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Everything posted by Tailspin

  1. Dark_au...Kinda late on replying....sorry. Make sure you have the latest version of Le Missioneur. There is an updated one for post SP4 patch.
  2. Happy Birthday Madjeff

    Happy B'day MadJeff!!! Just be glad they only come around once a year. I don't think I could survive it more often than that.
  3. Triplane

    The Pfalz Dr.1 was a triplane adaptation of the Pfalz DVIII. Wiki
  4. Invisable Pilot

    Hi don, Either open the data.ini, find the Crew section and change the PilotModeName=WWIGERPILOT entry to PilotModelName=WWIpilot or download Gambit's Generic Pfalz EI skin and get the WWIGERPILOT bmp, lod, and .ini and place them in your Aircraft folder...thats the general Aircraft folder, NOT the specific plane folder. I recommend the latter as you can then change any German A/C pilot to the WWIGERPILOT model by editing the data.ini. I believe Gambit also has an improved Allied pilot model too. Both are very nice. Oh yeah....the EI skin ain't bad either.
  5. What do you think?

    Thanks Peter, will give em a go.
  6. What do you think?

    Peter...getting some strange behavior with the Camel. In at steep banking turn it seems to me that rudder input causes a reverse roll. In other words applying left rudder while banking and turning left causes the plane to roll right. Rudder works like it should in level flight.....
  7. What do you think?

    Thanks very much Peter. Trying them out now.
  8. Lots of B-days Today

    Yeah and I'm twice as...uhhhh, twice as....uhhhhh, I'm twice as....old as you are too!
  9. What do you think?

    Perhaps we need to look at what the damage factors are for control surfaces. They have no hit boxes in the data .ini. Do entries like Armor or StructuralFactor affect them?
  10. What do you think?

    I know Peter hasn't looked at damage models but it seems to me that some planes have really good damage models and some don't. The Nieuports are good and so are Laton's planes. The Fokker DII is really weird when you shoot it up. Often it simply hangs in the air at less than 20mph and floats to the ground like a leaf. (Not trying to single anyone out these examples are just a few that come to mind.) You can shoot off a lower or upper wing on some and they fly on unaffected. I don't know how extensively you are rebuilding some of these FMs, Peter, but I do know that some of the original FMs on some of the planes were not very well designed.
  11. Happy Birthday to....

    18!?!? (que up Alice Cooper) ...I gotta baby's brain and an old man's heart. Took eighteen years just to get this far.... Happy B'day bib!
  12. Stalls!

    Peter. Like other things stall, spin, and spin recovery characteristics varied with the aircraft. Some like the Camel and SPAD were severe and dangerous and recovery was very iffy. Others like the Fokker DVII stalled very gently and were reluctant to spin at all. Some stalled and spun but responded to normal recovery techniques. As I mentioned to you I like the stalls. They add to the game experience. They also force you to think a little more about dogfighting tactics. Since I started flying on HARD again (thanks to your efforts) I have actually crashed a few times due to stalling at too low an altitude. So IMHO stalling without spinning is better than no stalling at all. As far as spins go, I'd rather not have unrecoverable spins unless that was a particular trait of the aircraft. Regarding stall speeds? Hmmm....research and educated guesses I suppose?
  13. What do you think?

    Woof...I'd say the Technical Support thread at the Thirdwire forums.
  14. What do you think?

    Spin recovery in this sim is difficult at best. Most of the time you don't get out of them. However, I will remember how you did it and use it...correct or not. :yes: Seriously, AFAIK, things like spins and recoveries haven't been explored extensively yet. I think folks are waiting to see what the next patch/addon brings.
  15. What do you think?

    buddywoof...Just place each ew DATA.INI in their respective aircraft folder. If you already have a modified DATA.INI in an aircraft folder you can back it up by simply renaming it to orig****_DATA.INI or something like that before you put the new DATA.INI in the folder. The aircraft data.inis for all the stock A/C are located in the OBJECTDATA.CAT in the Objects folder. The addon A/C should already have a data.ini
  16. What do you think?

    BBandy. Open up the data.ini and have a look at the Fuselage] section. SystemName[006]=Pilot is commented out. Try removing the slashes. I haven't tried it to see if this is the prob, so I could be wrong. I have a pilot when I chose to fly the plane. Haven't run across the AI DVa yet so... SystemName[001]=InternalGun1 SystemName[002]=InternalGun2 SystemName[003]=LeftMainGear SystemName[004]=RightMainGear SystemName[005]=FuselageFuelTank //SystemName[006]=Pilot SystemName[006]=BombCompartment DetachNode[001]=Gun Left DetachNode[002]=Gun Right
  17. What do you think?

    Hi Falcon. Quick remedy until things get sorted out. Hit A (autopilot) right when the screen comes up. This keeps down the nose stands. As soon as you get a good takeoff roll going you can go back to manual.
  18. Lots of B-days Today

    Thanks everyone!
  19. Lots of B-days Today

    HOLY s**t!! TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY!?!?!?!?
  20. Been messing around with the spray can in PSP and came up with this "worn look" for the stock airfields: What do ya'll think? This only took about 5-10 minutes. If anyone is interested I can spend more time and refine it a little more. After I did it, I realized that I have my graphic settings on Med. so I'll probably need to re-do it on High to make sure the textures blend OK at that setting.
  21. What do you think?

    First...love the Fokker DVIIs and DVa. The DVII is finally the stable, easy to fly fighter it is supposed to be. However, IMHO the roll rate on the SPAD XIII is way too high. The SPAD was renowned for its speed, durability, climb, and (especially) dive capabilities but it was not considered very maneuverable. Also not easy to fly because of nasty stall/spin characteristics. The SPAD was a true BnZ fighter. I think maybe the SE5a is a bit overdone in the roll too. Thanks peter, much appreciated. ps...Needless to add I think the stock roll rate for the SPAD is a bit much too.
  22. Getting Started

    max188's high res remake of the stock terrain and if you prefer max's tiles, Sopwith Snipe made an adaptation for Edward's Flanders Terrain. Gepard's Vogesen terrain peter01's FMs All those 3rd party A/C and skins...
  23. Oh yeah, I forgot about that one P10ppy.
  24. Different airfield texture....

    Nice, ShrikeHawk.

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