't or won't see it because 5 posts is way too much to ask for, then you'll just have to live with the outcome.


    I've removed the 5 post minimum.


    Our next moderation won't be announced and you won't have a voice in the decision. Before today many of you never had a voice anyway so I'm sure it won't matter. If you're one of the "active" members in our community I applaud you and give you the green light ops go on all those that would otherwise take that away from you.


    I'm deeply saddened by the "use it loose it" view point shared in all this. I suppose it was a good learning experience and not a total loss.


    Here's wishing you all the best.


    Erik Thompson


    should have stayed on their six untill they ran out of fuel 5 posts sincerly simple for a poor man

  6. I guess we'll have to go back to the original ideas.


    1. Charging for downloads.

    2. Filling the site with hundreds of nonsense ads.

    3. Forcing you to view ads before downloading.

    4. Limiting your download speeds.

    5. Capping your bandwidth total per day.

    lets not go over board love the site love the info and have enjoyed all the downloads even the ones that drove me nut plus helped me get to know the ins and outs of programing i say be a member and complain to your wives and girlfriend peace D(Kansas coyote).

  7. Now I've worked out how to post these darned messages I can't remember what I said in the previous ones that got scrubbed when I thought I'd posted them but hadn't.


    I think it went something like this. It seems quite fair to me that members should contribute to the site especially as there are so many awesome files to download for free. It just doesn't seem right that computer idiots like me should just be able to download somebodies work and have the benefit and do nothing except feel guilty. That having been said what can I offer? I have quite enough trouble just installing the files never mind contributing to them. All I can do is sit with my mouth open marvelling at the quality and talent of those producing the files I could not begin to know how they are produced.


    Wouldn't it be fairer to let those who can't contribute to suscribe instead. I for one would be happier to do that than post useless messages no-one wants to read.

    post some of the problems your having in the bugs/suggestion area and youll find many helpful hints plus the posts add up quickly.


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