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Everything posted by Tailspin

  1. Bit of work on an Eindecker

    Thats all well and good Bort but an Eindecker with a 5000ft./min rate of climb doesn't quite peg the ole reality meter....at least not in my sim world.
  2. We got a patch!!!

    How about adding the StructuralFactor= rating? From the SF Editing Notes: Structural factor There is a property you can add to any component of an aircraft's data file called StructuralFactor that can multiply the 'hit point's that component has. e.g StructuralFactor=5.5. This can have very dramatic results, and can make planes invincible. Use with caution. Remember a setting of 2 DOUBLES the number of hit points.
  3. Bit of work on an Eindecker

    WOW Bort! You're off to a GREAT start! Methinks you need to work on a thicker skin though...I'm sure the fellas are just jokein' around. Anyway its a "torquey" little bugger ain't it? Are you guys flying this thing on normal or hard? Definately a handfull on hard FM. Keep up the good work Bort, much appreciated.
  4. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=16365
  5. FE where will it go?

    Its only been out a month. There are already 5 new planes, all the non-flyables are flyable with a great Albatross cockpit making it complete, new effects packages, terrain mods... Looking at the glass half full side of things, I'd say we're off to a great start.
  6. wingstrut...I fly the SPAD regularly and never crash it anymore. Oh I did at first but once I learned how it behaved in the sim I find its quite an effective, deadly mount. The trick is using the rudder input to keep the nose up and never ignore a stall warning.
  7. Hey sandbagger, Good to see you here. With my old rig (P4 1.8g, 512DDR, GeF 3 Ti 200) setting the horizon distance to NEAR and most details to MED. is a must for everyday gameplay with FE so I agree its definately a "step up" in the demand on computer power. I still get frame rates in the upper 20's lower 30's with all the other planes. One DH-2 doesn't drag them down much but for each extra plane in the external, I lose about 5 fps. It seems reducing the skin bmps to 512 gains me some fps but only 5 or 6. Someone posted on another forum that reducing the 1st LOD view distance to 1 "cures" the problem but it removes a lot more than just the rigging details in external view. So, like you, I'll just live with it. BTW...In my experience of all the fps saving "tricks" I've tried so far reducing the horizon distance to NEAR works the best. You can also try extracting the FlightEngine.INI from the FlightData.cat and change the [HighDetailOption] MaxTextureRes=-1 to 0. TS
  8. You can do this. Look in your Controls folder and open the default.ini. Scroll down until you see [Ranged Control 004] which is the throttle control. Find the line KeyControlRate= and increase this number. The result is when you press the "-" or "=" key it will reach 100% or vice versa almost instantly. Then all you need do is assign those keys buttons and there you go. You can also try increasing the ThrottleRate= in the DH-2 Data.ini. Watch that one though as the torque can get pretty nasty when the engine spins up too quickly. The KeyControlRate trick won't affect your normal throttle operation but the ThrottleRate will.
  9. Camel and Tri Wing

    Ok people, personal attacks against individuals, developers, or modders is not allowed. EDIT...There was an offending post by another person deleted. That was the reason for the lock. Sorry for any confusion. TS
  10. Another point to ponder re: the SPAD XII, since these aircraft were very rare historically and flown only by a few pilots, you could choose the SPAD XII for yourself in the loadout screen and leave the rest of the squadron flying other planes. Solves the AI problem.
  11. If you are having frame rate issues with the DH-2, try reducing the .bmp skin files from 1024X1024 to 512X512. BACKUP THE ORIGINALS FIRST!!! :yes:
  12. Don't know. I was thinking more in terms of how I would like the guns set up.
  13. Good job on the muzzle blast. I forgot to say the coordinates I used were for the MG muzzles and the values are in meters so you may be able to finetune more by adding another decimal place. Do you have the guns on separate triggers. You should be able to make the 37mm a secondary gun and that should make the other Vickers gun operate normally. This is from a post of IndioBlack's where TK tells him how to set up the SE5a's guns on different trigger buttons. Should work the same way for the Spad XII. IndioBlack, The guns on real SE5a, I think, are on separate switch/trigger. Look down on the stick in cockipt, and you'll see two switches - i believe they are for each of the gun. In game, you can cycle through different gun selection by hitting ";", that'll cycle through different combination (Vickers, Lewis, then Vickers+Lewis). Shift+";" cycles backward. We believe most people would want to fire both at the same time (two guns are better than one! Smile ) but if you want, you can change the lewis gun to be mapped to secondary gun... There is additional Fire Secondary Gun key command (unassigned by default), so you need to go to Options/Control/Customize screen to assign a key/joystick button for it. Then, edit the SE5a_data.ini file and change the input assignmen on one of the guns, so InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN reads InputName=FIRE_SECONDARY_GUN TK
  14. Well the first set will be 0.0 as that is the horizontal centerline. Lets assume the longitudinal centerline passes through the prop hub too , so another set will be 0.0. That leaves the distance forward from the vertical centerline which is either .43 or .46, I'm betting its .46. Making a lot of assumptions but this ought to get you close enough to make adjustments.
  15. Now this is pretty cool. You could probably get the muzzle flash in the right place by manipulating the MuzzlePosition= and LightPosition= coordinates to match the prop spinner location. I looked and couldn't find any spinner coordinates in the data.ini so it'd have to be a trial and error approach.
  16. Radials are supposed to have more torque than inlines. The Camel, for instance required full right rudder to counteract torque while taking off. 47 rounds/drum @ 700 rounds per minute...Thats a full drum in a little over 4 seconds.
  17. AI MOD version 3 beta..

    Don't worry, friend. We'll toss it around again another day.
  18. AI MOD version 3 beta..

    Again, total overreaction on your part, IMHO.
  19. AI MOD version 3 beta..

    bortdafarm...I happen to be intriqued by your idea. Do you care if I test it for myself? I'm OK with you wanting to keep your ideas to yourself for the time being but I'm going to try some different ideas on my own. Perhaps if it irritates you so much you should ignore it. However, if you think I'm in the wrong or somehow abusing my Moderator status then feel free to report it to the site Administrators.
  20. AI MOD version 3 beta..

    Good idea. Doesn't work.
  21. AI MOD version 3 beta..

    Now you're just over reacting. One reason I questioned your original assumption that putting aircraft data.inis in the Objects folder will work is it is simply wrong. If you move your aircraft data.ini to the Objects folder it won't work...or at least a LOT of the changes you think you are getting won't be there. Further, being a moderator doesn't preclude me from participating in threads. I'm not baiting you. I'm just asking for clarification. The rest is just misundertanding on your part. I can't help that. Sorry you feel that way.
  22. AI MOD version 3 beta..

    Sorry, I'm not too familiar with English slang. Do you mean to say you think I'm making fun of you? You stated a position regarding aircraft data.inis that I'm not sure I agree with. I gave reasonable and verifiable examples of why. I am just curious as to what it is you think and why and if you can show me something concrete to explain it. A free exchange of ideas is all I'm interested in. Exchanging ideas is not always going to end in agreement. That seems to be bothering you.
  23. Hey Deadhead...You might try and post a copy of this post in the WOV/WOE/Project 1 Mods and Skinning Chat forum here too. I'm guessing the skinning and decal routines are the same for the entire series. You may get a quicker answer.
  24. AI MOD version 3 beta..

    What changes would you be refering to in your modder's hunch? AFAIK the sim reads the individual aircraft .INI then checks the aircraft folder for those files refered to, ie. XXX_DATA.INI, XXX_COCKPIT.INI, XXX_AVIONICS.INI, etc. If those files aren't present, the it reads the .CAT file. If you remove one of those .INIs from the individual aircraft file then the sim reverts to the default values in the .CAT file. If, as in the case of add-on planes, there is no original file in the .CAT file then things won't work at all. Try it with the Gotha. Remove the Gotha DATA.INI and put it in the Objects folder. The plane is no longer selectable in Single Missions because the game can't find its DATA.INI. I wonder if some of those subtleties you are sensing are the changes you've done to other .INIs like MISSION_DATA, CAMPAIGN_DATA, AIRCRAFTOBJECT_DATA files that aren't really related to the aircraft_DATA.INI?
  25. AI MOD version 3 beta..

    Old Guy...do you have the up and down views programmed too? I use two extra keys on my stick base for up and down. That way you have an additional 45 degree up and down view for each snap view. I also have hat forward programmed for the forward view. Then I can activate padlock and use hat forward to snap back and forth to get my bearings.

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