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Everything posted by Tailspin

  1. Just "comment out" these two lines in the InfoDisplay section of the Huddata.ini by adding the forward slashes. //BottomLeftPosition=0.01,0.985 //BottomRightPosition=0.99,0.985 Then go to Display004 (Radar) and make the Height and Width 0.0. Not sure if you can completely eliminate the direction arrows. If you set their size (ConeSize= ) to zero they still show at the edge of your screen.
  2. Get it here. "Worn" FE Airfield Texture
  3. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5082 File Name: "Worn" FE Airfield TextureFile Submitter: Tailspin File Submitted: 6 Aug 2007 File Category: Terrains Here's a new "worn" or "used" look for the airfields in First Eagles. You can do anything you want with this file...just give me some credit...dammit!! Enjoy, Tailspin Click here to download this file
  4. Nieuport 17 Camo Skin

    Nice skin ShrikeHawk.
  5. Version


    Here's a new "worn" or "used" look for the airfields in First Eagles. You can do anything you want with this file...just give me some credit...dammit!! Enjoy, Tailspin
  6. The new Fe8 package

    I'm not getting that with my install. Are you sure you don't have the FM set to HARD?
  7. Exit mission crash

    Did you get your problem straightened out?
  8. aiming bombs in campaigns

    Hmmm....not real sure how many hits it takes. What plane are you flying? I flew the Salmson and left a couple strings of bombs on the "airfield" and it still didn't "destroy" the right spot. Might take heavier bombs? I don't drop many bombs in this sim. As for bombing from the cockpit...level bombing is all about altitude and speed. There are three things to consider, an aim point (when the target just passes under the nose of the airplane, for instance), the altitude you want to bomb from, and the speed necessary to get the bomb to hit the target...or vice-versa. Takes practice, but it can be done. Dive bombing is easier but more dangerous.
  9. Exit mission crash

    Use the Knowledge Base Grasshopper. See topic: Vista and the 3rd wire series.
  10. Yep, been flying it. Thanks to everyone involved! Geeze...I gotta get a new hard drive. Mine is almost full.
  11. Smoke effects for engine failure?

    The thing with the armor values is they have no weight so you can make them as thick as you want to get the results you want without affecting anything else. 20 may be too much for FE. I plan on increasing mine to see what they do. I'll try and post something on that later.
  12. Different airfield texture....

    Go right ahead. I may not get to it till Sunday...depends on what we do this weekend.
  13. Smoke effects for engine failure?

    Have you tried upping the armor values to 20 and up? BTW...I've been experimenting with the various effects in the AircraftObject.ini commenting out each one till I can't get a fire going, etc. I'm not sure anything works beside the ObjectFireEffect=AircraftFireEffect in the [GameObjectEffect] section and the AircraftSmokeEffect. Regardless it looks like the emitter is located in the same place for all the fire effects...right behind the cockpit. I used to think this was the FuelFireEffect because thats where most tanks are but now I'm not so sure.
  14. Smoke effects for engine failure?

    I've often wondered the same. I think the only two effects I ever see are the Fuel Fire Effect and the Aircraft Smoke Effect. I have also tried to implement a DamagedEngineSound effect with no luck. To make kills a little more exciting I have implemented Bortdafarm's idea of adding Armor values to the engines of all the planes in FE. This makes it less likely that you will simply stop the engine for a kill and it lessens the instances of the AI doing those "dead stick" landings and surviving the fight. Here's what I use. You can try different numbers to suit yourself. I know it doesn't solve the effects problem. It just reduces the chance that a few rounds will stop the engine making it more likely that you will start a fuel fire or shoot a wing off instead. Just cut and paste into the Engine section in the XXX_DATA.INI HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL ArmorRIGHT.Thickness=5 ArmorLEFT.Thickness=5 ArmorREAR.Thickness=10 ArmorBOTTOM.Thickness=5 Wellll BS. The board won't let me use the brackets...you'll have to add BRACKETS to RIGHT, LEFT, REAR, and BOTTOM.
  15. Albatross DIII wing tips?

    I wouldn't necessarily call it the D V tail. The D V took the rudder design from the OAW built DIII. But, yes it would be nice to have both the original Johannisthal factory and the later OAW rudder designs.
  16. Different airfield texture....

    FRAIRFIELD1.BMP There is only one basic airfield texture in the game. The two sides differ in what objects are placed on them.
  17. aiming bombs in campaigns

    Where the red box is on the airfield is where you want to concentrate your bombs. Also if you're using 25 pounders it will take a few to accumulate enough damage points to git er done.
  18. Hidden Talents?

    I'm pretty much a jack of all trades and certainly master of none. I can cook, fairly skilled at most home building trades, better than average at most sports I've tried, (of course I'm over 50 now so the games I play now have changed in nature) I used to work on my own cars...I know a little about a lot, I guess. The only thing I've ever won any awards/money at is bowling...pretty exciting, huh?
  19. Thicker, Puffier Clouds

    Good stuff, man. Messin' with the clouds is fun.
  20. Hi peter. I have discovered a problem with the MS L. She doesn't fly right on Auto Pilot. Throttles to 100% tries to climb, reaches about 65mph or so and shuts throttle down to 0, loses speed. Dives to compensate, throttles up to 100% again climbs...repeat. Never climbs above 350 feet or so because it alway shuts the throttle down completely. Also ALT-N results in plane exiting at WAY below stall speed and there is no enemy in sight. Haven't noticed this problem with others yet, but only have flown a couple. While I'm commenting some general thoughts on the new FMs. Overall good stuff, with one glaring exception. That is I'm dissapointed in the general lack of rudder authority across the board so far. Its almost non-existant in the Avro 504 and while other models may have a stronger initial impulse, it usually only results in slewing the plane a few degrees then it stops abruptly. Personally I like less roll authority and more rudder. I know you've explained what the difference is and why your FMs are done that way so I'm in a quandry. Oh well, I have to go now, my Grandson is coming for a visit. I'll have more thoughts later.
  21. No, not one on one. I seldom fly anything but Single Missions or Campaigns. During missions I do try to latch on to one guy and get him...unless circumstances prevent that from happening.
  22. Flying Sideways

    Yeah, the SE5a is a little squirrelly. :yes:
  23. I've looked through most of them and have only seen it in the MS L? Oh well, gotta get some sleep. Hopefully you'll get some feedback from others.
  24. First let me say that my initial impressions about rudder response were a little off base for the most part. Flying more planes I can see where you have indeed payed attention to the rudder. About HARD vs. NORMAL...When the game was first released I always flew on HARD. Then when all the new 3rd party models were introduced, most of them definately NOT tuned for HARD FM you were faced with either switching back and forth depending on which plane you chose to fly or just keeping it on NORMAL. I chose the latter and didn't worry about it. Flying on NORMAL doesn't take that much away from a good game experience IMHO. Now that we are getting more models to fly on HARD, I find myself switching back and forth. If all the planes were tuned for HARD, I'd fly it that way all the time. But that isn't the case yet. What about the AI? Well, they can still whip a plane around a lot quicker than I can. But that is usually balanced out by them doing something stupid like flying straight and level just long enough to get a good shot in. I think they're pretty good. You're just as likely to get into a very difficult scissors fight with an AI pilot that won't give in as you are to jump an unsuspecting greenhorn daydreaming his life away. I'll tell you what...get yourself into one of those 32 plane furballs over an airfield with the AAA bursting all around and the planes swirling everywhere...its tough to come out in one piece. If that isn't fun, you aren't trying.

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