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Everything posted by Tailspin

  1. HELP!

    The Knowledge Base is your friend. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=11815
  2. So, Super Sabres

    They are conversions of 260 and 240 knots to m/s (rounded off).
  3. If you've been following this series since the beginning I can't figure out why you're so shocked at this "horrible finding"? Its common knowledge that the AI often don't/can't use third party weapons as they should...especially against ground targets. I don't get all the apparent exasperation over this issue...its been the same since the beginning.
  4. So, Super Sabres

    Re: slat deployment...Why is there a 20kt. difference in the Deploy/Retract speed to begin with? You don't need to swap the values, just make the Deploy speed the same as the Retract speed (Actually I have the Deploy speed .5 less than Retract)....that is unless the Hun was actually set up to have the difference IRL?
  5. Try the MISSIONCONTROL.INI. Its located in the Flight folder, in the MissionData.cat file. You have to use the SFP1e extractor tool...available HERE if you don't have it already. You may also want to reset the InitialClimbAltitude= value in the Waypoint section. I have used this .ini to set normal cruise altitudes to higher levels but I have not tried it for low atitudes....don't know why it shouldn't work though. edit....Sorry, I'm not up on campaigns. Also the values in the .ini are in meters.
  6. What a coinkidink! Just a couple of days ago I realized I hadn't installed the Vogesen terrain in the Expansion Pack yet. I've been flying over it a lot lately (seems a natural for the HD 1). Looking forward to the update.
  7. Bomb Explosions Lag System- Fix?

    System specs? I have a 1.8 P4, GeF 3, 512mb DDR and it runs OK on med. settings (12-35 fps...depending) but if I turn ground object detail to high it really eats up frames. Maybe your system just can't handle rendering the extra ground objects and the smoke/fire effects together?
  8. Bomb Explosions Lag System- Fix?

    I don't know if this will help but have you tried setting the Effects Detail in the options menu to Medium?
  9. Seasons Greetings?

    Thanks Peter! God Bless you and yours. Merry Christmas everybody! Thanks for making this a great forum.
  10. Etrich A.II (Fd) Taube AC3D Files at hand...

    Welcome to CombatACE lambda. Thanks for your generous offer. I'm not a 3D modeller but I'm sure it will interest someone here.
  11. Ok, this needs repeating IMHO. Read what's available. There are links and references galore in these pages. Make yourself a copy of the sim to keep and use as a base for working up mods. Then just jump in and try your ideas out. Remember you really cannot "break" anything that cannot be fixed by simply deleting the files you are modifying. If you have BACKUPS you can reinstall those or by deleting modded files you can return the game back to the "stock" version. You will be surprised what you can learn by trial and error...always works for me.
  12. Modders - whats on the list?

    For the Expansion Pack....Bridge mod for Verdun terrain is released. Bridge mod for Cambrai is progressing.
  13. Agree with all the above. Sometimes you can get a lock better by pulling the nose up slightly but you still have to be within launch parameters...which are limited for the 9B.
  14. hanriot hd.1

    Great work EmlD! Nice to see you working in FE again.
  15. First Bridges

    Holy s**t! Here I've been doing all this work with the bridges in the EP and I had no idea. Don't know why they wouldn't work in the rest of the series...haven't tried it though. You can make them a separate target area and place them anywhere.
  16. Two installs

    Once you get the second install you have to remap your shorcut to match the filepath to the new install. Right click, then properties, then match filepath to the flighsim.exe in the install.
  17. Real beauties there, Lloyd.
  18. Very nice addition, Charles. Thanks!
  19. First Eagles, my impressions

    Good thing is there are engine altitude tables in the data.inis that I think control engine efficiency. Someone who knew what they were doing (sorry, not me ) could probably make some adjustments for better performance at higher altitudes. Peter01, the FM guy, is taking a well deserved break right now...besides the fact there is an upcoming patch and extensive work on FMs now could be a waste of time as the patch may change some parameters that would require redoing previous versions.
  20. First Eagles, my impressions

    Actually 6000m is very near or exceeding service ceiling for the DVIIF and DVII....depending on the source. Its certainly higher than the value given for the DVII, and only 96m less than the DVIIF, in the game's data.ini . That would explain the lack of control at that height.
  21. First Eagles, my impressions

    Yep, they are a lot better in actual combat. The AI, other than your flight, do form up and fly tight formations well before getting to the target area so the game is capable of modeling that. The problem is somewhere in the relationship between the player plane itself and AI as far as "normal" flight (as opposed to combat) characteristics are concerned. Never really bugged me that much until the EP seemed to make it worse.
  22. First Eagles, my impressions

    Shameless plug follows.... For more groundfire at low levels you might try my AA Machine Gunner and Bridges for Verdun mods. The AAMG mod places machine gunners around the airfields for both Cambrai and Verdun terrains. The Bridges mod adds bridges over several river crossings and also adds AAA protection for these vital lines of supply. (Currently only the Verdun map is covered for the bridge mod...the Cambrai version is still a WIP and its slow going at the moment.) Both are available here in the downloads section and are fairly simple to install. As for Archie, I seem to recall reading where the standard practice was to NEVER fly over no-man's-land below 10,000 feet so there was some respect given it. Not so in the game as it is now.
  23. First Eagles, my impressions

    1. Known issue. While you will find attacking and defending flights of enemy AI flying perfect formations on the way to and from the target area, your own flight will never form up on its own...unless you hit Alt-N. When you reappear after Alt-N your flight will be in formation behind you. No knowm fix for this. 2. Never heard of that one before. I fly on HARD all the time and have not seen that happen. 3. Don't have that problem either. Granted the FM's are "lively" and a little too touchy IMHO but as long as I don't ignore the stall buffeting (rumbling sound) I don't usually spin. Perhaps you need to turn down your stick sensitivity setting in the Options menu. 4. Again, during single missions, you won't get any opposition until you near the IP. Flying over enemy airfields other than the objective will not cause the enemy to fly up and attack you. There is, however, and increased problem with attacking enemy flights flying into the ground when you hit Alt-N. When this happens you will not find the enemy over the target area yet you will get credit for the kills in the debrief screen. Having flown the EP quite a bit since it's release I have come to the conclusion that while it adds many nice new features, such as new airfield layouts, static aircraft, bridges, etc. it has broken more things than it fixed and has "fixed" some things that didn't need fixing. Every time TK tries to "fix" something to satisfy one group something else seems to get worse as a result. The new FMs and the resulting AI behavior (formations and flying to the target area, AI not showing up at the target area, etc.) and the almost totally ineffective ARCHIE (people whined about it until TK almost completely neutered it) are good examples. I'm about ready to chuck the EP and go back to the original game as I had it modified before. Very frustrating.
  24. I Passed......

    Congrats Dave!
  25. TrackIR (you gotta get it!)

    Like CoolHand29 says welcome to CombatACE, Dale, and thanks for contributing.

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