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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. GeForce 8400 GS question

    hmmm..alright thanks anybody lead me to a Graphics card that will run World in Conflict with no problems? Sparkomatic can you provide a link to a website that has what you are talking about? Cause my copy of World in Conflict is just collecting dust and I desperately need to find a good Graphics card fast. Thanks for any help guys it is much appreciated! BTW how would you exactly find out if your graphics card is either a PCI or AGP? I was just going on what my dad told me about the Card.
  2. GeForce 8400 GS question

    well my FX 5200 is a PCI express. And How would I find out if my monitor will work with the DVI port?
  3. Ok guys im back with two new skins to show ya! This time they are Kfirs! This first Kfir is used by the 200th TNFS "Sea Lions" of the T.M. NAVY. It is seen here downing a Mig-23MF flogger of a Rebel Soviet Force. This next Kfir is from the 2nd TFS of the T.M. Air Force. It is seen here in a Faded Olive Drab Green paint scheme used in the Second Vietnam war. These will be released soon along with the Communist F-4E Phantom, as well as some others. Tell me what ya think and if I should fade the blue a little bit on the first one.
  4. Area 51

    Sorry for ranting bout that! But what I was trying to say was that I think it is still used as a secret testing facility nothing more. BTW those damn MIB keep on peering through my window! And I will stand by my statement about the Doughnuts on a rope contrail! As it happened right in front of me! While I was standing outside talkin to my parents I looked around to see if there were any aircraft flying about in the in the sky as there was no cloud cover that day,not seeing any aircraft and contrails I then turned to look at my dad then I heard a loud crack then a roaring boom. My parents and I looked around and saw a weird looking contrail which was not their previously! I do not know waht kind of aircraft made this contrail and sonic boom but it wasnt anything that I know of. I dont care if you believe me or not I know what I saw and heard so im sticking to my statement!
  5. 200th TNFS.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  6. 2nd TFS.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  7. Ummmm so I'm going to Japan.....

    Have fun man! Im so envious of you though! because Im obsessed with Japan and it's culture!
  8. Area 51

    Yeah but look at the size of the runway! What aircraft needs that kind of landing space!? I have always believed taht Area 51 is a top secret testing facility and still is! Although I do believe in UFO's I dont think there are any held their anymore. I belive they use it for testing High speed High altitude aircraft such as the Aurora. I have heard the Aurora's sonic boom and seen it's "Doughnuts on a Rope" contrail. And trust me I know Area 51 is not abandoned as there is too much damn activity their for it to be a farse to take peering eye's off of another base cause thats just too exspensive of a damn ruse! Sorry this is a subject I study heavily on and im not talking websites about aliens! Just look at how much activity is at the base and the tire marks on the runway some of them last for a long time like something that was going at an extraordinary speed when it landed! And if ya look closely at the land you can actually see hangers that seem to go underground or into the hills, I will post a picture sometime soon to prove this!
  9. Yes! I love that version of the F-15! And nice sneaking in the Su-33!
  10. Sad day

    Sorry to hear that man! I know it is hard to loose someone you love, human or pet, I had a miniature poodle that never left my side until my other dog bit her on her head the summer of June 2005, she bled out in my arms on the way to the vet. I still miss that dog to this day! I'm sorry for your loss man, my prayers will be for you and your family tonight.
  11. Ace Combat anyone?

    OMG that is hilarious but so damn true! It got to a point where I yelled at the game "Stop talking! This is a F'in war! Shut the hell up you whiny sorry excuses for pilots!!!". But I enjoyed that Game and loved the Different Aircraft like the FB-22! which was cool! I let my friend borrow it but still have AC0 which i play when Im not on WOV or Half Life 2
  12. Defected to the dark side

    Na I had PS one until Christmas of 2002 when I got a PS2! But now everybody at my school is Jealous of me because I have the 60GB PS3! Everyone of my friends who comes to my house play it on my dads HD TV. Heck even my dad loves to see it on the HDTV when I have it connected with $30 HD cables I bought from EB Games, compared to the $50 HDMI at wallmart. I usually play COD4 and NFSPS on it but I also play War Hawk, and Gundam:Cross Fire on it alot!
  13. I LOVE Americans!

    Even though Im not Jewish I would love to visit Israel! There is so much history there and I would love to try some of the local Cuisine! BTW how is the food Israel Mannie?
  14. Yeah it's a faction in my short story. Basically another vietnam war breaks out but this time it's the north that breaks away and wants a democratic government. But the Communist south wants to keep vietnam a communist country so they send in their Armed foces to try and retake Democratic North Vietnam. The president of North vietnam sends a request for aid to the U.S. but since the U.S. doesnt want to be involved in another Vietnam, and the U.S. is focusing on Iraq they decide not to get involved with it. But the T.M. Commander (Based on Me) Orders 5 battalions of T.M. Army infantry, 2 Battalions of Airborne Infantry, 4 Battalions of Armored infantry including the 2nd Armored infantry which uses BMP3's, and 3 Battalions of heavy armor including the 42nd Tank Battalion which uses Merkava MKIII's and T-90's. The T.M Marine Corps sends in 3 battalions of infantry frome the 6th T.M. Marines, 2 Battalions of Specialized Armored infantry from the 3rd T.M. Marines, 2 T.M. Marine Air Calvary, the 42nd Tactical Marine Fighter Wing, And the 77th Tactical Marine Fighter Wings. The T.M. Navy sends in the 2nd Carrier Battle group which is equiped with new stealth La Feyette, Visby class, Type 45 Destroyers as well as the New T.M.N.S North Carolina Ford Class CVN-21 Carrier. The T.M.A.F sends 10 Fighter and Attack squadrons, As well as 6 Heavy Bomber Squadrons, one the 55th Tactical Bomber Squadron uses the Tu-120G. The 2nd Vietnam war lasted only 4 months and costed 237 T.M. Lives, the Free Army of North Vietnam lost 1,211, the Communist Army Of South Vietnam lost 85,798 of it's soldiers. The civilian loss of life was 734 total casualties 134 KIA, 600 WIA. Whew.... Sorry for long explanation. Hope ya enjoy that tidbit!
  15. World in Conflict

    Oh yeah definitely getting this game after I upgrade to 1GB of RAM on my Computer! I've been following this game for some time! This is definitely worth the wait!
  16. I've never seen that pattern before from WWI. But I think this is definitely the first Vietnamese skin i've made or even seen for the Phantom. Im thinking about making one for the A-7 probably the same pattern along with a CASV version of the stock WOV aircraft.
  17. Okay Guys here is the Communist Army of South Vietnam's F-4E skin that im workin on for the TC F-4E. Any suggestions that could make it better that arent too complicated. I only have GIMP 2.0 so I am limited at what I can do. This F-4E is used by the Communist Army Of South Vietnams Air Force. These aircraft were left overs from the last Vietnam War. The left over aircraft were fitted with Soviet and Chinese Armament, but still retained their 20mm Gau gatling guns as well as their American Electronics. They were then painted in a similar pattern as some of their MIG-17's. During the second Vietnam war T.M. F-4X Neo Phantom pilots were astounded to see that some of the aircraft that were engaging happened to be the older sibling of their Aircraft. The CASV Air Force had a total of 250 of these aircraft and a total of 234 of these CASV F-4E's were shot down mostly by T.M. Air Force, and T.M. Navy F-4X Neo Phantom's.
  18. Communist South Vietnam F-4E

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    This F-4E is used by the Communist Army Of South Vietnams Air Force. These aircraft were left overs from the last Vietnam War. The left ove aircraft were fitted with Soviet and Chinese Armament, but still retained their 20mm Gau gatling guns as well as their American Electronics. They were then painted in a similar pattern as some of their MIG-17's. During the second Vietnam war T.M. F-4X Neo Phantom pilots were astounded to see that some of the aircraft that were engaging happened to be the older sibling of their Aircraft. The CASV Air Force had a total of 250 of these aircraft a total of 234 of these CASV F-4E's were shot down mostly by T.M. Air Force, and T.M. Navy F-4X Neo Phantom's.
  19. Happy Birthday To....

    Thanks guys! Cant believe Im 19! Last year of high school and civilian life! I go into the Airforce to be in the Security Forces in october!
  20. Top 10 Biggest Dissapointments in 2007 Games

    Soldier Of Fortune: Pay Back is my pick for dissapointment of the year! Ending sucked, framerate was choppy even on my PS3!. And it wasnt produced by Raven Software! Plus I dont think it is even possible to shoot off someones head with a 5.56x45mm M-16A3!
  21. Oh hell yeah! Finnaly a Lancer that we will be able to play with! Cant wait to start making skins for it!
  22. New assault rifle

    I know a couple girls who would love to have that rifle!
  23. Be careful who you point that thing at!

    hahahahaha that was hilarious!
  24. Here is a group shot of two of the Jester squadron These aircraft are the MIG-29E, and F-16A BLK 10 NDC painted in the 25th TTS "Jesters' camo scheme. They use this paint scheme for both their required combat tours, and training scenarios. They are shown here engaging F-4E's of the Communist Army of South Vietnam (CASV). I used the Twisted Cross F-4E's, which I am creating a CASV skin for.
  25. 25th TTS "Jesters" 2

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    These aircraft are the MIG-29E, and F-16A BLK 10 NDC painted in the 25th TTS "Jesters' camo scheme. They use this paint scheme for both combat tours, and training scenarios.

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